Fall Into Me | Chapter 5
::Chapter 5::

Missing You

"Thank God you girls came and got me," sighed Alex, adjusting her purse strap weighing on her shoulder. "Josh has been driving me crazy. I know he means well, but I just can't stay in bed permanently for the next few weeks."

“Don’t worry honey,” said Maggie, tossing an arm around Alex’s shoulders. “Now that I’m in town, I’ll start taking you to clubs every night,” she teased.

"Alex, honey," sighed Madison. "You should really listen to what JC says.”

"Yeah," nodded Jessie, stopping momentarily to feel the material of a shirt on a display rack. "He means well, Alex."

Alex glanced over at Jessie skeptically. "Do you want him?"

"Oh! Alex! “In Due Time”!" cried Jen excitedly. "Let's go!"

Alex reluctantly allowed herself to be pulled along by the hand through the throngs of people and into the store, where immediately the woman began oohing and awing at the displays of baby and maternity clothes.

"Hey! There's something cute!" said Madison, wandering a few feet away, admiring an empire waisted sweater in the window. She paused and took a hanger from the display and held the light blue sweater out in front of her, touching the sleeve. Suddenly, through the window, she spotted a figure rushing through the crowds in the hallways just outside the store. Immediately recognizing the face, Madison rushed back to her friends and shoved the sweater in Alex's hands.

"JC will love this on you," she said quickly. "Try it on." With that, Madison began pushing Alex to the rear of the store towards the dressing rooms.

"Mads? What's the-"

"Here!" said Madison, gently pushing Alex into the dressing room and closing the door behind her. "Stay in there. I'll be right back," she called, rushing away.

Jessie and Jen stood in the same place where Madison and Alex left them, the same bewildered expression on both their faces. Madison merely motioned with her eyes behind them. Jen, Maggie, and Jessie turned around, surprised as the man approached.

"Hello there Madison," nodded Eric. "May I speak with Alex?"

"She's busy right now, Eric," said Madison, emphasizing his name. Jen, Maggie, and Jessie's jaws dropped. Despite never having met/seen the man, they definitely recognized the name and the history that went along with it.

“Eric, huh?” said Jen, stepping up to him, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Yes,” nodded Eric. “Do I know you?”

“No, but you’re going to get to know me very personally if you don’t get your ass out of here,” she said, clenching her fists and stepping towards Eric, ignoring his five-inch height advantage.

Eric stared at her momentarily, as if sizing her up. “Listen, all I want is to talk to Alex, not you.”

“Well we’re Alex’s friends,” said Maggie. “And it looks like you won’t be talking to her today.”

Eric stared at the group of four women surrounding him, weighing out his options. Finally giving up, he stepped back and left, throwing his arms in the air as he muttered profanities.

Maggie nodded happily. “Now that that’s taken cared of.”

“Guys?” called Alex from the dressing room. “Did you want to see this on me or what?”

Twenty minutes later, after choosing several items for Alex as well as her baby, the group of women stepped up to the cashier to pay. Alex took out her credit card and handed it to the young woman and continued her conversation with her friends.

“Oh my God,” gasped the cashier. “Alexandra Chasez?” Alex arched an eyebrow. “Yes?”

“As in married to JC-of-N’Sync-Alexandra Chasez?” gasped the woman, practically vibrating in excitement.

Alex put on her best smile, as this was nothing out of the ordinary for her. “Yes, that would be me.”

“Oh my gosh! I can’t believe I’m meeting you,” cried the woman, waving her hand in front of her face. “It’s an honor, really. How’s JC?”

Alex bit her lip to keep from laughing. “He’s great.”

“Spending all his free time taking care of her, that’s for sure,” smiled Jessie.

“Oh my gosh!” cried the woman. “You’re Jessie Landers! Lance’s fiancée!”

Jessie bit her lip, as she still had to get used to the recognition. “Yes I am,” she smiled.

“Oh! Lance is so cute, isn’t he?” gushed the cashier.

Jessie’s smile broadened. Maggie rolled her eyes. “He’s not that cute,” she muttered.

“What?” cried the cashier. “How can you say that? He’s adorable! And those eyes! Oh!”

“She only says that because she’s his cousin,” offered Jen, grinning widely, ignoring the dirty look Maggie was giving her.

“Oh my gosh! You’re related to Lance Bass?”

“Maggie Bass,” nodded Maggie. “Pleased to meet you… Carly,” she said, glancing down at the nametag pinned to her sweater.

Carly grinned happily. She was practically jumping up and down. “Oh my gosh! And you’re dating Justin!” she cried, motioning to Jen. Jen’s eyes widened in surprise. “I’ve seen all the pictures of you guys together! Oh! You’re so cute!”

