Daybreak on Hellmouth

By Rating: PG...for now.

Spoiler:general Night World,Ash, Quinn, Rashel, Gillian and Mary-Lynette are all the wonderful Lisa Jane Smiths. Charcters you don't know are mine And Buffy The Vampire slayer and all her gang (or whatever) belong to Joss.

Summary:Theirry sends a team of Daybreakers down to Sunnydale to see what's going on and are all the rumers he has been hearing true...Hmmmm. I wonder...

Theirry sighed and placed his head in his hands. Where was she? He looked around his large office at all the people lounging around. Ash Redfern had his long legs stretched out before him, arms crossed over his chest, head titled back slightly eyes focused on the roof. He looked totally bored and uninterested. John Quinn was a few feet away leaning against the wall one hand shoved into his jacket pocket. Beside him was Rashel Jordan his soulmate. Her tall slight body was slouched beside him arms crossed over her chest, black hair spilling over her shoulders her green eyes narrowed slightly and last of all was Gillian. She was sitting in a leather chair on the other side of Ash. Her fingers were entwined and her legs crossed over one another she to looked uninterested. Theirry tapped his watch impatiently. Can’t she ever be on time? Out of the corner of his eye he watched Ash lower his head towards the door Theirry too followed his gaze. He could hear the footsteps now, they were soft and in no way in a hurry. He watched the door open and a short girl step in with long black hair neatly braided and dark purple eyes. When she saw Theirry’s face she bit her lower lip.

“Sorry, I’m late…I”

“You forgot” Ash suggested helpfully.

The girl glared at him his face remained expressionless.

Theirry shook his hand. “Forget it Alitia. I want you to meet some people; these are the people you will be working with for a little while. Over here is Gillian Lennex she’s a witch. Beside her is Ash Redfern. Lamia, next is Quinn who’s a vampire and last but not least Rashel Jordan, vampire hunter or better known as the cat”. Theirry watched Alitia’s eyes widen slightly and he continued. “Alitia is Lamia but has Harman blood in her as well, she’s a strong physic and will be your newest member on your team”. Ash raised a hand.

“That’s all very nice but is there a reason why where all here?”

Theirry nodded. “I was getting to that” he paused than looked at the group around him. “I have chosen you five for a reason. There have been some strange rumors about a small town not far from here. You may have heard of some, such as it’s on some sort of Hellmouth and vampires and demons are ever present, some sort of slayer lives there and is trying to keep it under control. I want you five to go down there and report back to me on what you see. I would have sent Keller and her team down but she at the moment is looking for the forth Wild Power as you may have heard. I’m giving you two weeks. Think you’re up to it?”

Alitia crossed her arms over her chest in annoyance. What right did Theirry have to stick her on such a stupid mission she’d much rather be doing something more interesting. She looked around at her companions. Rashel was cool and her eyes were an emerald green like a cat. And her soulmate seemed cold but he too okay, good looking Alitia though. Black hair, black eyes leather jacket a little short though. Gillian was kinda quite with a short blond hair and purple eyes. Ash was another thing all together. He was long and lanky totally gorgeous with a certain ‘bad boy’ air about him. He had ash blond hair and eyes that shifted color all the time, he seemed to be constantly brooding. She reached out to him with her mind and caught a sentence.

‘God, Mare. I wish you were here with me. I miss you so-what the” “Stay out of my mind, Witch” he hissed eyes changing color to a deep blue.

Gillian raised her head and Rashel in the front seat turned slightly around, Quinn who was driving just grinned.

They were in a five seater red convertible on there way to Sunnydale the town Theirry had assigned them to. Alitia had looked it up on the map and it wasn’t even there, some town this was going to be.

She watched Ash out of the corner of her eye, he relaxed slightly and turned his glaring eyes away from her. Alitia shrugged, like she cared what he though of her. In his mind she’d seen a picture of a girl. A very pretty girl, brown hair and blue eyes she was smiling Ash had cut off the connection than. She cut another glance at him he was back to brooding an almost dreamy look on his hansom face. She grinned and he seemed to sense she was looking at him. He turned around to meet her eyes and they turned hard almost straight away. She held up her hands in a sign of peace but his glare didn’t soften, he shook his head slightly than turned away. Alitia dropped her hands to her knees still grinning slightly she pulled out the map from the seat beside her and opened it up, she’d look for Sunnydale again.

Alitia and Ash walked into the school building both had annoyed expressions on their faces of having to work as a two. We really don’t get on Alitia though glancing up at him. He was wearing loose jeans and a tight black shirt a leather jacket had been casually thrown over it he looked dangerously good-looking. Mouths were already dropping open and they’d just walked in the gate. She herself had pulled on a skirt that reached just above the knees and blue shirt with an Iris on the front and a leather jacket. She turned to him.

“We have to find the principals office” he gave a slight shrug as if he couldn’t care less.

“Ask someone” Alitia frowned.

“Why don’t you” she snapped. Ash narrowed his eyes.

“Well why don’t you” they glared at each other before a voice broke in.

“Hi I’m Harmony, you look a little lost, can I show you anywhere you must be new”

Alitia noticed she was staring intensely at Ash, big surprise there. Alitia nodded.

“Hi I’m Michelle and that’s my brother” Alitia pushed her park hair out of her face. “Where looking for the principals office. Where new and-”

Harmony held up a hand. “Follow me, I’ll show you” she turned around and Ash studied her back he turned to Alitia and shrugged.

“Lets just get this over with” without waiting to see if she’d followed he followed the blond through the students. Harmony led them through a long corridor filled with students she led them to a small door against the wall and led them in.

“Okay all you have to do is tell the lady behind the desk your name and she take you to the principal” Harmony smiled and touched Ash on the arm. “I guess I’ll. See you around” Ash flashed her a dazzling smile and Harmony turned and walked out. As soon as walked out the door Alitia whirled on Ash.

“Now why did you go and do that for?” Ash looked confused and he studied her with violet eyes.

“Do what…?” Alitia rolled her eyes.

“Smile at her” he gave a short laugh.

“What was I supposed to do” Alitia shrugged.

“I don’t know. Anything but smile, she’ll be following you like a dog now” Ash frowned and opened his mouth to answer but a voice from behind the desk interrupted.

“What can I do for you” turning around Alitia stared at the lady behind the desk. She had gray hair pulled back tightly in a bun and beady little eyes behind glasses.

“I’m Michelle Jefferson and this is my brother-”

“Christopher’ Ash cut in grinning smugly “We just arrived here, I believe you have our names down already” the women behind the counter seemed to go blank for a minute than she nodded.

“Yes…so you are” Ash sat back and smirked Alitia gritted her teeth.

*That was supposed to be my job* Alitia told him mentally in annoyance Ash didn’t answer but his grin widened.

“I guess you can go in now” the women blinked a couple of times than waved a hand than returned to some paper work, the two already forgotten.

The office was small and neat. A short man in a large leather chair swiveled around as they walked in. He was bald on the top of his head and he had a nasty smile.

“Sit” he ordered they both sat. “Now what did you say your names were” he asked. Alitia answered.

“Michelle and Christopher Jefferson” he nodded studying them both.

“This is a good school, you both look like reasonability good kids…” he studied the leather jackets and short skirt and frowned “I hope…we only have a few rules here. 1) No drugs 2) No smoking 3) No trying to burn down the school 4) only one pair of earrings 5) sensible clothing and 6) No drugs” Alitia frowned.

“Wasn’t that rule number-” he glared at her and she shut-up, Ash beside her looked at the principal like he was crazy.

“I’ll assign someone to show you around’ the principal snapped pressing a button beside him. “Susan. Send up Rosenburge now’ he didn’t wait for an answer just clicked off the connection. Than turned his beady eyes to meet there’s. “So where did you say you were from?” he demanded.

“California” Alitia said and at the same time Ash said “Las Vegas”. The man looked at them for a second in suspicion his eyes narrowing slightly.

“Well we live in Las Vegas but we stayed a few weeks in California before we came here right As-Christopher” he nodded smiling brightly. God he had to be the most moodiest guy she’d ever met, five minutes ago he was brooding now he looks like his going to jump up and do the can can. Alitia thought rolling her eyes, the principal glared at her and she realised she’d rolled her eyes at a question.

“I’m seventeen” Ash was saying “Michelle here is a year younger she’s just turned sixteen” he grinned again and Alitia resisted the urge to slap him. Suddenly the door was fling open and a very flustered red head walked in wearing a old pair of jeans and a fuzzy purple jumper over her arm was a small bag, she looked adoringly babyish.

“You wanted to see me?” she said in a soft voice.

“Arrr…Willow. I’d like you to meet some people. This here is Alitia and her brother Christopher Jefferson, they’ve just moved to Sunnydale and don’t know there way around. You are now their tour guide. Christopher here is the same age, as you and you will show him where his classes are. Just for a day or two till he can get around on his own feet”

Ash groaned and slapped his head in his hands. God this school was boring, right now he was in History and studying William Shakespeare. As soon as he’d walked in the teacher had slapped down a thick book of Romeo and Juliet and had asked him to read it before next week, Christ it took him half a year to read Pride and Prejudice and she’d given him less than seven day to read this novel. Sitting a few seats away was that girl who’d showed them the principles office. The struggled to remember her name, Harmony he though triumphantly. She kept giggling and looking his way sitting beside her was a group of girls who he guessed were her friends.

The red head, which had shown him here, was sitting behind him somewhere with some blond. Alitia had gone the year below him, Ash grinned she hadn’t liked that. She was eighteen the same age as himself and was playing the part as a sixteen-year-old. No she hadn’t liked that one little bit. He wasn’t too sure about her though. She was a strong physic he noticed when she’d probed his mind and when she got angry her dark violet eyes flashed, she was inhumanly beautiful, surprise surprise. But couldn’t hold a candle to my Mary-Lynette he thought proudly. BRRRRRRRRING. The sound jerked him out of thought and the room was in a mad scramble people scooping up books and rushing towards the door to begin lunch. Ash calmly picked up his brand new book and followed the last few people out.

“Hey Christopher wait up” remembering his new name he turned around to see the red head standing behind him. “You want to sit with me and my friends I can introduce you” he shrugged.

“Sure” the girl smiled.

“Great. This is my friend Buffy. Buffy Christopher” and gave her a tight smile and held out a hand.

“Pleased to meet you” she slid her hand into his and smiled.

“Likewise. Well welcome to Sunnydale the ever exciting town where every day is like the last” she rolled her eyes but Ash wasn’t in the mood to crack a smile.

“Christopher! There you are, I was wondering where you went. You want to eat lunch with me and my friends” Ash saw Buffy and Willow exchange glances and he frowned and turned around. Harmony walked up to him and smiled. “I though you were right behind me”.

“Really? Why’d you think that for?” Ash answered dryly. Harmony frowned clearly not expecting an answer like that.

“Anyway” she went on “You want to sit with me?” Ash shifted his book to his other arm and gave a slight shake of his head.

“Not particularly” Ash answered “sitting with Willow” he jerked his head towards the girls behind him and gave Harmony an icy grin. “Maybe another time. And if you don’t mind I’d like to put away my book, your wasting precious time” without waiting for a reply he strolled past her and out the door towards his locker. He heard Buffy behind him mutter to Willow.

“I like him already”

“This is Xander and my boyfriend Oz. Xander. Oz. This is Christopher and Michelle Jefferson, there new here all the way from Las Vegas, so be nice” Willow was saying.

Ash watched Alitia look around at the four people before her. Her eyes were narrowed slightly than she shrugged to herself and smiled at them.

“Didn’t you guys bring any lunch?” Buffy asked sliding in beside Xander.

Ash took a seat opposite her Alitia sat next to Willow. He exchanged glances with Alitia, she raised her eyebrows.

“We were just going to buy it, but we changed our minds when we saw the menu was slop, slop and more slop. Right Chris” Ash nodded keeping his face blank and unreadable.

“Well you can have half my sandwich if you want” she offered.

