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The Forbidden Game

Prince of Shadows

He's watched Jenny Thornton for years. His name is Julian and he lives in the shadows, the youngest of an ancient race. From his own dark world he has seen Jenny's brightness and beauty, and for the first time felt a new

But Jenny has her own life: her friends, her boyfriend Tom. Yo capture her, Julian must trap them all. So he draes them into he most forbidden of games-the contest for a human soul. The prize: Jenny's freedom. The stakes: all their lives.

Jenny's friends are determind to help her win. But Julian is a Master of the Game. Jenny's most desperate fight will be with him, this eerily handsome boy with electric blue eyes. He knows her deepest secerts, her darkest fears. He has almost infinite power. And the only thing that he wants is for Jenny to surrender to him...body and soul...