“Thank you,” she smiled. “I’m Jen.”

“Jen!” gasped Carly.

“Hey guys, look at this,” said Madison, approaching the girls from the other side of the store, a small baby robe in hand.

“Oh my gosh! And you’re dating Joey!” cried Carly excitedly, pointing at Madison. Madison froze, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

“Yes I am,” she said slowly.

“Madison, this is Carly,” said Jessie, smiling. “And she’s a big fan of N’Sync.” Madison smiled and approached the counter, this time a little more relaxed. “It’s nice to meet you, Carly.”

Carly glanced over the girls, her grin broad. “I’m so honored to meet you! All of you! Would you mind terribly if I asked for you autographs?”

Alex smiled, nodding. “I wouldn’t mind at all. What about the rest of you?” Jen, Jessie, Madison, and Maggie all nodded.

“Great!” cried Carly, frantically looking around her for a paper and pen. She grabbed a small paper bag and placed it on the counter, handing Alex a pen. Alex quickly signed the bag and passed the pen to Jen, Jessie, Madison, and Maggie, who each signed the bag, slightly overcome by their fame.

“Oh, here’s your receipt and your card, Mrs. Chasez,” smiled Carly bashfully, handing Alex her bag.

“Please, call me Alex,” she smiled. Carly’s grin grew brighter.

“I’m N’Sync’s biggest fan! Could you tell them that for me?” she asked.

“We can do better than that,” smiled Jen. “Give us your address and we’ll have them send you an autograph.”

Carly’s eyes widened in surprise. “You’d really do that for me?”

“Well, you’re a sweet girl, and you’re obviously a really big fan of N’Sync’s if you recognized all of us,” nodded Madison.

“And besides, the guys are big softies when it comes to their fans,” smiled Jessie.

Carly grew even more excited, if that was at all possible. She gushed her thanks and quickly wrote down her address and handed it to Alex. “We’ll make sure this gets to you,” she nodded.

“Justin’s on a business trip right now, so it may take two weeks or so, but you’ll get it,” smiled Jen.

“Thank you so much!” cried Carly.

“It was nice meeting you, Carly,” said Maggie, waving as they exited the store.

“Wow. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that,” said Madison, shaking her head.

The television flickered in the dark room as Chris flipped through the channels rapidly… so rapidly that he didn’t really get a chance to see what was on. Not that he was really watching, of course.

It was three in the morning and he couldn’t sleep, as had become the usual with Chris lately. He just wasn’t himself anymore and he really didn’t know why. Actually, he did, but he refused to admit it to himself.

The ringing of the telephone was a sound Chris wasn’t expecting. He rolled over on his bed to the nightstand and picked up the black cordless phone, not bothering to check the caller ID.


There was a long pause on the phone line. The only sound was that of breathing. “Who is this? Hello?” repeated Chris. Still no response. “Listen you little-“

“Chris?” came a weak voice.

“Yes? Who is this?” asked Chris, suddenly alarmed.

“Melanie,” she whispered.

“Melanie?” asked Chris, immediately sitting up. “What’s wrong?” “I-I’m sorry I’m calling so late, Chris,” she sniffled. “I just didn’t know who else to call.”

“It’s ok, Mel,” said Chris soothingly. “Now come on, what’s wrong?” he cajoled.

“C-Can I meet you somewhere?”

“Of course,” said Chris, jumping out of bed and immediately grabbing a pair of jeans off his chair.

“The Starbucks at Geary and Taylor?” she asked softly.

“I’ll be there in twenty minutes,” said Chris, running around his bedroom to find his shoes.

Fifteen minutes later, after having broken several different speed limits, Chris walked into Starbucks, searching the shop for any sign of Melanie. There was no one, minus the cashier and a young man sitting in the corner, slumped over textbooks scattered over the table. Rather than wait and drive himself crazy until Melanie’s arrival, Chris ordered two Toffee Nut Lattes, one for himself and one for Melanie when she arrived. He sat himself down at a corner table and nervously played with a plastic coffee stirrer, glancing out the window every thirty seconds.

Finally she appeared, cautiously looking around her as she entered the Starbucks. It took only a second until she spotted him, as he stood up and immediately rushed towards her. “Are you ok?”

“I-I’m ok, Chris,” she smiled meekly. “Why don’t we sit down?”

Chris pulled out a chair for her and slid it in as she sat. Her eyes widened in surprise. “You bought me a coffee?”

“Nah, I just needed the extra energy,” he shrugged. It took a moment before Melanie looked up, recognizing the slightly playful expression on Chris’s face. She giggled softly.