Ash shook his head, he wasn’t to keen on human foods, but Alitia nodded and took it, she made a face at him, Ash ignored it.

“So what do you people do for fun around here?” he asked. Xander took a bite of his apple and grinned.

“Well there’s the Bronze, that’s cool. Probably nothing like the night clubs in Las Vegas, but you’d be surprised what kind of interesting people show up there right Buffy” she swallowed and glared at Xander.

“What kind of interesting people?” Alitia asked innocently, Ash almost grinned. The girl was smart.

“Well you get-” he paused under Buffy’s glare “different people. I gotta go” with that he picked up his lunch bag and hurried off. Alitia frowned.

“Okay, that was a little rude” she shrugged and bit into the sandwich.

“So what night’s the Bronze on?” Ash asked fixing his eyes at Buffy. She smiled.

“Well it’s on tonight actually” Ash grinned.

“Excellent. You going to be there” Buffy nodded.

“Sure am, so is Willow and Oz maybe Xander, his not sure yet” big loss. Ash thought. He studied Buffy while she talked softly to Willow. There was something about her, something that set her apart from normal humans. She was human, he was sure of that but some sort of strength he couldn’t seem to put his finger on it. He shrugged he’ll. Find out sooner enough.

Mary-Lynette Carter knocked on the large door and waited impatiently. The door finally opened. “It’s about time” she snapped swinging her backpack over her shoulder. She wasn’t in the best of moods. She was tired and weary and hungry from the plane flight and had a touch of jet lag. “Who are you?” the man at the door said. Mary-Lynette glared. “I’m looking for Ash Redfern, Tell him Mary-Lynette is here to see him” The man studied her. “I’m sorry Ash isn’t here at the moment. You’ll. Have to come back another time” he started to close the door and Mary-Lynette kicked it open again. “Don’t you sorry me mister. I’ve came all the way from Blaire Creek to see him and I’m not going away” gritting her teeth she shoved past him and into the marble hall hardly noticing the elegance and huge size of it. Muttering curses under her breath and glaring hatefully at the floor she started to walk away from the man staring shell-shocked after her. Rounding a corner she banged into a tall boy with light brown hair. “Watch it Jerk” she hissed. “Er…sorry. Are you looking for someone?” he asked quite surprised. “Well, I was and it turns out his not even here” Mary-Lynette snapped narrowing her eyes at him. “Can I ask who you were looking for?” Mary-Lynette started to say it was none of his business than though he might know where Ash had vanished. She smiled sweetly and the boy looked quite shocked at her change in personality. “Ash Redfern. Do you know where he went” he grinned suddenly. “He left yesterday. Theirry sent him to Sunnydale with a few others” Mary-Lynette threw her arms up in the air and went off in a string of curses, she’d traveled all this way to surprise him and he wasn’t even here. She kicked the wall in anger but only ended up with a saw foot. “God dam wall” she shouted “its all your fault!” she kicked it again than straightened up breathing deeply. He was watching her with eyes wide expression of shock on his face. “What you looking at!” she snapped he blinked twice and Mary-Lynette resisted the urge to kick him. He cleared his throat.

“Well my name is James” Mary-Lynette narrowed her eyes. “Good for you” she barked. “I’m Ash’s cousin” he continued ignoring her remark “can I ask what your name is?” Mary-Lynette considered it for a second than answered. “I’m Mary-Lynette Carter” “We didn’t find nothing,” Rashel said slumping down on the couch beside Ash. “Nothing, nothing at all” Gillian asked sounding surprised. Quinn shook his head slowly and Ash rolled his eyes. “Oh and how was school” Gillian said turning towards Ash and Alitia. Alitia shrugged, “I got put in the class below Ash, nothing interesting except the principal is obsessed with drugs” she sniggered and glanced at Ash. He had gone into his mood which Alitia now though of a ‘quite brooding’ he raised his eyes to meet Gillian’s purple ones. “It was like watching paint dry,” he said simply crossing his arms over his chest. “He skipped last period and got a detention” Alitia said laughing. Ash frowned. “When was that detention anyway?” he asked. Alitia stared at him. “Today after school…didn’t you go?” he grinned. “Opps”. “Mary-Lynette wouldn’t be to pleased at you doing that,” Quinn said wagging a finger at him. Ash smiled sadly and didn’t reply; a few minutes later he stood up shoving his hands in his pockets. “Seeya later, going back to my room” he snapped his teeth and walked out shutting the door softly behind him. Alitia watched him leave. “Who is this Mary-Lynette anyway” she asked softly “he was thinking about her on the way here?” Gillian clasped her hands in her lap. “She’s his soulmate” she answered Alitia resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “So. Is that why his always so moody” Gillian nodded. “I don’t think his seen her for more than a year, he really misses her” Alitia nodded slightly than said. “Do you have a soulmate?” Gillian smiled brightly.

“Yeah, his back at Theirry’s he’ll be coming down to visit later today or tomorrow depends” Alitia turned to Rashel and Quinn.

“What about you?” Quinn jerked his head towards Rashel.

“Where soulmates and partners right?” she nodded smiling at him. Once more Alitia resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She didn’t believe in this soulmate principal thing any more than she believed in U.F.O’s but didn’t say anything.

Mary-Lynette stepped out of David’s red convertible and into the cool night air. She brushed down her black skirt and looked around her surroundings. She and David had arrived in Sunnydale about half and hour ago, he’d let her borrow his car with a “yes Mam!” Gillian had said Ash had gone to the Bronze with Alitia, Rashel and Quinn, so Mary-Lynette had followed them. Slamming the door behind her she stormed off to the door, music blared and Mary-Lynette walked past the bouncer, he held up his hand to stop her and backed away at Mary-Lynette’s glare.

The humid air greeted her as she shoved through the crowd searching for the blond. Now where is that soulmate of mine, Mary-Lynette wondered standing on her tiptoes trying to look over the heads of all the teens around her, there were lots of blondes around. Nearly every second person was one. Than look for a blond surrounded by a bunch of girls. She told herself, that was the problem with a good-looking boyfriend, they attracted lots of annoying girls. She cracked her knuckles in the palm of her hand, she really wasn’t in the mood for any of them at this moment. Than she saw him. He was sitting on the stool at the bar but what caught her attention was the blond beside him. As she watched the blond laughed and leaned forward kissing him on the cheek soundly. Mary-Lynette felt her eyes narrow. The blond was now touching his hair whispering something in his ear. She was too shocked to see what Ash was doing the image kept repeating in her mind. Than Ash pushed her off him and swung around in his chair eyeing the crowd around him. His eyes met Mary-Lynette’s and they widened in surprise than shock at what he’d realised she’d seen. He jumped off the stool and hurried towards her, Mary-Lynette didn’t wait for him. She turned around and headed towards the door. Ash rolled his eyes. Why didn’t she leave him alone? Didn’t she have a life? He’d already tried to escape her more times than he could count but she still managed to find him. Ash was starting to wonder if she’d wired him. “So anyway Christopher she just copied from my test just like that, without even asking, I mean like how rude is that?” he realised she was waiting for an answer. Maybe if I answer her she’ll leave me alone. “Oh to bad Melody” “Harmony” she corrected frowning. “Right, whatever” Ash replied not really listening. “Thank-you for been such a good listener and so understanding” she said fluttering her eyelashes at him. Maybe she’ll leave now. He turned away expecting her to go. He wasn’t expecting her to kiss him than touch his hair. He had to get away.

“Look Melody, I think your getting the wrong idea. I’ve already got an girlfriend”

“Harmony” she corrected once again. “I don’t mind if you do have a girlfriend” Ash had tuned her out he had just seen what he thought was a dream. Mary-Lynette was standing across the room watching him a look of pain and horror spread across her beautiful face. Oh god, she’s just seen Melody kiss me. Shoving Melody out of his way he jumped off the seat and hurried to her as fast as he could. He watched in dismay as Mary-Lynette turned away and pushed her way through the crowd.

Alitia watched Quinn lead Rashel to the dance floor and start dancing arms wrapped around each other. Ash was somewhere around probably in his brooding stage again. And she was left at the table next to Willow and Buffy. “Why’d ya move here anyway?” Buffy asked pushing her blond hair out of her face. Alitia thought for a second. “Our parents grew up here and decided to move back. I don’t think dad liked the hustle and bustle of Vegas” Buffy nodded. “You and Christopher don’t look at all alike. You’ve got black hair and purple eyes his the opposite” Alitia shrugged. “So” “So why don’t you look alike?” Alitia frowned. “How the hell do I know? We just don’t” she took a sip of her coke. “What was Vegas like?” Willow asked in her soft voice. Alitia smiled. “It is a lot bigger than Sunnydale, lots of nightclubs. Nights the best part” Buffy raised her eyes from stirring her coke. “Why is that?” Alitia stared at her. “Heaps of lights and people are still everywhere it’s just great” Buffy studied her under the flashing lights than went back to her coke, frowning slightly. “What about Christopher?” she asked raising her eyes again. “What about him?” “What does he like to do?” Alitia narrowed her eyes slightly. “I don’t know and frankly I don’t care. I stay out of his business and he stays out of mine” she suddenly grinned “why do you like him?” Buffy looked back down at her drink. “Of course I don’t” Alitia nodded. “Good because his a champion at breaking hearts and besides his already got a girlfriend” Buffy didn’t look too pleased. “He does?” Alitia nodded again. “Yep. Real pretty too, there like this” she held up two fingers. Willow smiled softly. “What about you Alitia. Do you have a boyfriend” she grinned. “You mean boyfriends. It’s plural. And yes I’ve had my fair share” she sniggered slightly and took a sip of the coke before her ignoring the glare Buffy shoot her.

“Mary-Lynette” Ash grabbed her and gently turned her to face him “wait. Please. It wasn’t what you think” Mary-Lynette glared at him. “Well what did you expect me to think Ash. What would you have thought if you saw some beautiful guy kissing me” Ash shook his head. “No, Mare listen. It wasn’t like that” Mary-Lynette folded her arms over her chest. “You know what Ash. I don’t care. You can have any girl you want and play with her any way you feel like. It doesn’t bother me at all”. “Christopher there you are. Do you want to dance?” Mary-Lynette turned to the blond who had spoken and was no clinging onto Ash’s arm. Mary-Lynette slammed her up against the wall. “Don’t touch him bitch! His mine” she hissed in her face. The girl’s eyes opened and Mary-Lynette flung her into the tables sending her sprawling. “See” she said to Ash “It doesn’t bother me at all” pivoting around she hurried out of the club leaving Ash staring after her. Shaking his head he started to follow but a hand clamped on his arm. “Ash, leave her” he turned around to meet the purple eyes of Alitia. “Believe me. Let her cool down a little” Ash frowned. “How would you know how she feels?” he demanded. Alitia laughed. “I just know” she shrugged “trust me” Ash seemed to deflate and he bowed his head. “I wasn’t doing anything, really. I wouldn’t…I wouldn’t hurt her like that” Alitia smiled. “I know Ash and she knows it to. She’s probably just in a bad mood, it happened. Don’t worry, she’ll. Forgive you” giving his arm one last squeeze she turned on him and walked back into the crowd. Ash suddenly didn’t feel like staying here anymore he turned towards the door and stepped out into the cool night air. Mary-Lynette wrapped her arms around herself and shivered. Okay maybe I was been just a little unreasonable, she thought but he shouldn’t have kissed her. But he didn’t actually kiss her, she corrected herself, the girl was one of those annoying types that follow good-looking guys around. She looked to the sky, it was cloudy and gray rain was on its way. Hey that rhymes Mary-Lynette thought dryly giving a small smile to herself. And speaking of way, where the hell am I going? She lowered her head and looked around at her surroundings. A few houses lined the streets and the streetlights were dim, she hadn’t really noticed it before but it was quite dark. A lot darker than she’d realised. At least it fits my mood. Maybe I’ll. Head back to the hotel, I doubt Ash will want me staying in his room after the way I treated him. She thought sadly bowing her head, I’ll. Have to apologies for that, I do trust him. She kicked a stone and heard the grumble from the sky’s she groaned, ‘anything but rain’ she muttered ‘it couldn’t possibly get any worse if it did’ suddenly a hand clamped over her mouth and pulled her roughly into the dark ally lining the streets. ‘I’m afraid it just did’ a voice hissed in her ear.

