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Win My Awards

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Hi everyone I'm Just starting this webpage like all the other pages. And I'm just starting to make these awards so everything should be ready by October, but please send in your form and url etc to win the awards thanks alot.

Award of Power

To win this award you must have...
  • LJ Smith Info

  • Pictures

  • A Strong Message to those who see the page

    Linzy's Award of Excellence

    To get this award you have to have...

  • Info about LJ Smith

  • Pictures

  • Links that work

  • Other LJ Smith pages(exFanfiction,poems...)

    Awsome Award

    You could get this award if...

  • Your webpage is about LJ Smith

  • Have info about LJ Smith

  • Have other stuff on it other than just information on LJ Smith(ex-Poetry,Book cover, Places to buy LJ Smith books etc...)

  • Must have Fan Fiction

  • Links to other LJ Smith Webpages

  • Have been making a difference to all LJ Smith fans

    Award of Beauty

    This picture up top is from Jonathon Earl Bowser (c)

    To in this award your webpage should have...

  • Images

  • links with information or anything on the pages.

  • Can be about anything

  • Beauty in some sort of way

    Magic Award

    Picture by Jonathon Earl Bowser.

    To win this award you must have this stuff on your webpage.

  • Magic

  • Spells, Auras, Herb etc...

  • A good lay out
  • links to other magic places or other webpages.

  • Links

    If the form that you will fill out won't work please email me with this in you email. Email me! and tell

  • Your email

  • Your name

  • Url

  • What award(s) do you wish to win?

  • Why do you deserve to get that award(s)?

    And I Will get back to you as soon as possible about the awards


    Thank you for visiting My Realm

    Your full name:
    Your email address: (e.g.:

    What award do you wish to win?
    What's you Url?
    Why do you think you deserve this award? Stunning, fast, FREE!    
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