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My Story

There once was a girl named Shayna
Who was at work and had some free time
she sat down at the computer
And wrote down this silly rhyme

She really had nothing to say
But she really wanted a site
So she pondered for a while and said
"Isn't there anything that I can write???"

All of a sudden a lightbulb appeared
floating on top of her hair
She could write about all her favorite things
like everyone else does with their's

She could tell everyone that she loves skating
And that it is really a sport
That she enjoys hockey and football
and even basketball on the court

Music is another subject on which she can write
Vertical Horizon is her fav right now
She listens to everything from pop-rock as far as classical and jazz
when she doesn't want to listen to something too loud

Austen is the best author of books
writting her fav's like Emma and more
While Shaks is incredable at sonnets
which she has neatly on her shelf stored

After she thought of all this
She realized she didn't want to make a site like that
Yet she was happy with her rhyming abilities (non existsant as they were)
And gave herselve on the back, a pat

She hopes you enjoyed her poem
but not enough to joy cry
So she will leave you with that

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