Angel heard the scream from down the road. He narrowed his eyes and broke into a run ears alert for where the sound had come from. He turned down an alley and came to a halt. A dark haired vampire had a girl up against the wall struggling to hold her there while his mouth was embedded in her neck. Angel morphed into his vamp face and pulled the wooden stake out from under his shirt. The girl was struggling but her struggles where becoming weaker. Flinging the vamp off her he sneaked a glance at her. She had slid down the wall of the alley one hand touching her neck gingerly. The vamp had pulled himself to his feet and was circling Angel wearily. Eyes flashing he leaped for him. Angel easily sidestepped the attack and stepped back fingering the stake pressed in his palm. Shaking his head the vampire wired around silver hungry eyes trained on him. Without wasting a second the vampire had sprung again and Angel had no trouble shoving the stake through his heart. The vampire's eyes opened wide and he turned to dust before his eyes. Angel blinked twice than turned around to look at the girl. She was no longer there. Mary-Lynette ran ignoring the pelting rain. While running she listened for footsteps hoping that that neither of those demon things had followed. What were they anyway? Vampires? He had bitten her neck, drawing out blood but it hurt a lot more than Ash’s bite and it wasn’t healing nearly as fast. Infact it was still bleeding. Running as fast as her body would let her after losing a lot of blood she arrived at the hotel around ten minutes later, feeling dazed and shaky. Like she’s faint any minute. Luckily she was outside the hotel now. Taking a deep breath to stop herself from falling flat on her face she took a shaky step towards the lifts. No one was around so she got to the third floor easily. Shuffling to Gillian’s door she knocked and waited and knocked again. No answer, they weren’t home. Mary-Lynette almost cried with distraught feeling like she would faint any minute she shifted to the door where she’d knocked earlier. Ash’s room. Barely able to raise her fist to knock she waited outside, clothes soaked, shivering and blood running down her neck and staining her shirt. The door opened and Ash stood there in his black jeans and tight blue shirt. His eyes opened with surprise than horror when he looked her over. “I’m sorry Ash. I had no where else to go…” Mary-Lynette stuttered shivering. Ash reached out and touched her cheek gently. “Shit Mare, you’re bleeding,” he said softly. Mary-Lynette looked at his handsome face filled with concern and fainted. Ash caught her. Holding her gently in his arms he carried her to the bed and laid her gently down shutting the door behind him. She looked awful. Her face was pale and waxen, her shirt was stained with blood and her neck had two puncture marks ripped in. Hurrying to the bathroom he filled a small basin with Luke warm water and ran to Gillian’s room and found some bandages and some witchie healing stuff. He mixed it in the water his eyes never leaving Mary-Lynette’s still body. Suddenly she groaned and blinked twice and tried to push herself up. Ash gently pushed her back down while he finished stirring. When he’d finished she pulled her up in a sitting position beside and started cleaning up the mark on her neck. Mary-Lynette took in a shaky breath. “They weren’t human Ash. There faces…were like” she made a gestured with her hands, she looks like she’ll. Break down in hysterically sobs any minute, Ash thought biting his lower lip. “It’s okay love. You can tell me later” he squeezed the washcloth out in the green basin and reached for the bandage. He gently wrapped the white material around her neck and fastened it. She turned to face him blue eyes wide, pupils dilated. “Thanks Ash” she whispered softly “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said I-” Ash placed a finger on her lips silencing her. “Let’s not talk about it now. Let’s just get you cleaned up, okay” he stared at her pointedly and she nodded. “Okay” Ash grinned. “Here’s a T-shirt and a pair of pajama pants of Gillian’s. You change while I clean up this” he pointed to the bowl and scooping it up in his hands he left the room. When he returned Mary-Lynette had changed and was sitting on the end of the bed hands clasped looking less dazed and much cleaner. “How you feeling sweetheart” he asked sitting besides her studding her not so pale face. She shrugged. “Tired, I guess” she muttered eyes trained on her hands. “Ash-I’m…I’m sorry about earlier tonight I know you wouldn’t do anything like that. I was just…mad” she raised her eyes to meet his and Ash realised they were filled with tears. “No, I’m the one who should be sorry Mare” he said pulling her body against hers gently stroking her hair. “Why” she asked, “you didn’t do anything” Ash kissed the top of her head. “I let this happen to you” he whispered. Mary-Lynette’s arms tightened around his waist and she buried her head in his shoulder fighting back tears. Ash realised that his own eyes were full, he quickly blinked back the tears that threatened to spill. “They were ugly Ash. Horrible demon like faces and their teeth were in a different spot than yours. And it hurt” Mary-Lynette said pulling away and staring into his face. Ash frowned and Mary-Lynette continued. “Your teeth are here right” she reached up and gently pushed a finger in his mouth finger rubbing along where his canines were. “His were here” she moved her finger along rubbing back teeth and gazing into his eyes. Removing her finger she said, “It hurt Ash. God it hurt. It wasn’t like yours, this was like…” she thought for a word “more painful. And than this other one came and staked him, he just turned to dust. Poof and he was gone, just like that” her eyes were widening again and her breathing had quickened. Ash pulled her against him again. “You’re okay now Mare. No one will hurt you again. I promise”

Alitia groaned and slammed her hand on her annoying alarm clock that she'd set for 7.30am. School. Pulling herself out of bed she shrugged on some clothes, brushed her hair and teeth and grabbed her backpack. Checking herself in the mirror once more she opened the door to the hallway and stepped out. Gillian had moved out when David had arrived and Alitia now had a room all to herself, which suited her just fine. Waiting outside Ash's door she tapped her watch impatiently, he was always late. She swore he didn't see the day till it was half over. Dumping her bag on the floor she walked angrily to Ash's door and knocked irritably muttering curses under her breath. If the stupid vampire didn't hurry up they were going to be late again. "Ash Redfern get you ass out here now!" she yelled through the door clenching her fists at her side. *What the…* came the sleepy reply "School loser. Or did you forget?" Alitia snapped running a hand through her hair in annoyance. *If you wake her, I'll really hurt you* Ash snapped back suddenly now seeming awake. Alitia frowned. "Wake who? You know I don't want to know" Alitia yelled gritting her teeth. *In fact. I've decided not to go to school today* Ash drawled still talking mentally. "What!" Alitia choked "It's the second day, you can't just decide whether you can go or not. You have to! Theirry assigned us to it. You don't have a choice Redfern" she snarled. *Screw Theirry* was the reply. Alitia nearly screamed in annoyance. This guy was so annoying. "Your impossible Ash, you know that?" Alitia could almost hear him grinning. *I know* he answered smugly. Alitia groaned and slapped a hand on her forehead. Why had she been partnered with a jerk like Ash? Why couldn't she go looking around with Rashel and Quinn? Or even hang around with the witch Gillian. "Ash come on," she asked once again. Listening closely she could hear muffled talking than Ash said. "Okay, I'll come…on one condition" Alitia crossed her arms over her chest. Who did this guy think he was "If Mare can come to" Alitia dropped her arms. Than threw them up in defeat. "I don't care what you do Redfern. I'm leaving now. School starts in 30 minutes and I'm hungry and need to feed. So goodbye" she snarled through gritted teeth. With that she swung her pack on her back and stormed off. Mary-Lynette stared around the busy building with amazement. Sunnydale High was a lot bigger than the school she'd gone to. Glancing up at Ash he had a bored expression on his face and one hand was shoved into his pocket the other holding onto Mary-Lynette's. "You didn't have to come you know" Ash said turning his now sea blue eyes to meet hers. Mary-Lynette shrugged. "Someone had to protect you from all those crazy girls" she answered nudging him with her elbow Ash grinned. "Hey, I can't help it if I'm gorgeous and girls love me" Mary-Lynette laughed. "And obnoxious and annoying" she said stopping him and touching his nose. Ash smirked "But you love me for it" he replied coyly. "Your right I do" Mary-Lynette answered sliding her arms around his waist and into the back pockets of his jeans. Ash leaned forwards placing a soft kiss on her mouth he too slipping his hands in her back pockets. "And your all mine" she muttered when he pulled away from her mouth. Ash snorted and shook his head in amusement. "How's your neck by the way Mare?" Mary-Lynette shrugged while Ash peered at her throat. She'd changed the bandage this morning to a small one that just covered the mark "It's okay I guess. Better than it was last night" Ash nodded than grinned. "You can say that. When I saw your bedraggled broken body outside my door I didn't know what'd happened. Than when you fainted…" he shuddered making a face as he did so. Mary-Lynette laughed and shook her head faintly. "Who was that girl this morning anyway who woke us up?" Ash rolled his eyes and groaned. "Alitia. She's half witch half vampire or something, I don't really remember I wasn't really listening when Theirry was explaining" he shrugged. "When Ash are you ever really listening? You always act like you're half-asleep all the time. You're like a big cat" Ash just grinned. Than another voice broke in. "Hi Christopher how are you this morning" not another one Mary-Lynette thought, how many girls can one guy have attracted to him. But Ash was smiling. "Hey Willow I'm fine and how are you?" Mary-Lynette disentangled herself from Ash arms and turned to face the girl standing behind her. She was small and petite with shoulder length red hair and a friendly smile. "Fine" she turned to Mary-Lynette and smiled holding out a hand. "Hi, you must be new here to. I'm Willow" Mary-Lynette slid her hand into the redheads. "Ma-" "Maddy" Ash cut in throwing a glance at Mary-Lynette. "Her name's Maddy. Right Maddy" Ash continued staring at her pointidly. *I'll explain later* Mary-Lynette stared at him than nodded. "Yep, Maddy. That's me" she smiled at Willow who was watching with a confused smile on her face. She opened her mouth to say something but the bell to first period cut in. "Well, look at the time" Mary-Lynette gushed "we'd really better go to class" Ash nodded and Mary-Lynette grabbed his hand in hers and pulled him off. She would question him as soon as they got out of earshot. "Seeya Willow" she called over her shoulder. The redhead lifted a hand and waved turning around and walking off. "Bring me the amulet" Metallic ordered snapping his fingers impatiently. He held out a hand and the smooth shaped object was placed in it with a silver chain. He studied the red jewel in his hand and smiled, it wasn't a nice smile. He rubbed a thumb over it admiring its beauty…and deadly power. "Not long now. Not long now" he muttered raising his eyes to meet the vampire's before him. "Is everything ready?" he snapped. The vampire nodded looking cautious and uneasy. "Yes sir. All we need is the fifteen humans and the blood moon, that's it" he grinned which looked strange if you thought about it. A man with the face of a demon smiling animal eyes now excited "Tomorrow night it is. That's the night of the blood moon" Metallic nodded slipping the amulet around his neck still holding the jewel between his thumb and forefinger. "Tomorrow night it is than" he said dropping the amulet letting it fall loosely around his neck "and what of the slayer?" he added. The vampire swallowed, "She doesn't know of it. But that goody goody vampire of hers Angel may. After all he would probably guess considering that this has been done before and he was involved. It only happens every one hundred and fifty years it-" he was cut off as Metallic reached out and gripped the vampire by his shirt collar and pulled him towards him. "I don't want anything to go wrong" he snarled "if it does and that slayer is involved. You will take the blame along with every single vampire that lives down here. You understand?" the vampire nodded and Metallic dropped him roughly on the ground. "Good. Now go away" the vampire pulled himself up nodded and hurried out thankfully. Metallic gripped the amulet once again feeling its power through his fingertips. Nothing would go wrong, nothing. He would have control the world in two days, humans would be used as toys and food. Nothing else. Victory was so close he could almost taste it. Buffy Summers groaned and slammed the book shut. "Nothing in here" she said looking up at Willow and Xander with their faces in a book, frowns creasing their foreheads. Xander shut his with a bang. "Nope, nothing here either…" Willow shook her head as well and turned to Giles leaning over the library counter flicking through a thick dusty book, face stern. "We have to keep looking," he said staring at the group before him. Buffy nodded, Giles was right. They had to, the world depended on it. She reluctantly picked up another book from the stack on the table and opened it. It was going to be a long day.