“Well too bad, because a coffee is just what I need,” she smiled, taking the cup and slowly taking a sip.

Chris regarded her closely as she took a sip, then slowly placed the coffee down on the table, tearing a napkin into small confetti-like pieces. “Mel,” said Chris softly. “I know you didn’t call me in the middle of the night just because you had a craving for Starbucks. What’s up?” he asked, gently placing his hand over hers on the table.

Melanie instinctively jerked her hand away. Then, as if realizing that it was only Chris, she slid her hand back to its original position. She brought her right hand up to her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose, squeezing her eyes shut. A tear slid out of the corner of her eye.

“Chris, it was awful,” she gasped, her body shuddering with the strength of the sobs she was fighting.

Chris immediately stood up and moved across the table, sliding another chair over beside her. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her to his chest, stroking her hair gently as the soft whimpers escaped her lips.

“What happened, Mel?” he asked.

“He’s cheating on me, Chris,” she sobbed. “I just know he is.”

“How do you know?” asked Chris, softly tucking the strands of light brown hair behind her ear, bringing her eyes to meet his.

“She called him,” sighed Melanie, roughly wiping away the tears with the back of her hand. “She called him and I was in the other room. I heard how he was speaking to her. He’s cheating on me with her, I just know it.” “Did you ask him about it?” asked Chris, gently wiping away her tears with the pad of his thumb.

“Yes,” nodded Melanie, grabbing a paper napkin off the table and dabbing at the tears. “He denied it of course… then he got mad, yelling at me about being too nosy or something like that. And, maybe I was… maybe I should never have said anything,” she added softly, looking down at her hands in her lap.

“How can you say that, Mel?” asked Chris, running his hands through her hair and pulling her face up to meet his. “You’re dating him! It’s perfectly within your rights to know whether he’s being faithful or not.”

“It’s just that… I don’t know,” she sighed. “Maybe I asked for this.”

Chris stared at her, completely appalled by what he was hearing. “Melanie, please. Don’t ever say that. You never asked to be cheated on. You never asked him to betray your trust.” “You don’t know this relationship like I do, Chris,” she said, pulling away. “I’m dating him. I should trust him.”

“He should be able to be trusted,” cried Chris. “He shouldn’t be sneaking around like that.”

“Well, technically he wasn’t sneaking,” said Melanie slowly. “I’m sure he hasn’t done anything, really. He’s probably telling me the truth.” “Why are you defending him?” cried Chris, frustrated at Melanie’s sudden switch from crying over Jason to making excuses for him. “You’re here at four in the morning crying your eyes out over that asshole!”

A swift, hard slap across Chris’s face caught him off guard, momentarily knocking all thought out of his head. When it had finally registered that Melanie had slapped him, he leaned back, stunned.

The tears that had slid down Melanie’s cheeks were now drying. She stared at Chris blankly, obviously surprised at her own action. She tore her eyes away from his, ashamed. “I’m sorry Chris. I shouldn’t have done that.”

Chris turned and looked down at the table and shook his head. “Melanie, can’t you see that Jason is only hurting you?”

“What do you mean?” she asked timidly.

“I mean since I’ve known you, I’ve never heard anything good come out of your relationship with Jason. He’s always taking your things, pushing you away, lying to you… Melanie, this isn’t healthy,” said Chris softly.

“Melanie!” called a voice behind them. Both Chris and Melanie turned around, surprised to see Jason weaving his way between the tables towards them. Once he reached the table, he glared at Chris and grabbed Melanie’s hand.

“Melanie, I’m sorry,” he apologized. “Come back home.”

Inside, Chris was silently screaming for Melanie to deny him… to finally stand up for herself… to tear herself out of the destructive relationship she’d found with Jason. And for a brief second he thought she was going to.

“Ok,” said Melanie softly, standing up.

Chris stared at her, his jaw hanging open, completely in shock. How could she just get up and leave with him after sitting there, crying to him about Jason and their miserable relationship?

“Mel? What are you doing?” asked Chris softly, reaching for Melanie’s hand.

“She’s coming home with her boyfriend, asshole,” said Jason, abruptly pushing Chris’s shoulder. Melanie spun around, placing her hands on her boyfriend’s chest.

“Come on Jason, let’s go,” pleaded Melanie. Jason reluctantly took a step backwards. He roughly snatched Melanie’s hand and pulled her out the door of the coffee shop, leaving Chris gazing after her longingly. Melanie turned and shot Chris an apologetic smile before turning and leaving.

Chris sighed and leaned his head into his hands. Melanie was in trouble, and he was the only one who realized it.

