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Spellbinder Characters

  • Thea Harman-Circle Twilight (Daughter of Hellewise)

  • Blaise Harman-Circle Midnight (Daughter of Darkness)

  • Eric Ross-Thea's Soulmate

  • Aradia

  • Grandma Harman-aka High Lady

  • Aunt Ursula

  • Tobias-Driver

  • Dano Abforth- Circle Twilight
    Abforth means- All-bringing forth

  • Uncle Galen

  • Vivinne Morrigan-Circle Midnight

  • Selene Lucna-Circle Midnight

  • Alaric Breedlove-Circle Twilight

  • Mother Cybele

  • Dr. Salinger

  • Kevin-Blaise's boytoy

  • Randy Marik-Blaise's boytoy

  • Rosamund-Eric's sister

  • Madame Curie-Rosamund's guinea pig

  • More to come now I think, I'm reading the book over again and getting mostly all the characters.

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