"Maddy…" the teacher was writing busily. She lifted her head again to meet Mary-Lynette's "Maddy who?" "My name is Maddy…" she thought for a surname, it was funny when you couldn't even think of one word, but not in this situation. Ash wasn't been any help, he was staring out the window keeping his eyes away from Mary-Lynette at this point. "Maddy Redfern" as soon as she said it she regretted it. Ash who was sitting beside her raised his eyes and Mary-Lynette shrugged. The whole class of twenty-six had there eyes on her. "Redfern…" the teacher muttered pen moving again. "Okay Maddy you can take your Seat" Mary-Lynette thankfully sat down next to Ash and he grinned at her. "You know Mare" he whispered "I can see you as a Redfern" Mary-Lynette smiled. "That's sweet Ash. But don't get any idea's" he grasped her hand in his smiling evilly. "What type of idea's are you talking about" he whispered leaning forward and softly touching his lips to Mary-Lynette's ear. She shivered at his warm touch as his lips gently moved down from her ear to the corner of her mouth she tilted her head to the side slightly lips inches from his, warm breath mingling, Ash started to close the distance. "Maddy and Christopher. Please save make-out sessions till you get home, than you can do what you want" the teacher's snide voice cut in. Mary-Lynette pulled away in embarrassment, cheeks burning. Students around her were sniggering and whispering to each other. "Oh we will" Ash said lounging back in his chair and returning his gaze back outside. "Christopher. Don't think I didn't notice you weren't at your detention yesterday" Ash blinked "Detention…" the teacher rolled her eyes. "Don't play that innocent act on me mister. You can have a double one tonight in this room straight after school, and if you don't come this time you'll be having them for a month, do I make myself clear. You should think about the consequences before you decide to cut class," she added turning back to the board. Ash made a rude sign behind her back keeping his eyes away from Mary-Lynette. She poked him in the stomach. "You skipped class on your first day at school" Ash cringed. "I didn't mean too, it was an accident" he whispered turning to face her "really it was" "I've found it" Willow exclaimed happily. Buffy raised her eyes from the book in her lap excitedly. She quickly slammed the book on her lap closed and hurried over to the redhead's side, followed closely by Xander and Giles. "Blood amulet" Willow read "On the blood moon" she raised her eyes "which is tonight, tomorrow night" she paused "and was last night" Buffy bit her lip. "And…what is it Will. Does it say?" "The amulet has the power to turn back time. Rewrite things than return to the future" she swallowed and continued "All you have to do is think of the time where you wish to travel to, the place and right it" Buffy felt sweat break out on her forehead, this was worse than she thought. It was worse than any of them thought. "But…" Willow said, "It gets worse. To activate the amulet, you must have the young blood of fifteen people…" she covered her mouth with her hand and gazed up at them from wide eyes. "Fifteen people…" Buffy whispered "young blood" she frowned "that must mean teenagers. And the place where you enough teenagers on one night at the same time" she swallowed looking shocked, this was bad. They all knew it. "The Bronze" they all said in union. Mary-Lynette Carter flopped down on the large double bed and sighed. Ash had reluctantly stayed after school for his double detention. She smiled slightly, he had tried everything to get out of it, but the teacher was like a rock. Refusing to budge no matter how hard he pleaded and whined. Rolling on her stomach she crawled to her bag lying on the floor and unzipped the zipper. Pulling out the book that she had to read for English she opened it to the first page. The teacher had slapped down a thick book of the full version of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. She had to read it before next week. It shouldn't be to hard a task, Shakespeare was a hard person to understand, but Mary-Lynette found it easy when you liked the author and his work. She smiled and opened the book. Ash was always getting himself into some sort of trouble, or rather trouble found him. Sunnydale, Mary-Lynette thought, it was a strange town. She shuddered remembering what happened the night before and gingerly touched her neck. Since when did a town have demon creatures running around biting people's necks? What was this place? Hells neighbor? Sliding off the bed she made her way to the window and slammed it shut, she didn't want any nasty's coming in here. Walking around to the other windows in the small room she checked the locks and made sure they were tight. Satisfied she turned to make her way back to the bed. A knock sounded at the door. Mary-Lynette frowned and walked towards it. She opened it cautiously and peered around. "Hi, it's just me" a voice said. Alitia. Mary-Lynette recognized the girl's voice. She was the one who'd driven her home from school. Pretty girl with long hair, which she had pulled back in a braid and dark purple eyes. Eyes that seemed to notice and take in anything and everything. "Alitia. Hi" Mary-Lynette said pulling the door open wider. Alitia grinned. "Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you want to some meet some people. You've already meet Gillian and David. These are the other two on the mission" Mary-Lynette smiled at the vampire standing outside the door and nodded. Walking out she shut it gently behind her. "Great" Alitia said happily "I know, Quinn is dying to meet you. He's a good friend of Ash's" she smirked. Than turned around beckoning for Mary-Lynette to follow. Alitia led Mary-Lynette, who she now knew was Ash's soulmate to Quinn and Rashel's room, which was slightly bigger than all the others were because it had a tiny lounge room with a few couches and chairs. Ash and Quinn had argued over who got it for ages, till Quinn jumped in and slammed the door on Ash and locking it. "Okay" Alitia turned to Mary-Lynette "there in here" opening the door she walked in, Mary-Lynette following close behind. The door shut behind them. Quinn was lounging in the chair head tilted back and staring at the roof. Rachel raised her cat eyes when they walked in. Quinn lowered his head. "So you're the girl, who stole Ash's heart," he said grinning wickedly. Mary-Lynette looked slightly embarrassed but gave a small short nod. "I'm Rashel" in one fluid motion the black hared vampire hunter got to her feet and walked to Mary-Lynette and held out her hand and shook Mary-Lynette's. She turned around and glared at Quinn. He to stood up and walked over and shook her hand. "Quinn" he walked backwards till he was back on the couch again than grinned "so where's Ash at the moment?" "He's got double detention," Mary-Lynette said studying the black hared vampire before her. Quinn chuckled shaking his head. "Figures. I told him he'd get in trouble for skipping class than refusing to go to detention" he rolled his black eyes in amusement. "Hey guys" the door opened and a small blond haired girl walked in followed closely by David. "Oh, hey Mary-Lynette. How are you?" she asked again. Mary-Lynette shrugged "fine and yourself" Gillian grinned "great" she said enthusiastically "And is there a reason why you feel go ‘great'" Quinn asked dryly eye the two with amusement. Both flushed a shade of red and Quinn grinned. "I knew it. There is always a reason" Rashel beside him elbowed him slyly in the ribs and he shut up, still grinning. "Actually we made a booking at a restaurant tonight" David said slumping in the chair opposite Quinn and Rashel. "Yeah. We got sick of having two minute noodles for breakfast lunch and tea" Gillian commented sliding down next to her soulmate. "Really" Quinn asked no longer sounding very interested. "We booked all of us in for six o'clock. Even those who don't need food" David went on eyeing Quinn and Alitia. "We still need food," Alitia said pulling Mary-Lynette down in the remaining seats "just not the same as humans. We tend to have a fetish for things in a darker shade of colour" Quinn and Alitia exchanged a look. Both grinned. "We'd be very happy if any of you want to play pin-cushion for a moment while where on the topic of food" Quinn muttered slyly eyeing the three humans and witch seated around him. Rashel beside him glared at him. "Ignore him. I'll beat him up later" Quinn lost his smirk and sat very still beside the dark hared vampire slayer hands clasped together. Alitia rolled her eyes and turned to Mary-Lynette. "Those two are always arguing over something or other. I still can't believe there going out" she shook her head and Mary-Lynette grinned at Alitia's sly comment. "I was thinking that we could have a nice dinner than go to the Bronze" Gillian was saying in her chirpy excited voice. Quinn rolled his eyes and Rashel nodded. "That could be fun" "Yeah and when we go to the Bronze, maybe you two can actually have a look around instead of playing tonsil hockey all night" Alitia piped up grinned wickedly at the two on the couch. Quinn turned his black eyes to meet Alitia's and he glared. Rashel ignored the comment all together. "So six" Mary-Lynette asked. "Six" Gillian confirmed nodding her blond head vigorously. Mary-Lynette stood up wiping her hands on her jeans as she did so. "Well, I'd better get going, I have a huge book I have to read before next week" smiling at them all she made her way to the door and stepped out shutting it softly behind her.