Jen sighed and entered the apartment, dropping her keys on the table beside the door. Before she had a chance to drop her purse beside them, her phone began ringing. Jen easily reached into the side pocket and pulled out her cell phone, quickly answering it.

“This better be my neglectful boyfriend or else he better not come home,” said Jen.

“Well, it’s a good thing I called then, huh?” came Justin’s voice through the line.

“Better believe it,” grinned Jen, sitting down on one of the couches and curling her legs up to her chest. “So how’s the recording going?” “Babe, it’s amazing!” gushed Justin. “You have no idea how great Brian is!”

“Oh, so you’re on a first name basis?” giggled Jen.

“Yeah! Isn’t it amazing?” he cried.

Jen bit her lip to keep from laughing. Hearing Justin so thrilled was something that couldn’t help but cheer her up. “I’m so happy for you, Justin.”

“Yeah, but you better be wishing I hurry up and come home,” said Justin, his voice deepening.

Jen groaned, dropping her head backward on the pillow. “Justin, can’t you just jump on the next flight and come home?”

“I could…”

“Don’t you dare,” said Jen.

“Make up your mind, woman,” teased Justin.

“Stay there and make your record,” said Jen. “And it better be wonderful, because I fully expect a copy when you get back.”

“Yes ma’am,” said Justin. He paused, speaking to someone in the background. He returned to the line a moment later. “Hey, Jen, can I call you back later? Brian’s ready to go back in and record some more.”

“Only if you promise to miss me,” said Jen, smiling.

“I always miss you,” said Justin softly. Jen bit her lip, smiling.

“I’ll talk to you later, then,” she said.

“Talk to you then. Love you Jen.” “Love you too,” she said, ending the phone call. Jen sighed and stretched her legs out on the couch, smiling to herself, basking in the knowledge that she had a wonderful boyfriend who loved her and who she loved in return.

Those thoughts, however, abruptly stopped as her phone began ringing again. Quickly answering it, she smiled. “Couldn’t wait, huh?” But no sound came through the line. “Hello?” she said. Nothing but the labored sound of breathing seeped through the phone line.

“Who is this?” she said firmly, hoping that she could somehow get an answer to the mysterious calls she’d been receiving.

“Leave him alone,” came a raspy voice… a voice that Jen was beginning to recognize.

“Who the hell is this?” she cried.

“Leave him alone,” the voice repeated.

“Leave who alone?” snapped Jen, losing her temper.

“Justin,” hissed the voice. The abrupt sound of the dial tone followed, leaving Jen staring at her phone in confusion and worry. Whoever it was, they’d been calling at least once a day for the last few days, on both her phone line at home and her cell.

Pushing the disturbing thoughts racing through her head, Jen shook her head and headed to her bathroom to take a relaxing shower, hopefully to relieve her mind of the cheesy horror movie plot lines running through her mind.

Madison hesitantly raised her hand to the door, pulling it back abruptly before allowing it to touch. She knew Joey was still upset at her, and rightly so, making her less than eager to face him.

Gaining much needed courage, she finally knocked. “Who is it?” she heard him call.

“It’s me,” she responded.

“You who?” he called teasingly. Madison smiled. Maybe he wasn’t as upset as she thought.

She heard rustling from inside the apartment and the familiar squeaking of the rubber of the tires of Joey’s wheelchair against the hardwood floor. The door slowly opened, revealing Joey.


Madison gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. “Oh my God,” she whispered.

“Don’t get too excited,” said Joey with a small smirk. She looked down at the wooden cane Joey leaned heavily upon. Behind him, she spotted his wheelchair a mere few feet away.

Joey, leaning on the cane dependently, took a few small steps back to the wheelchair and dropped his body back into the familiar seat. Madison stared, her jaw hanging open in unadulterated shock.

“Earth to Madison,” said Joey, waving his hand. “You there?”

Madison tore herself out of her nearly catatonic state and shook her head. “How long?”

“Well, I’ve been working really hard with Melanie lately and I’ve been really gaining strength in my legs. I can walk a few feet at a time, now,” he explained. “I was going to show you last night,” he said, his voice growing soft.

Madison’s face fell. She turned to close the open door behind her and slipped her purse off her shoulder, dropping it on the table beside the door.

“You know, you can look at me, Mads, and tell me what really happened,” said Joey softly.

Madison hesitantly turned to face him. She dropped to her knees in front of him, grasping his hands. “Nothing happened, Joey. Please believe that.” “Then why are you having a hard time looking at me?” asked Joey, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, pushing her chin up so he could see her eyes. “Are my stellar good looks too much to handle?”

