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"This kitten has claws"
The Chosen

"Oh my God your Buffy The Vampire Slayer"
The Chosen

"There's warmth in ice; there's cooling peace in fire,
And midnight light to show us the way.
The dancing flame becomes a funerl pyre;
The Dark was more enticing than the day.

The Chosen

"Just kill me"
Maggie in Black Dawn

"You can change your destiny, you don't have to go along with it. I don't know what's going to happen with the world, but you don't have to be what they say. You have the power to fight them!"
Maggie in Black Dawn

"This means war."
Delos in Black Dawn

Each night I lie and dream about the one.
Who kissed me and awakened my desire,
I spent a hour with him alone,
and since that hour my days are laced with fire.
"Cassies Poem"

"There is nothing frightning in the dark, if you just face it."
Cassie's Grandmother"

"i respect my superiors. now if only i could find some">

<'every cloud has a smokey gray lining'

Without evil there can be no good so it must be good to be EVIL sometimes"-SLCPunk

I still believe in your eyes I just don't care what you've done in your life. Baby I'll always be here by your side I see the stars are here with me like rockets to the moon

I know myself, he cried, But that is all~

theres just so much beauty sometimes i dont think that i can contain it all~American Beauty

"remember, above all things, kid, that to write is not difficult, not painful, that it comes out of you with ease, that you can whip up a little tale in no time, that when you are sincere about it, that when you want to impress a truth, it is not difficult, not painful, but easy, graceful, full of smooth power, as if you were a writing machine with a store of literature that is bounless, enormous, endless, and rich; for it is true; this is so. do not forget it in your gloomier moments. make your stuff warm, drive it home american-wise, don't mind critics, don't mind the stuffy academic theses of scholars, they don't know what they're talking about, they're way off the track, they're cold; you're warm, you're redhot, you can write all day, you know what you know..." ----jack kerouac

mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. they don't eat up people's gardens, don't nest in corncribs, they don't do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. that's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird. -to kill a mockingbird

why do people give each other flowers? to celebrate various important occasions, they're killing living creatures? why restrict it to plants? "sweetheart, let's make up. have this deceased squirrel." -the washington post

"we were born to be wild."

I argue very well. Ask any of my remaining friends. I can win an argument on any topic, against any opponent. People know this, and steer clear of me at parties. Often, as a sign of their great respect, they don't even invite me." -Dave Barry

Not all who wander are lost." ~~J.R.R. Tolkien

I'm trying to see your point of view, but I just can't get my head that far up my a$$."

Live once; love forever

"The worst way to miss someone is to have them sitting beside you and knowing you can't have them.

I heard that payback's a mother f*ckin' b*tch ..." ~~Sublime

Don't sweat the big stuff, sweat the little things. Your job and college your career and love all that will work out. The things that are important are what are you going to have for dinner tonight and who are you going to hang out with? - Mark Hoppus

I have never seen a greater monster or miracle then myself"..

*Tomorrows just another day you'll find away,you'll be ok,you just have to learn to let go.When things get you down,should you look back?No!Turn your head around and take things one day at a time,but plan ahead for mountains you have yet to climb* -HG

* im a lil bit tired, a lil bit lazy, a lil bit scared and a lil bit crazy * ~ Jeffries Fan Club

I asked him where he's going and he said ALL THE WAY!~Blink 182

they all say i look for trouble but it knocks on my door and walks in and makes itself comfortable

*We are the people our parents warned us about*

*To appreciate beauty is to live in bliss*

*Live Fast Die young* James Dean

*Live as if you'll die today. Dream as if you'll live forever* J.D

*Everybody seems to think I'm lazy. I don't care, I think their crazy. Running everywhere at such a speed. Until they find there's no need* John Lennon

*We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars* John Lennon

*Dream what you want to dream!Go where you want to go be wat you want to be!*

When you where born,you where crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live life so that when you die your the one smiling and everyone around you is crying*

*The most permanent lessons im morals are those which come not of books or teaching but of experienc.

*Animals are little people in fur cots*

Poem And All Our Yesterdays People don't see me for my true worth "Psychedelic freak, babeling about the earth! I see how people pull each other's strings. Worried about money and material things. While they go clubing in there fancy cars, I'd smoke a but and watch the stars. I'never bring myself to crimson and clover. The phrase "Who cares?" Has saved me over and over. Philosopher?, No is that how i sound? But if you want to hear me talk, then hey sit down. I'm not the walrus or the king like some people say, I just see things in my own seperate way. I'm way to different to ever fit in, I don't try to change this world, I just watch is spin.