When she arrived in her room she kicked off her shoes and sat on the bed and resumed her position with Romeo and Juliet. For been so engrossed in her novel she didn't hear the door open, but heard it slam. Snapping her head up and gave a sigh of relief when she saw Ash trudge in. "It was horrible" he muttered flopping face first on the bed "she made me do math's" Mary-Lynette softly shut her book and stared at her blond soulmate lying at her feet. "She made you do Math's huh?" Ash nodded "You know I never listened in class and now she knows that I can barely add up two and two and she thinks I need special help," he said angrily clenching his fists "and she keeps looking at me in a funny way" he wined "it was awful" Settling her book on the bed beside her she crawled over to Ash and straddled his waist and begin massaging his shoulders. "You're very tense" Mary-Lynette muttered. "So would you be" he answered voice slightly muffled. "Does this feel good?" Mary-Lynette asked leaning forward slightly to see if she could get a glimpse at his face. "Mmmm…would it be easier if I took off my shirt?" Mary-Lynette smiled and leaned back "actually it would be, I was just thinking that" they somehow managed to get his shirt off his body and Mary-Lynette began kneading the tense muscles in his back. "Yeah, this definitely feels good" Ash murmured shifting slightly beneath her. Mary-Lynette didn't answer. Alitia slid in the booth followed by Gillian and David. Rashel and Quinn were already seated. "So what have we discovered exactly" David asked studying the small group of people before. "Something big is going to happen" Rashel said glancing quickly at her soulmate. "Like in what kind of big? Little big or big big" Gillian inquired clasping her hands together on top of the table. "Big big" Rashel continued "where not quite sure what yet, but we over heard a couple of vampires talking about it yesterday. Unfortunately they figured out we were there before we could hear just what" "Vampires? Here? In Sunnydale?" Gillian asked eyes widening. Quinn nodded "Not Night World vampires, a different sort. I'd heard a rumor about them making a comeback but I never really listened to rumors…until now" "How many sorts of vampires can there be?" David muttered. Rashel shrugged "I only thought there was only two kinds as well. Made and lamia, I guess there's three types now" "And speaking of lamia" Quinn said, "where's that annoying Redfern and soulmate?" As if on cue Ash walked in followed by Mary-Lynette. Ash surveyed what was around him his eyes settling on the group and he turned to the darker haired girl behind him and she followed his gaze and smiled. Gillian waved them over and the two pushed themselves through and seated themselves in the two remaining seats. Mary-Lynette smiled at them all looking slightly nervous. "What happened to you neck" Rashel's voice cut in and Alitia watched Mary-Lynette stiffen slightly and slowly raise her hand to touch her neck. She threw a glance in Ash's direction and he gripped her hand under the table. "Vampire" Ash spat his ever-changing eyes narrowing in anger. "You mean you were bitten?" David choked hands clutching the table in shock. ""Na, she got them when she was doing the moonwalk" Ash sneered sarcastically "how else did you think she got them idiot?" David still seemed lost for words and he didn't answer to Ash's harsh comment. "So when did this happen" Rashel asked leaning forward slightly and studied the puncture mark on her neck. Mary-Lynette hesitated "Uh…about two days ago" "And you didn't tell us?" Mary-Lynette shifted uncomfortably "I was planning to-" "You really should have. We could have found out who the jerk was and staked him" "He was" "Was what?" "Staked. The other guy staked him. He turned to dust" "Other guy" Alitia asked suddenly becoming interested "The first one bit me and that this other guy. Vampire as well. Came up and pulled him off me, staked him. He turned to dust" Rashel studied her for another moment than leaned back in the chair. "What happened to the second vampire?" Mary-Lynette looked down "I don't know. I ran away as fast as I could" "You ran away" "What would you have done Rashel" Ash asked his upper lip curving into something like a sneer. "Hey she was just asking" Quinn said defending his soulmate. "Yeah, well maybe she should give Mary-Lynnette a break" the two glared at each other. "Maybe we should just skip dinner and head straight over to the Bronze" Gillian piped up breaking the tension in the air. David nodded agreeing with his witch soulmate. Alitia grinned. "Sounds good to me" "Whatever…" Ash muttered finally tearing his gaze away from Quinn's. "Okay, but just be on the lookout. Something is going to happen but I don't know quite what. Just be careful," Rashel warned shifting her cat green eyes to each of the faces surrounding her. "Watch your backs" she whispered before standing up and making her way out of the small restaurant, followed closely by Quinn. "I don't like it" Rashel was saying. "What's to like" Quinn answered staring around at the busy club. Rashel's eyes narrowed slightly and she shook her head. "Something's bad is going to happen. I can just feel it" Quinn nodded. "I just wish we knew what we were up against. I mean. Only five of us can really fight it. Whatever it is. That is if it does come" "This town is right on the hellmouth. It's riddled with demons of practically every sort, shape and size" "Theirry said something about a slayer, you remember?" "Yeah. The chosen one, she alone will fight the darkness of evil blar, blar, blar. I Haven't seen any traces of any slayer" Quinn snickered at her dry remark. "Or maybe, Theirry was talking bullshit, you know?" Rashel shook her head. "Sorry. No" "Maybe there really isn't any slayer, maybe-" Just than the doors to the night club flew open and a large groups of people stormed in. Well, you couldn't really call them people, their faces were all twistered into the shape of a demon. All of them radiating evil. Minutes Before "No, sweetheart. You hold the cue like this" Ash showed her from across the table demonstrating with his thum and fingers. "And you hit the ball like this" he hit the ball softly and Mary-Lynette watched it knock the red ball into the hole. She frowned. "You make it seem easy" Ash laughed. "I can't believe you have never played pool before. Ever" Mary-Lynette scowled at him. "Well sorry, Mr. I've done everything. Maybe There are no pool tables where I come from" She turned her attention back to the table and the long cue in her hand and focused on the ball. Lining up the cue she counted to three and drew back her elbow and shoved the wooden stick forward to meet the ball. But missed it all together and landed with an "oomph" on the table. Glaring angrily at the white ball she pushed her self back to her feet and raised her eyes to Ash. He was struggling to keep a straight face. She frowned at him when he suddenly burst out laughing. "Sorry, you just looked so funny" he said between laughter. Mary-Lynette's frowned deepened. No girl liked to be told they looked funny, especially by their boyfriend. "Well, I glad you found it amusing, because I sure didn't" She snarled at him, her eyes flashing angrily and clenching the cue in her hand. Ash lost his smile. "Sorry sweety, but it just-" he stopped when Mary-Lynette's glare didn't soften "Here, look I'll show you" he walked around the pool table and stood behind her. Leaning over he grabbed the long stick in his hands. "Now put your hand here, Like that. And your other one here, good" He laid his hands on top of hers and grinned down at her. "Now is this better?" "To you maybe. But your not the one been squashed" she replied. She didn't want to tell him this his body this close made her skin tingle where they touched and her heartbeat quicken. He shrugged. "Yeah. And your completely at my mercy" he smiled sweetly and Mary-Lynette turned her head away from him when he leaned forward to kiss her. "Concentrate on pool, Mister Redfern" She heard him sigh and mutter something under his breath. "Okay, fine. Now aim the cue up, like this. Good. And hit it softly. No need to hit it as hard as you did before, Okay. Not to hard" gently Mary-Lynette pulled the cue back and made contact with the white ball. "orange ball, corner pocket" Ash muttered in her ear, as the orange ball plopped in the hole. She turned away and grinned at him. "I did it, Ash. The ball went in the hole" Ash smiled back. "You sure did Mare" She leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on his lips. "Thanks. I'm sure now I can do it by myself" just to show him she could she brought her elbow back still clutching the cue and felt it ram into something solid, that was than followed by and ‘oopmh" and a few curses. Turning around Mary-Lynette spotted Ash bending over clutching his stomach with both hands. Dropping the cue she bent down beside him and studied him. "Oh, Ash I'm really sorry. I…didn't mean to. It doesn't hurt that much does it?" Ash raised his head and glared. "The cue is wood Mary-Lynette. Of course it hurts" "Sorry. It was an accident really. If it makes you feel any better, I still missed the ball" he raised his head again and studied Mary-Lynette's concerned face. And he felt a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "You missed it again?" She nodded sadly. "I really don't think Pool is my game. I think I'll stay to star-watching" she smiled at him. "Do you forgive me sweetheart?" he nodded, bringing her into a hug. "Of course I do, how can I not?" he leaned forward and brushed his lips against hers. And that was when the screaming started. Buffy was ready before they entered. Beside her were Angel, Xander and Willow. Giles was fingering a stake looking nervously at the large group of vampires standing in the crowded room. Looking around her quickly she saw teenagers running everywhere trying to escape through the back doors. A black hared girl wasn't running anywhere, beside her was an equally dark hared teenager. He of them was holding a very sharp stake and the girl holding a very dangerous looking broken. She was talking very softly to him and he was nodding. Another vampire slayer, Buffy was interested. There hadn't been another slayer since Faith. She shook her head. Don't think about Faith. A small blond girl hurried up to the two slayers and began chanting something. Light began to glow in her hands and she focused her gaze on the vampires. Witch, Buffy thought. This was new. Another girl hurried up. Michelle. Buffy recognized her from school. She was looking at the vampires and her voice could be heard over the rapidly clearing room. "Eww. How gross. Someone hand me a stake, quickly" Buffy shook her head. Something just wasn't right about those people. She'd think about them later. She took a deep breath and prepared to fight. "His obviously the leader" Rashel muttered to Quinn shifting the broken forwards and backwards between her hands. Quinn nodded and turned to Alitia and Gillian. "Okay, you know what to do. Gillian you do some damage with" he nodded at the glow in her hands and she grinned. "Witch light. Winnie taught me" she grinned. "Alitia. You can fight. Knock as many of them out as possible" Alitia nodded but stared at him curiously. "No offence guys. But this you don't really seem to know what you're doing. Do you actually have a plan to run by? What are we after?" she raised an eyebrow skeptically. Quinn ignored her comment. He couldn't answer any of her questions. "Where's Ash when you need him?" "Here I am" he sidled up beside them "had a little sorting out to do" he looked slightly unhappy. Than he focused on the vampires. He made a face. "Okay what's the plan?" Quinn glared at him and before he could answer a blond agile figure leaped out and snapped kicked a vampire under the chin than impaled him with a stake. The girl turned around and staked another without taking a breath. Beside Quinn, Alitia said. "Buffy?"