Madison sighed, a small smirk playing on her lips. “No,” she said with a shake of her head. “Because of that whole thing with Nikki last year… I dumped you because you fell asleep in the same bed as her. And here I go, falling asleep at David’s. It’s the same thing all over again.”

“Hey,” said Joey, tenderly running a finger down her cheek. “You didn’t know what had happened with Nikki and I. That was different,” he said. “And besides, there will be no dumping here.” Madison managed a weak smile and kissed Joey softly.

Joey smiled warmly as she pulled away. “So how’d that test go? Good, I assume, since you and David studied so hard,” he teased.

The smile faded from Madison’s face and she stood up. “Well, um… actually…” she trailed off, wandering into the den.

“What?” asked Joey cautiously as he followed her.

“The test is actually next week,” she said.

Joey raised an eyebrow questioningly. “What?”

“It ends up I was right. The test was next week all along,” she said.

“You mean you left me alone with a chick flick for no reason?” said Joey with a small smirk. “Well then, we’re going to have ourselves a little payback this weekend. You’re watching Full Metal Jacket!” he cried.

“Actually…” said Madison slowly. “David offered to help me review this weekend…”

Joey stared at her for a moment. “Of course he did!” he cried suddenly, throwing his arms in the air in frustration as he wheeled into the next room, leaving Madison behind.

“Joey… please,” pleaded Madison, following him. “Please understand… I need to pass this class. At this point, I need all the extra help I can get.”

Joey slowly got out of his wheelchair, took a few wobbly steps toward the couch, seating himself down. “Mads, don’t you find it a little strange that David “accidentally” made a mistake on which day the test was? And now, because of that convenient mistake, this will be the second weekend in a row that will be spent with him?”

“Joey-“ “And all this coming from the same guy who told you that you shouldn’t be dating me?” he continued.

“Joey!” cried Madison, sitting down beside him. “Please have faith in me. I’m in love with you. Not David, but you.”

“I know that, but that doesn’t put me any more at ease with the fact that some guy who hates me is making a move on my girlfriend,” muttered Joey. “I could help you with that stuff you’re studying.”

Madison smirked and arched an eyebrow. “What do you know about 18th century literature?” she asked amusedly.

“Enough to keep my girlfriend here at home,” he said with a nod, wrapping an arm around her shoulder protectively. Madison rolled her eyes and giggled softly.

“You don’t love me!”

Jessie pinched the bridge of her nose, sighing. “I do love you Mom… I just-“

“Do you feel the same way, Lance?” asked Mrs. Bass haughtily.

“I-“ began Lance.

“How could you tell me that I need to stay out of your wedding? I’m your mother! I went through ten hours of hard labor to have you and now you’re pushing me away!” cried Mrs. Landers, daintily dabbing at the tears on her cheeks with a handkerchief.

“I never said that!” cried Jessie

“She didn’t mean-“ began Lance.

“You stay out of their argument, James,” snapped Mrs. Bass. “I still have to contend with you. How could you tell me to back off? I how often does my only son get married?” “You don’t understand-“ said Lance.

“The hell I don’t!” she cried. “You’re probably the world’s most ungrateful son!”

“Mom, I didn’t-“

“Come Barbara,” said Mrs. Bass, standing up. We know where we’re not wanted.” With that, Mrs. Landers and Mrs. Bass left the room, haughtily holding their heads high, slamming Lance’s front door on their way out.

Lance ran his hand through his spiky hair, disheveling the blond strands, eyeing the door as he sighed. “Well, at least they’re getting along,” he shrugged, turning around to face Jessie. He abruptly stopped when he spotted Jessie sitting on the couch, her face buried in her hands and her body shuddering.


Jessie looked up, tears running down her cheeks. “Why do they have to make everything so hard?” she sighed. “All I want is for our wedding day to be perfect… the way I envisioned it.” “It can be,” said Lance, sitting down beside her.

“How can it, Lance?” she snapped, jumping to her feet. “Not with both our moms running around, commandeering our wedding out from underneath us!”

“Jess, it isn’t as bad as it seems,” sighed Lance, grabbing her hand.

“Yes it is!” Jessie abruptly pulled her hand out of his grip and headed to the door, snatching her purse on her way. Lance got up to follow her, but Jessie turned around, abruptly stopping him. “Look, I’m sorry Lance. I just… I need some time by myself.”

Lance stared at her despairingly. “But Jess-“

“I’ll call you tonight, Lance, ok?” said Jessie, nodding. She leaned over and placed a small kiss on his lips and stepped out the door, jogging to her car parked in the driveway.

get this gear!

Chapter 6