"Courage does not mean being not scared. It means doing the very things you are most afraid of." ~Author Unknown

"If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever." ~"The Crow"

"Within you, I lose myself, without you, I find myself, searching to be lost again." ~Unknown

"It is better to be hated for what you are then to be loved for what your not" ~Andre Gide

"You know you love someone when you want them to be happy even if their happiness means that you're not part of it." ~Unknown

He who laughs last thinks slowest. -Unknown

Time is the greatest teacher, unfortunately it kills all it's pupils. ~Unknown

And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. ~Friedrich Nietzsche

Those who complain the sun has gone out of their world have obviously never danced in the rain. ~Unknown

"Never engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person." -Unknown

"I'm at a phone booth at the corner of Walk and Don't Walk." -Unknown

"In Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace - and what did they produce? The cuckoo clock." -"The Third Man" the movie, 1949

"The more unpredictable the world becomes, the more we rely on predictions." -Steve Rivkin

"A painter can hang his pictures, but a writer can only hang himself." -Edward Dahlberg

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." -Mahatma Gandhi

"To be nobody-but-yourself - in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." -e.e. cummings

"What you have become is the price you paid to get what you used to want"

"Death is only the begining"-The Mummy

"It's never supposed to hurt"

"Know the danger of a kiss at midnight"Bon Jovi

"What wouldn't I do for the right guy?"Practical Magic"

"Now we switch places, you will step into the darkness, and I will step into the light!"Archon, Kindred the Embraced

"It's a piece of cake"Sarah, Labyrinth

"How could you hurt a child"Cranberries

"Good, Bad, I'm the one with the gun"Army of Darkness

"The darkness grows inside me In fading shades of grey All the colors of the world Are slowly sucked away.
I'm sinking ever deeper To a place that's cold and black I can't believe I've lost you That you're never coming back.
Then the night will take me And save me from my pain Cloak me in cold darkness And help me loose your name" Song

"You see things as they are and ask why? I see things as they'll never be, and ask why not?"

"Save a horse, ride the cowboy!"

"Some things have to be believed to be seen..." Ralph Hodgson

I hope you enjoyed! Power of wind have I over thee, Deb Armstrong

"There are no Happy Endings because nothing ends."~The Last Unicorn

Sarah:"It's not fair!" Jereth:"You say that so often, I wonder what your basis for comparison is..."~Labyrinth

"She will remember you when men are fairytales in books written by rabbits."~The Last Unicorn

What you call hell, she calls home -grounded for life

"He is SO not me" "Yes, thats one of his best qualities" -Liar Liar

He's a real workaholic, you mention work, he gets drunk! -Rover Dangerfield

Hey, i dont fetch. You want it, you go get it -Rover Dangerfield

See you when the clouds come home -unknown

F*** Men, wheres the chocolate? -unknown

Its not the fall that gets you, its the sudden stop. -My Dad after a conversation about falling from a plane with out a parachute.

"What would you do, if it was you having to sit there and hear your soulmate die?" "As I recall, you stood by and watched." -Cougar and Dragon from Ouroboros by KianaNW

"You suck-diddly-uck, Flanders!" ~Homer, The Simpsons

"Simpson, Homer Simpson, he's the greatest guy in history. From the town of Springfeild, he's about to hit a chesnutt tree. AHH!" ~Homer, The Simpsons (sung to the tune of the Flintstones)

"He's got all of my bad qualities multiplied by 10. Almost like he's from New Jersey!" ~my science teacher, about his 1 year old son

"And I don't another drink's gonna make me lose my mind./So I think about my next drink/And it's you and me and the bottle makes 3 tonight." ~Big Bad Voodoo Daddies, You & Me & the Bottle

"So let me get this straight. The Senator from New York who lived most of her life in Arkansas was singing a song written in Kentucky on the front steps of the Maryland capitol building because of a bet she made on a football team that plays in New Jersey." ~Fox Sports News "Health is the slowest way to die." ~Unknown

"Even God has a sense of humor. Just look at the platypus." ~Dogma

"What are the rules of the house? Number one, no dating till you graduate. Number two, no dating till you graduate." ~Dad, 10 Things I Hate about You

"Yes, we sell out. Every seat in the house. Every time we play. Anywhere we play." ~Jason of Metallica

"After all is said and done, a lot is said and a little is done." ~Unknown

"The number you have dialed can no longer be reached from this phone. You negligent monster." ~The Simpsons

"Oh, this is everyone's fault but mine." ~Homer, The Simpsons

"Hey hey bart can we still use you tree house?" "What?! Get bent"~ Bart and Millhouse, Simpsons.

"Lifes a bitch BUT then you die" ~me (instead of AND)

"You can have any puddin' untill you eat your meet. How can you have any pudding if you can eat your meet?! Stand still laddy!"~ Pink Floyd, Brick in the Wall

"If your going to live, live." Unknown

"hey lady you just can walk around breakin' peoples hearts like that I fell in love with you, We fell in love with you. Men just don't fall out of the sky you know"~ Jay and Silent Bob, Dogma

"Sam, you can't date anyone that can't skin, clean and cook their own deer, moose, or bird"~Dad

"In da beginin' dare was nuthin' on da first day god created da U.P. One da second day he created the duck, da deer, da fish, and da bird on da tird day he said 'let da be YOOPERS! to rome da U.P.' on da fourth he created da underworld and said 'Let da be TROLLS to rome in da underworld' On da fift day he created da brigde. On da sixth day he said 'tis brigde was made so da TROLLS can get to heaven.' On da seventh day he went huntin." ~ An Unknow Yooper!

"Ten thousand years we struck the fire, creations music freely sung. With magick joined we've praised the stars since the world first begun. Our spirite lives in timeless dance, the tarot and the rune and our nights united in the power of drawing down the moon!"~ David O. Norris 98'

"TIMMY!!!" South Park

"We are realm, we aremany, we are forever."~Unknow vampire

Most qoutes on this page are from Mélissa Lanthier,,, Kris Marchu, Deb Armstrong, Jenny,,, Thanz alot guys!! :-D