Rashel's foot made contact with the vampire's chin and she staked him through the heart. To her amazement he rolled his eyes than turned to dust. "Hey, your good" the blond from earlier before said as she kicked a small dark haired vampire in the stomach than placing a wooden stake in his chest. No emotion showed as he turned to dust before her eyes. "Thanks, your not bad yourself" Rashel answered "So where ya from?" she asked again. "Boston" "Boston? You do martial arts? Wait dumb question" she made a short sound that could be connected with a laugh "I'm Buffy" as she spoke she staked another. "Rashel" "Hey, this isn't a social advent" a body connected with the floor with another on top of it. Ash seemed to have dropped his stake somewhere and was frantically trying to protect his throat from the pawing vampire on top of him. Leaning over Rashel slammed a stake through the vampires back and to his undead heart. Ash was left staring at nothing. He frowned. Than seeing Rashel and the nasty looking stake he grinned. "Hey, thanks" he stood up "should I give you a thank-kiss" he smirked playfully. Rashel sneered. "You pay Mary-Lynnette to do that for you. Like any sane girl would seriously want to kiss you. Oh, by the way this is Buffy" she nodded her head towards her. Ash brushed himself down. Seeming oblivious to the fighting around him. "Yes, we've had the pleasure of meeting" he flashed his charming smile and was rewarded by a narrowing of suspicious eyes. "What are we looking for exactly?" Rashel asked staking another than turning to Buffy. "See the amulet around that tall guy up there" she paused and exterminated another "we want the amulet. If you live through this I'll tell you why" Rashel turned to face the tall man with the Metallic red hair and cold blue eyes watching the fight with distaste and annoyance. The amulet was blood red and power practically radiated from it. It was attached to a silver chain. As she stared the cold blue eyes turned to meet hers and his upper lip curled than his eyes shifted to Buffy and they narrowed with hatred and he snapped something to the man beside him. The vampire eyes looked at them as well and he nodded and hurried off. Buffy beside her was rubbing her hands together. "Oh, goody. This is going to get much more exciting" she turned to Rashel "you should leave now. Thanks for helping" Rashel glared. "No. You're the one who should leave. I've been doing this all my life" "This is my job. This is all I can do, This is what I do. I slay" Buffy snapped. Rashel's eyes narrowed. "Well join the club. You think this is bad, you should try destroying a whole enclave. This is baby stuff compared to that" "Have you met the master?" Buffy answered her voice just as hard. "Maybe both of you should just shut-up. You're both acting like little kids" the two girls turned to glare at Ash. He raised his brows. "Okay, I'll leave right now" before he could leave another voice cut in. It was twice as hard and twice as cold. "So the slayer, I had a feeling you'd be here tonight. You always seem to be around when your not wanted" he was better looking up close. His eyes were frosty and his hair a metallic red. Definitely not human. Rashel clenched her jaw. "Well, surprise. Sorry to ruin you carefully thought up plan" Buffy remarked sarcastically glaring at him. He didn't answer but continued staring at her through angry eyes. "You're a lot smaller than I thought. Wouldn't have thought you could have been the chosen one. Pity you have to die at such a young age" he frowned and opened his mouth to say something else. But Buffy's foot connected with his chin and he stumbled back. Regaining his balance quickly his eyes flashed. He moved quickly and his fist connected with the blond girls cheek she was flung into the nearby wall than swiftly she stood back up. Without thinking Rashel swung her brokken under his feet sending the tall vampire stumbling. He turned to glare at her but Rashel's foot connected with his cheekbone sending him stumbling again. He ducked from her next kick and circled the two slayers cautiously. Than he narrowed his eyes. "Two against one. Not fair" he smiled coldly "I'll be back" than he just vanished. Poof, he was gone and Rashel and Buffy were left glaring at nothing. The rest of the vampires cleared out as soon as their master disappeared. The two girls faced each other. "Weird" Rashel muttered "I've seen weirder" Buffy answered. Rashel threw her a look and gave a short smile. Buffy smiled back. "Thanks" "For what?" "Helping me back there it's-" Rashel cut her off. "It was nothing. Lets just see if everyone is okay" Buffy nodded and followed the black haired slayer towards a dark hared man standing in the middle of a dance floor with minutes earlier was packed with teenagers. Christopher was there as well talking to him nursing an arm. "Rashel" the darker one said. He pulled her in and gave her a quick hug. "Quinn, this is Buffy. Buffy, Quinn" Rashel introduced "And I guess you've already met Ash" Buffy nodded at Quinn and frowned at Christopher or was it Ash? "Ash?" she studied him but he seemed preoccupied, looking around for something. Before he could answer a scream cut through the air. The four of them hurried over to Gillian. The one who'd screamed. She was standing over a still body a hand covering her mouth and tears sliding down her face. "What happened Gill?" Alitia asked kneeling beside her and stared down at the familiar body "Oh" "I don't know. I just found him here. He has a huge bump on his head and won't wake up" Alitia pressed her two fingers against David's throat. "He's breathing, he's just unconscious. He'll wake up soon" as she said that. David groaned and pushed himself up into a sitting position. Gillian gave a short scream and hugged him. "What happened? I thought you were dead. I was so worried" David ignored her and focused his eyes on Ash. "I tried to stop them. They shoved me into a wall and took her. I'm so sorry, I tried, I really did" Ash had gone a deathly pale. "They took who?" "I tried to stop them. But I was caught off guard I-" before any of them could stop him he slammed David against the wall. "Where did they take her?" he snarled. When David shook his head. Ash slammed his again. "You stupid pathetic human. Tell me!" "Ash stop it. Get off him. Leave him alone" Gillian cried shrilly. She slammed her little body against him and with Quinn's help dragged him off David. Ash no longer struggled, but seemed to go limp. "I shouldn't have left her. It's all my fault" to everyone's horror a single tear ran down his cheek. No one had seen Ash cry. Ever. Gillian anger left her at the sight of her friend so upset. She stood beside him and hugged him. Ash hugged her tightly back, glad for the comfort. "We'll find her Ash. I promise" Gillian said as she stepped out of the embrace. Ash's eyes had now narrowed to determined angry slits. "We can help you" a voice said. The group turned around to see a man wearing brown and glasses. Beside him was a short red head and another dark haired boy. Buffy was watching stared at him with sympathy. "I can guess where they went" the man said again "but we can't just rush in. We'll go back to the library and discuss it there" She woke up cold, wet and miserable. He ankle was killing and she felt a mess. Mary-Lynette Carter looked around at the other people surrounding her. They were all girls, one with straight blond hair that fell to shoulder length was sitting and staring at the prison that enclosed them. Prison where was she? Pushing herself up into a sitting position and looked around. And didn't like what she saw. Three bodies were lying still on the floor, and another beside her. "You okay?" Mary-Lynnette jumped at the voice. She turned to face a girl who looked no older than fourteen staring at her concernedly. "They threw you in pretty roughly" she had a hint of an accent in which Mary-Lynnette couldn't pick where from. "Yeah" Mary-Lynnette ran a hand threw her hair "I think I'm okay. It's just my ankle that hurts" the girl's eyes dropped to Mary-Lynnette's swollen foot. "Ouch" she muttered "I'm Colette" "Mary-Lynnette. Where are we?" Colette shrugged "Don't know. Underground somewhere I think. I was brought in yesterday. Me and this other girl, but they took her. You were unconscious when they brought you in around an hour ago" "I was at the Bronze. All I remember was standing with David than someone grabbed me and than everything went black. That's all I can remember" she frowned "you think there's someway out of here?" Colette shook her head. "I been looking for ages, there's not even any light from outside, only candles" she shook her head, her light brown hair shaking and falling over her face, she pushed it away hurriedly. "they were saying something about an amulet of something, I was sort of out of it when they were speaking" Mary-Lynnette had gone a deathly pale. Amulet. Oh, shit. They needed fifteen girls and they already had nine. Tomorrow was the last blood moon and the vampires were determined to do it this time. She turned to Colette. "We have to get out of here" "I still don't get why where in a library if Mary-Lynnette's obviously not here" Ash cried exasperated. Buffy gritted her teeth, they had only explained why, twenty times! "Because" she said slowly "we are figuring out all the places where she and the others might be. Believe me, we'll find her" Ash still didn't look satisfied and his frown deepened. "And even if we don't it's not like it's the end of the world or anything" Cordelia said brightly in her ever chirpy voice. Ash's upper lip curled into a sneer and he turned to face her, a small growl escaped his lips, and he took a step towards her, hands clenched at his side. "I don't think you should have said that" Xander muttered. "Okay, Ash. Back off, Cordelia didn't mean it, she often says things she doesn't mean" Giles said hurriedly "We won't find Mary-Lynnette sorting things out in violence" Ash seemed to think about this than nodded. Cordelia frowned. "But it doesn't mat-" "Cordelia. Shut-Up" Buffy warned glaring at the cheerleader. Cordelia shrugged. "K, whatever" rolling her eyes she turned away. "The sewers are always a favorite spot. It's dark and useful for the vampires" Giles was continued explaining "that could be one place to look" he frowned over the old map "and the old warehouse" he added. "He growled" Xander suddenly said "he actually growled at Cordelia" Buffy rolled her eyes. "Who growled?" Xander pointed at Ash. "He did. He growled. Normal people don't go around growling at you. That's something animals do. I thought something was strange about him, I mean his just…to…unnatural" Ash's eyes narrowed and he glared at Xander. "Your saying, I'm unnatural?" Ash demanded his face clouding over with anger. Xander paled. "Yes. I mean no. I mean…" he threw his hands up in the air "well just look at him" everyone in the room did. Willow speaking for the first time shrugged "yeah, his cute. So what" "He walks like one of them, he doesn't even make a noise" frowning he turned to Quinn and Alitia "than again neither do you" he studied Rashel "she doesn't make a noise either, but she's different. She's more…human" "They can't be vampires Xander. We've seen them in the sunlight. They were at school remember" Cordelia pointed out holding out a hand and inspecting her long perfect nails. "Your not vampires are you. You don't turn all ugly do you" Willow asked narrowing her eyes. Quinn shook his head "No we don't turn ugly. But-" "See than. Stop arguing, lets just find all the places where they could be" Giles said speaking over Quinn, who just shrugged at Rashel. "Okay. Rashel and Quinn, you take the old warehouse. Alitia and Xander take the above ground, looking for people who might have seen where they went. Willow, Gillian and David stay here and search the net, to find out more about this amulet thing. Giles, you and Cordelia look through books. And that leaves Ash and I. Everyone okay with that?" Buffy asked. "No" David said "I want to go with you and Ash" Buffy frowned. "Where taking the sewers. No offence, but you can't really fight, you might get in the way if something comes up" David shook his head. "No, it was my fault that Mary-Lynnette was taken. I'll help you and Ash, whether you like it or not" he nodded as if convincing himself. "Dave, you sure about this?" the hand on his arms was Gillian's she was watching him concernedly. He nodded, than turned to Ash. "That is if you'd have me" Ash studied him for a moment. Than nodded, turning around he motioned with a hand. "Well than lets get going" The sewer was damp, dark and smelly. Ash Redfern screwed up his nose as he jumped down the iron ladder and landed gracefully on his feet. He hoped his Mary-Lynnette wasn't stuck in here. Every sense of his was acute and aware of everything around him. His eyes adjusted quickly and he started walking down the watery tunnel. He grinned slightly when he remembered his childhood years of playing in the sewers with his friends looking through grates and up pretty girls dres- "You know it would have been nice to wait" Buffy called out behind him cutting off his trail of thoughts. He gritted his teeth and turned around. He'd forgotten they were with him. David was just climbing down the last rung of the ladder and he stood down there beside Buffy. Ash waited a few second than shrugged, turned around and continued walking. He didn't particularly like working with people he didn't really know, or didn't even try to know, especially humans. Buffy seemed okay, she wasn't airheaded like most human girls, every now and than you came across one that was smart, pretty and fun to be around. Just like my Mary-Lynnette, Ash thought proudly allowing a small smile appear on his face. "Thinking of happier times Ash" Buffy asked. Ash hadn't even realised she was beside him. He turned and glared at her. She ignored it and for the first time Ash noticed that she didn't make a noise when she walked, the only noise was David as he tried to walk silently. "You never told me why you changed your name to Christopher. Why did you do it? I never really got the chance to ask you" Ash frowned as if trying to remember what she was talking about than he nodded. "Cause we were told to" "Yeah but why? Why didn't you just use your real name? Ash. What's so weird about that?" Ash answered with a shrug. He knew he was been annoying and rude but at the moment he couldn't really care. "Quinn was saying something about some guy called Theirry. Do you know him. "Yeah" he answered dryly staring straight ahead. "Well who is he?" Buffy asked again fingering the stake she held in her hands. "Lord of the Night World" Ash answered again. "Lord of the what? What's that?" Ash gritted his teeth and turned to face her. "Look, what's with the twenty questions? Can't you see I'm not in the mood for talking, especially about Theirry" he snapped. Buffy pursed her lips. "Okay so you don't want to talk, that's fine with me. I'll talk to David" "What's the Night World?" she asked sneaking a satisfied glance at Ash. David frowned and ran a hand through his hair. "Umm. Well. I think it would be better if Ash told you. He know more about it" Ash glared. "I can't tell you, it's against the rules. And even if I could I wouldn't" Buffy rolled her eyes "okay, fine. Be rude I don't care. Infact I'm glad that-" "Don't make me mad ditz" Ash snarled cutting her off in mid sentence. "Ditz, your calling me a ditz? I'm not the one who sleeps with half the female population than leaves the morning after, sleaze" "Slut" "Bastard" "Bitch" "Wanker" "Whore" "User" "Prostitute" "Ugly blond-" "Can you guys stop arguing for five minutes at least, your giving me a headache" David cut in sounding very annoyed and frustrated. Ash shot one more glare at the blond slayer than reluctlly shut-up. Buffy pursed her lips and she too didn't say anything else. "And besides I don't sleep with half the female population. I haven't anyway since-" he frowned thinking for a minute "two years I think. Since I met my Mary-Lynnette" Buffy shot him a filthy look but Ash ignored it. "Your Mary-Lynnette. She's not yours you know, she does have her own life, she doesn't live for you" Ash nodded "I know, but she's mine and I'm hers" he suddenly grinned "it works when we are alone, she can do very interesting things with her hands, I never knew anyone could-" "Okay Ash, you don't have tell me all about your relationship with Mary-Lynnette, spare us the details" Ash shrugged. "I was trying to be nice" he looked at her darkly. "Your nicer when your mouth is shut" Buffy continued. Ash smirked. "Mary-Lynnette likes my mouth" Buffy gritted her teeth than opened her mouth to snarl something back at him when she realized he liked her frustration and anger, Instead she shut her mouth and kept the thoughts to herself. Staring into his ever changing eyes she realised that he was more worried about Mary-Lynnette than he was letting on, his hair was tousled from having a hand ran through it to many times and his eyes were worried. All the arguing he was doing was to try to stop him thinking about what could be happening to his girlfriend at the same time. At this moment Buffy realised, he blamed himself.

