Title: Damon’s Secret Author: Kat

E-mail: Kat

Rating: U

Spoilers: VD

Summary: ::giggles insanely:: This is about a little secret that Damon has, and Bonnie finds out... (Very stupid)

Note: This is what happens when your on the net at 2:30 in the AM. ::giggles::


Damon was staying with Stefan and Elena. One day, Bonnie came for a visit. She went up to his room, because... I don’t know, she just went up. Use your imagination. Anyway.

She went to knock on his door, and heard him talking.

"No, let me get that for you," he said. He paused for a second, "Really, Bunny. No, I haven’t heard about Teddy and Dolly."

Bonnie was very confused. Who was Damon talking to? There was no one else in the house, but herself, Elena, and Stefan. Who was Bunny?

"Really Bunny! Would you like some more?" Damon asked.

Bonnie wanted to know what was going on. She opened the door, and saw... Damon having a tea-party with a stuffed Bunny, a Bear, and a Doll. Her mouth fell open.

"Damon? What are you doing?!" She asked, very frightened.

"Hmm? Oh, Bonnie! Would you like some tea?" Damon asked.

"Damon... You’re scaring me," Bonnie said, worriedly.

"Why? What’s wrong?" Damon asked, "Do you see anything wrong, Bunny?" He poured more ‘tea’ for his ‘friends’.




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