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Agate : Earth, For grounding & balance.

Amber : Mercury. High electrical charge for positive energy. Harmonizes Yin and Yang.

Amethyst : Jupiter, Pluto. Eases compulsive/obsessive behavior (desire for food, tobacco, drugs, alchol, etc) calms an overactive mind, increases self-esteem, aids sleep.

Apache Tears : Pluto. Grounding. Transforms and aids in the release of lower emotions.

Aquamarine : Neptune. Tranquility, sooths the heart, inspires compassion.

Adventurine (Green Quartz) : Venus, Uranus. Joy, balance, clarity.

Azurite : Saturn. Developement of intuition, understanding and communication of Universal Law.

Bloodstone : Earth. Physical healer, mental balancer, removes toxins from blood, aligns energiues along spinal column.

Blue Celestite : Neptune. Opens one up to the angelic realms. For detachment, clear perspective, divine inspiration.

Blue Topaz : Mercury, Uranus. High electrical charge. Focuses and clears the mind, opens one ti inspiration.

Carnelian : Saturn, Earth. Sacred to Isis. Protective, aids concentration. Access to past life data. (orange in color)

Chakcedary Rose- Means friendship.

Citrine : Mercury, Mars. Bridge between higher and lower consciousness; transmutes fear.

Coral : Venus, Neptune. Love and harmony.

Emerald : Venus. Heart stone. Great harmonizer. Love, balance, undertanding.

Flourite : Neptune. Opens wearer to influence of other stones. Grounds excess energy.

Garnet : Pluto, Mars. Aids kundalini to ascend in proper channels. Aids circulation.

Hematite : Saturn. Grounding, focus, self discipline.

Herkiner Diamond : Uranus. Releeases stress, cleanses subtle bodies. Stumlates clairvoyance, dream work. Crown chakra.

Iron oxide-, it is like hematite but blood red. Jade : Venus, Neptune. Cooling, water element. Soothing, healing.

Jet : Pluto. Sacred to Pan. Helps to confront darker aspects of self and nature.

Kyanite : Neptune, Pluto. Aligns chakras and subtle bodies.

Labradorite/Spectrolite : Uranus, Pluto, Neptune. Opens heart chakra.

Lapis Lazuli : Venus, Neptune. Throat chakra. STone of teachers. Clarity and ease of expression of higher wisdom.

Loadstone-magnetite, black iron oxide. Malachite : Venus. Solar plexus. Emotional balance. Strengthens physical and etheric eyes.

Moldavite : Pluto, Mercury, Moon. Astral Projection, access to akashic records, wider perspectives.

Moonstone : Moon. Sacred to the Goddess, moonstone may be used to enhance the feminine, strengthen psychic abilities, and increase sensativity to natural cycles.

Obsidian : Pluto. Transforms energy and emotions in a very powerful way. Not to be worn as jewelry. Also a powerful grounding stone.

Onyx (black) : Saturn. Stabilizing. Mirrors all aspects of the self, dark as well as light. Transformative. To Surrender to your shadow self.

Opal : Mercury. Links physical body to higher bodies, allowing greater access to cosmic consciousness.

Paua Shell : Neptine. Aids one in accessing the subconscious for emotional and artistic inspiration.

Pearl : Venus. Purity, chastity, emotional clarity.

Peridot : Mercury. Creates feeling of protection, allowing heart to open. Unblocks congestions.

Pyrite : Mars. Vitality, strengthening of Will. Improves circulation.

Quartz : Uranus. Purifier, protector, spiritual awakener. Raises Vibratory rate.

Rhodochrosite : Mercury, Venus. Holds any force field. Draws white light into the physical body.

Rose Quartz : Venus. Self love, friendship.

Ruby : Sun, Mars. Heart Chakra. Compassion, leadership, heals relationship to father.

Rutilated Quartz : Sun, Uranus. High electrical charge. Powerful healer.

Sapphire : Neptune. Aids spiritual understanding.

Selenite : Moon. Soothing, nurturing, inspirational.

Sodalite : Venus, Pluto. Opens throat chakra. Physical healer. Transformative. (Blue speckled stone).

Smoky Quartz : Mercury, Earth. One of the best grounding stones. Balancing.

Tigereye : Mercury, Earth, Mars. Sacred to Bast and Sekhmet. Helps one to distinguish between actual need and false desire.

Topaz : Mercury. Bridge between higher and lower consciousness. Assimulation of abstract information.

Tourmaline : Black - deflects negativity. Very protective. Green - refines, strengthens, directs will. pink - love and sacrifice, devotion. watermellon - corrects imbalances, eases guilt.

Tourmalinated Quartz : Pluto, Uranus. Deflects and eliminates negative conditioning patterns.

Torquoise : Venus, Moon. Symbol of the sky. Works on respiratory system, helps manifest spiritual qualities on the physical plane.

Scarab-The ancient Egyptians put the stones at the feet of mummies, also used to highten passion, and purifier of the blood in existence. Home

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