"Next time that Gary guy comes in to check on us. Belinda I want you to convince him that Carrie is really hurt, like really hurt. They want us in good condition for the ceremony. When he comes in, Kassandra, Colette, Rachel and Aimee. I want you to grab him and try to bring him down. Sarah you run past and grab the rope out there and we'll tie him up. I'll explain the rest later. Okay" Mary-Lynnette studied the small group of nine girls around her. They had all woken up and were watching her all nodding and agreeing with her plan. Mary-Lynnette cursed her sprained ankle. And bit her lower lip. She had to get the rest of the girls out. She wasn't sure if her plan would work but it was all she could think of. She ran a hand through her hair and her mind drifted to Ash. She hoped he was okay, not killed by one of those ugly vampires. He was the main reason that kept her thinking straight and not burying her head in her hands and crying. She wasn't the crying type thought, but at the moment everything was hopeless. She didn't even know the way out. "Someone's coming" Belinda the short redhead said turning her pale green eyes to meet Mary-Lynnette's. Mary-Lynnette nodded than a man walked around the corner his eyes staring straight ahead at the girls locked up in the small cell. He grinned. And looked them over one by one. Mary-Lynnette shivered at his cold glare. "Please, help. Carrie, she's really hurt. I think she's passed out or something" Belinda cried out raising her head her red curls bouncing around her face. The vampire which the girls knew as Gary. Stared at Belinda looking at him with pleading eyes and ignored the cry. "oh, god do something. Please someone, anyone" Gary walked over to the gate and peered in. Carrie was pale and her black hair was dark against the tiled wet floor of the cell. He frowned. And hesitated, not sure what to do. He pulled the keys out of his pocket, and looked around. Belinda started crying. "What if she dies? What will happen then?" Mary-Lynnette grinned in spite of the situation. Belinda was really doing very well, she almost had him convinced. Gary hesitated once more. "She's not breathing. She's not breathing. Ohmygosh she's going to die" Gary fitted the key in the lock and pushed open the gate. It opened with a squeaking sound and he hurried over to Carrie lying on the ground. He was surprised to find her chest rising softly. But even more surprised when a fist came out of nowhere and sent him sprawling. With a growl he sprung to his feet but was knocked back over by Carrie than Sarah handed them the rope and the nine girls managed to tie up the vampire. Mary-Lynnette stood up slowly. "That was great guys. Well done" she glanced down at Gary struggling with the knots and hurridly walked out of the cell. Slamming the door behind her and the others. "We've looked absolutely everywhere and we still can't find them" Alitia muttered slumping down in the chair. She stared at Xander, who was sitting on the desk swinging his legs and frowning. Gillian, Willow and Cordelia were seated around the table either picking at nails or flipping through books that had already been searched from cover to cover more than once. Giles was outback searching through some old book and Buffy, David and Ash still weren't back. The library doors swung open and Quinn, Rashel, Buffy and David all walked in. "Where's Ash?" Gillian asked looking up from the book. Buffy chewed her lower lip. "We searched every part of the sewers for hours. He still wanted to keep looking" Alitia looked pained. "God. Poor Ash. He really must be worried about her" Willow said sadly. Buffy nodded. "He sort of went all silent, than stormed off after we suggested maybe it was time we should head back. He muttered something about stupid vermin, been hungry and he was going to keep searching, and we could all drop dead for all he could care" she stared suspiciously at the group of people around her and frowned. "What type of normal person. Call humans vermin? Can disappear just like" she clicked her fingers "walks so silently you wouldn't even know he was there, has shifting eyes". Her blue eyes narrowed "All right. What exactly are you people? I know Gillian and Alitia are witches. So what? So.'s Willow. But there is something different about you and Ash" she pointed to Quinn" there was deadly silence in the room than Gillian sighed. "Okay, I think it's time we told them" Quinn seemed to think about it than gave a short nod. Rashel beside him shifted her feet. She didn't look to pleased. "Okay" Gillian began "David, Mary-Lynnette and Rashel are human. I'm a witch. Alitia is half witch…half vampire. Quinn is a made vampire and Ash is a lamia" Giles who had walked into the room sat down very suddenly. "But. You can't be. You were in the sunlight" "What's a lamia?" Willow asked. "Lamia. Born vampire. Both parents were vampires. Ash is a Redfern. The most powerful and feared family of the whole Night World" Rashel said clearly. "Night World?" "A secret society of Vampires, werewolves, witches, shape-shifters. Whatever. No human knows it exists, except the Daybreak humans and the one's who have a Night World soulmate. Like Rashel and Quinn. David and I, Ash and Mary-Lynnette. That's why his so worried, she's like his other half. He was so ruthless before he met her. He was one of those people who any slayer would want to stake. Ash changed when he met Mary-Lynnette. She's the world to him. You just have to look in his eyes. Not all Night People are bad though, so don't get the wrong idea or anything" "More than you think" Quinn muttered softly staring with black eyes at the people around him. "Take John Quinn for example" Gillian continued "he was worse than Ash. They were sort of buddies before Mary-Lynnette came into Ash's life and Rashel into Quinn's. He was a vampire that all vampires feared and all slayers loathed-" "I am standing right here you know Gillian" Quinn said coldly "Sorry Quinn. Sunlight, crosses, holy water doesn't affect Night World vampires. Not much does, except a stake through the heart, fire and decapitation" she made a face "Shifters need silver to kill them and witches are killed by iron. Those things only" Buffy groaned and turned to Xander "Okay, say it. I know you are longing to" he nodded to Buffy. "Thank-you. Willow, Giles, Buffy, Cordelia I really hate to say this but. I told you so" The group stared at him and he hurridly looked away. "What's a Daybreakers?" Giles asked. Gillian smiled "Sit down, we have a lot of explaining to do. Mary-Lynnette hurried along as fast as she could down the tunnel. Behind her was Carrie, Belinda, Kassandra and Colette. The rest had gone the other direction, since there was two tunnels leading both ways. They had decided to split up. Which now to Mary-Lynnette seemed like a very bad idea considering the vampires which were probably already on there trail once they noticed that the main ingredient of the spell had walked away. Holding a single candle she stopped at a intersection where two tunnels led in two different directions. "What do we do now?" Kassandra asked pushing her red hair out of her face. "We split up" Belinda said a matter of factly "it would be harder for the vamps to follow" Mary-Lynnette shook her head. "I think it would be better if we stayed together" Colette shook her head. "No, splitting up is better. They won't find us as easily" Mary-Lynnette frowned "No, I don't think-" "Your out voted Mary-Lynnette. Carrie and I will take this path and you three take the other" Kassandra stated glancing down the dark path that they were going to descend on. Mary-Lynnette opened her mouth to protest, than nodded. "Okay, fine. But I'll just slow you down. You don't have to wait for me" she raised her eyes to Colette and Belinda. "Don't be stupid Mary. We will not leave you. Right Belinda?" the other girl nodded but Mary-Lynnette noticed she seemed to be seriously considering her request. "We are wasting precious time standing around arguing. Every second counts" Kassandra snapped looking down the tunnel they had just came from. "Okay. We'll see you outside" Colette said. Kassandra shot her a look. "I hope so" than she and Carrie disappeared down the tunnel the candle light flickering against the wooden walls of the tunnel. Funny, she hadn't noticed before that they were wooden. She guessed that this was man made, not by vampires. "Come on. Lets go. We'll race them outside" Mary-Lynnette shook her head as she followed the two girls down the tunnel.

Ash ran a hand through his hair as he sat down on the park bench and buried his face in his hands. He'd looked all day and he hadn't even had a single clue where she could have gone to. The sun had set and had left a eerie glow over the town. The pains in his stomach were getting worse, but he didn't think he had the energy to find food. He leaned back on the hard wooden bench. He had looked every where he could think of in this bloody town. He hadn't even found a trace. Everyone person in it seemed to be denial about the strange happenings that occurred in Sunnydale. "Well, well, well. What have we here? A human in the park. All alone? No one to hear you scream?" Ash raised his eyes to see a man dressed entirely in black with shockingly cold blue eyes and bleached blond hair. "Piss off" Ash snapped narrowing his eyes. "Feisty aren't we?" the rich British voice said again, walking before Ash. "Pity that I have to kill you" with that the man lunged for his throat and Ash fell to the ground in surprise. His surprise than turned to anger when he realised that the blond guy was trying to bite his throat. "You people are all so weird" Ash yelled as he flung the man off him. The guy seemed surprised at his strength. And Ash turned to face him eyes blazing with anger. He wasn't in the mood for a fight but this guy had made him mad. Than he noticed his face. It was like the guys from the night before at the club. With an enraged growl he flung himself at the guy slamming a fist into his stomach than punching him in the face. Throwing him on the ground Ash pinned him. "Where is she!?" he yelled. The bleach guy shrugged looking slightly amused. "Where's who?" "Mary-Lynnette. Where is she?" once again the guy shrugged. "How would I know. I not in the habit of taking girls" he frowned "at least not for a while" Ash lost it. His canines extended and his eyes became savage and he looked at the guy with scorching hatred. He punched him in the stomach than in the face. The bleach guy didn't seem to like it and within seconds both vampires were having a full blown fist fight. It ended up with hands around each other's throat. Ash breathing heavily a trickle of blood running down the side of his cheek. Bleach didn't look much better, his eye was starting to swell slightly and his jaw felt numb. They both stared at each other with loathing and were both strongly wishing each other were dead. "Who are you?" bleach asked his eyes studying Ash's face. Ash stared for a second. "Ash Redfern. Who are you?" "Spike" Ash sniggered. "What kind of name is Spike?" "What kind of name is Ash?" hands around each others throat tightened slightly. "Just for the conversational sake of it. Who is this Mary-Lynnette you were winging about before?" "She was taken last night at that dingy nightclub but some vampires who are going to wish very soon that they hadn't" "I'm guessing she was your girlfriend?" Ash gave a slight nod and Spike continued "I had a girl once. I was crazy about her, than I caught her with some bloody fungus demon" Ash nodded despite the hands around his throat. "Life is unfair sometimes huh?" Spike nodded and released the grip from around Ash's throat. Ash did the same and watched as Spike went and sat down on the bench where moments before Ash was. He looked up and met Ash's eyes. "You know. I like you kid" Ash sat down beside Spike. "I'm hardly a kid any more. I turned nineteen a couple of months ago, not that your much older" Ash muttered a tad sourly. Spike snorted. "Try a couple of centuries" Ash shrugged and leaned against the wooden bench. He raised a hand to the cut on his head. It had nearly healed the skin had covered the small cut. "Sorry about that" Spike said nodding to the cut on Ash's head. "It's fine. You don't have any idea where she might be do you?" Spike frowned "Who?" Ash glared and Spike nodded "Oh, right. Bernadette" "Mary-Lynnette" Ash snared his upper lip curling into a sneer. "Mary-Lynnette" Spike corrected himself "no need to burst a blood vessel. I don't think so. But I did here rumors" "What kind of rumors?" "Someone had the blood amulet. Taken human girls. Slutty the slayer was angry" "Metallic" Ash said "You know him?" Spike snorted. "Ass hole. Jerk thinks he knows everything. Is he responsible for this?" Ash nodded Spike continued "He can't tell his butt from his face, I don't know how he got the amulet" "So you don't like him?" Ash asked again standing up and pacing before Spike. "Like him? Someone hand he a stake and I'll-" "Could you help me find him? Where his taken my Mary-Lynnette?" Ash hated begging for help but this guy seemed to be his only help. Spike stood up. "You really love her don't you?" Ash looked away "okay I'll help. But I'm not doing this to be nice okay. I'm doing this to help myself and kill that jerk Metallic who should have been drowned at birth" he nodded convincing himself. "But first I have to feed. Can't fight on an empty stomach" they both started walked out of the park. "But the way" Spike said "I forget to ask. What kind of vampire are you?" "Lamia" Spike nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, I've heard of them. Your guys got it lucky. Not to worry about Sunlight, no fear of crosses. Not bloody slayer everywhere you turn" he added bitterly. Ash shrugged. "We have our slayers" Spike raised his brows. "Well. We'll meet back at the seat in the park in an half an hour. Than I'll help you" Ash nodded. And both started heading in different directions. Ash stopped and turned around and stared walking backwards. "Be quick we only have an till midnight" "We'll find your Cinderella. Don't you worry" Spike called back, without turning around. Ash let a small smile appear on his mouth. Things were looking up. Spike pulled out a cigarette and lit it up. He raised his eyes to his blond friend pacing before him. And rolled his eyes. Taking a puff he held out the packet to Ash and the Lamia took one, placing it in his mouth, Spike flicked the lighter and lit it. Ash inhaled the smoke and finally stopped pacing. Should have offered him one earlier, Spike mussed. Ash took it out of his mouth and held it between his fingers. Here we go again. Spike though. "Where else could she be?" Ash asked speaking more to himself than to Spike. He raised the smoke to his lips again and came and sat on the car beside Spike. Spike shrugged and crossed his legs over. "Fuck this stupid town. Should never have came here, bloody Theirry. Should do his own fucking jobs himself. If I don't find her, his going to have hell to pay. And so is that fucking human who lost her in the first place" Spike watched Ash grit his teeth. He was glad he wasn't any of them two guys, Ash seemed like the kinda guy who stuck to his word. Pushing himself off the car Ash dropped his finished smoke and stomped it out. He reached for another. He opened his mouth to continue talking instead Ash just stared. The sky was filled with a red glow. Fire. and Spike turned around. The old mines. He slapped his head, he'd forgotten about that place. It would have been the perfect place to hold people. There were cells which the miners would keep there coal in. He turned to Ash. "I know where she is" Mary-Lynnette was running. She and the other two in front of her knew that two vampires were close behind them, she could see the flicker of there lanterns that they held. Colette stopped running. "I can't go any further. You to go ahead, I'll distract them. Mary-Lynnette shook her head. There had to be another way out. She raised her eyes. Yes. She could see the stars through a small hole in the roof. "Quick. Colette, stand on my shoulders and I'll hoist you up the hole" the small girl looked up and did as she was told. Once up the top she looked down. "Okay Belinda. Your turn" the girl hesitated and Mary-Lynnette hoisted her up. Colette pulled her up beside her. "Hurry, Mary-Lynnette. Grab my hand" her small hand reached down. And Mary-Lynnette shook her head. "You two go get help. There will be another way out up here" Belinda shook her head. "No, Mary. Grab my hand, and we'll pull you up" Mary-Lynnette reached for it. It was no use, she couldn't reach it. "Keep trying" Belinda cried. Mary-Lynnette turned around. The light was getting brighter and she could hear the quickening pace of footsteps. "Go get help" she called as she took off down the wooden passage way again. She heard Belinda calling out her name as she ran down the passage way but Mary-Lynnette ignored it. She gave a loud cry when she reached a wall that had been sealed off stopping anyone from continuing on. She pressed her back to the wall and gasped for breath. There was no where else to go. She watched as two figures stepped around the corner, both of them had there ‘vamp' faces on and were grinning. She guessed they already knew that it lead to a dead end. "Well, well, well" on of them quipped "looks like our dinner is just been served" the other vampire snorted and took a step forward. "You lead us on quite a chase, little human. We get hungry when we walk a long way. Right Daniel?" Daniel nodded and Mary-Lynnette looked around for a way to escape. There was a small cell just near her. Maybe if I get in there I could lock the door. She thought hurriedly. Another part of her brain told her that she would be trapped. She shook her head. At least she could hold them back to help arrived. As fast as she could she sprinted into the cell and slammed the door shut. The two vampires exchanged glances. They walked over to the cell and grinned at her inside. "Have it as you wish, human" he reached his hand in and Mary-Lynnette heard a soft click. She lowered her eyes to the door and realised that they'd locked her in. The two smirked. "Sweet dreams" than he dropped the lantern. Fire immediately spread to the dry wood of the mine and Mary-Lynnette watched as the two vampires turned and ran off back down the passage way. Smoke filled her lungs as the room was a blaze of fire. She coughed and pushed the door. It was locked well and truly tight. She screamed as part of the roof gave way and landed with a loud bang on the ground. Mary-Lynnette coughed again and pushed the door once more. She was finding it hard to breath. Get down lower, she told herself. The smoke isn't quite as thick down there. She dropped to her knees and continued shoving at the door. "Help! Help!" she yelled. She went into a coughing fit as the smoke became thicker. Face it girl, this is where your going to die. She laid down on the warm floor and closed her eyes. Exhaustion and taking in to much smoke had blurred her vision. "I'm sorry Ash" she said softly as her lids closed. I'll just close my eyes for a few seconds and than I'll try again. Mary-Lynnette closed her eyes and surrendered to the darkness.

His growling' Xander suddenly said pointing at Ash. Spike raised a brow and shifted his position on the car. Maybe the dumb kid wasn't as stupid as he thought. He was surprised that they hadn't worked out that Ash and half of the rest of them were anything but human. "and don't tell me a normal person growls" Xander continued turning around to face Buffy. She nodded at him "Xander. Leave him alone. His been through a rough time" she glanced at Ash. And her expression froze. Spike stubbed out his cigarette and reached for another. Ash looked kinda pissed. Well kinda was not really a strong enough word. Ash looked angry enough to take on the world. Spike couldn't recall the last time he'd seen anyone look quite so enraged for a few years. Ash's eyes were pitiless black holes. And they were focused on the blond guy standing near the blond witch. Spike watched as Ash broke off a branch from the tree and started to approach him. David's eyes went wide and he started to back away. "Look, Ash" the witch said "Calm down. David didn't-" Ash's eyes flickered to her. "Calm down?. Calm down?. If it wasn't for him Mary-Lynnette wouldn't be dead right now" his lip lifted into a sneer and than faster than Spike could see he had David against the tree, his legs dangling in the air. Ash's hand tightened around his throat. "Ash. I'm sorry. You have a reason to be mad. I can understand what your going through, really I can. If you'd just let me-" "You have no idea what I'm going through vermin. But you will in a minute" fangs bearing Ash sank them into the humans throat. "Oh My God! His biting him. His actually biting him!" Xander screamed. Willow grabbed on to Oz's arm and watched in shock. "Someone stop him" she turned to Buffy who was watching the scene her mouth slightly open. But before she could react a dark haired guy hurried over and started to pull Ash off him. The blond vampire didn't move. "Come on Ash" he said "Mary-Lynnette wouldn't want you doing this. You know she wouldn't" to Spike's surprise Ash pulled away from the human letting the body slump on the floor and the blond witch hurried over to him. "You Quinn" Ash started "Have no idea what Mary-Lynnette wants. You didn't even take the time to get to know her" Ash's red stained teeth showed as he lifted his upper lip up into A sneer. "Maybe we should just think this through" Willow said. Ash completely ignored her, his black eyes were darker than Quinn's and he looked like he wanted to take them all on. Alitia hurried over to Mary-Lynnette's still form on the ground where Ash had left her moments before. She quickly glanced over at him. He had David up against a tree and his fangs were protruding. David was frozen with shock. Alitia watched as Ash sank them into his neck. She turned back to the girl before her. And placed her hands, palm first, over her chest. She wasn't breathing but she was still there. Her soul was still there. Think girl, think about what you learnt in school. God she wished she'd listened more. She blocked everything from her mind and emptied her mind from any thoughts. "Soul of yours, soul of mine. Mix together to save this life, Power of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, I invoke thee, Mother, O, Helliwise, I call upon thee, to help me" A warm glow started to form at Alitia's hand and she fought herself to stay focused This life, though young, to good to take, place back to it's original sake, returning the life that was once here, Oh, powerful Helliwise, ancestor of mine, I ask you to spare her, spare her life" The glow in Alitia's hands increased in brightness and beauty and the young girl struggled to hold it's power. "It's working, it's working" she muttered, gritting her teeth. She watched Mary-Lynnette's top half of her body rise high in the air as if she was having trouble breathing, than fall back down. The light from Alitia's hands vanished and she fell down exhausted. Mary-Lynnette Carter slowly and painfully opened her eyes. She coughed twice than took great gulps of air. She remembered red, lots of smoke and fire, and she couldn't breath. The stars were like a carper above her and Mary-Lynnette gulped in the fresh air. Cleansing her lungs. She pushed herself up into a sitting position and pushed her sooty hair out of her face. She focused on a heated argument where voices were raised. She watched as the taller and lankier shoved the shorter dark haired one against a tree. Lying on the ground at there feet was a blond boy with a silver haired girl leaning over him. Part of her told her that she should know who these people were. But she couldn't remember. She glanced down at her wrists and at the small silver bracelet around it. She remembered getting a long time ago. Last year by someone…she turned it over and read the inscription on the back. Mare, love you forever. Your soulmate, Ash Than it all came back to her. Ash. Her other half, the person who she loved most in the world. Her soulmate. She looked back up at him. He looked mad. I wonder what's happened to make him so mad? She thought biting the lower her lip. She watched in shock as he slammed a fist into his stomach. The dark haired guy doubled over and a tall black haired girl started walk over, but stopped suddenly. Mary-Lynnette frowned. No matter what had happened, Ash shouldn't be doing that. "Why are you doing that for?" Mary-Lynnette called out. But her voice was soft and she could barely hear herself. "Stop it!" she cried again louder this time her voice more confident. He heard her. So did everyone else. "Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" she screamed tears falling down her face. Ash's eyes widened and he let go the body go. "Mare? Your not dead?" Mary-Lynnette met his gaze and studied his face. His lips were berry red and his eyes were studying her. He seemed frozen on the spot. Mary-Lynnette frowned. "I don't feel dead" she looked down at her herself than back up at him. "Why? Should I be?" Ash shook his head and than he was beside her. Mary-Lynnette hadn't even seen him move. "Oh my god. I was so worried" Ash pulled her into his arms and Mary-Lynnette clung to him. She heard someone call out. "Alitia. Oh god Alitia" she let go of Ash and turned around to see a black haired girl sprawled on the ground. She groaned and sat up, her eyes focused on Mary-Lynnette. And she smiled. "It worked. Your alive" she looked heavenward "thank you Helliwise" Ash stared at her. Never letting go of Mary-Lynnette. "You did this? You saved her?" Alitia seemed embarrassed and Ash continued "thank you. If there is anything I can do to repay you. I'll-" Alitia shook her head. "It was nothing" "It was everything" Ash said "thank you. Thank you. Thank you" his arms tightened around Mary-Lynnette and she frowned. "Am I supposed to remember something? Why was everyone so mad" she looked up at Ash and his eyes met hers. "You can't remember anything?" she shook her head. "Fire. Just fire" she muttered. And leaned her head on Ash's shoulder. "You're a vampire. A vampire! And you didn't even tell me?" a blond stormed up. "I can't believe you didn't already figure it out. Hardly any of them are human" a bleach haired guy walked up. "Spike" a redhead said. "I should have known it was you" the blond said again. Stepping into a fighting stance. Spike held up his hands. "I'm not here to fight you. I brought Ash over here" he smirked. The blond lowered her eyes to Ash. "Spike brought you here. Did you know what he is?" "Did you know what I was? Did it matter. Look, Buffy. Let's just get Mary-Lynnette and Alitia somewhere warm and safe" "Yeah. And besides the sun is going to rise, I've gotta go" Spike grinned and Ash raised his head. "Seeya around Spike" Spike nodded. "Yeah, it's been a pleasure" he winked and turned and walked off, one hand shoved in his pocket. Ash watched him walk off than stood up. Cradling Mary-Lynnette in his arms. Her eyes fluttered open and Mary-Lynnette looked up and saw a concerned face looking down at her. He moved a his wrist away from her mouth and she smiled. She felt much better, more alert than she'd ever felt. She pushed herself up into a sitting position and looked around her. She was in a room. Sitting on a double bed. She didn't even remember how she got there. "How are you feeling?" Ash asked sitting up beside her. Mary-Lynnette nodded. "Fine, much better" Ash slid an arm around her waist and Mary-Lynnette snuggled in closer to him. Than she remembered the wrist, she stiffened. "You didn't-" Ash shook his head "No, your not a vampire. Your still human. Alitia said a little of vampire blood would give you back your strength. She brought you back, she didn't completely heal you" he kissed her forehead and she nodded. "Do you remember what happened now" Mary-Lynnette thought for a second than nodded. She remembered now. "I was in this cell with all these other girls" she sat up bolt right. "The others. We have to help them?" Ash pushed her back down. "There fine. They all made it out. Ran down to the village. Willow told me" "Is everyone else all right?" Ash nodded "What about Metallic?" he paused for a second frowning slightly. "No one knows. His gone" Mary-Lynnette relaxed and let Ash hold her. "I really thought I lost you last night" he whispered after a moment. Mary-Lynnette shifted to face him. "I know sweetheart" she reached up and stroked his cheek "just promise me that if anything like that happens again, you won't do what you nearly did tonight. You have to be strong" he kissed her hand. "I was so mad, I just wanted to kill them all" Mary-Lynnette smiled slightly, "Just promise" he nodded. "Okay, I promise" Mary-Lynnette smiled, and relaxed into his arms, and for the first time in days she felt really safe. The End



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