The Lyrics Collection | Chapter 8: Tell Her
::Chapter 8: Tell Her::

"Hey Justin, Joey and I are heading out for a movie. I'll be back later tonight," I told Justin, almost flying down the stairs to Joey who was waiting at the bottom.

"Yeah sure, I'll just sit around somewhere and, I don't know, maybe watch some TV," said Justin, hanging his shoulders low and acting bored.

"Aah, c'mon Justin, don't be like this. Joey and I are just going to the movies. We can go some other time."

Justin smiled weakly and shrugged. "If you have to," he told us and I grinned at his failed attempt to try and make me stay.

"Bye," I said and I kissed him on the cheek before making my way to Joey's car, Joey following closely behind me. "Geez, they are all really stupid, don't you think? I thought they would've figured out by now that we're dating. It's been almost two months." Joey and I decided to teas the guys by keeping it a secret. It was fun to watch them guess if I told them I was going on a date with a cute guy and they never even thought about the idea that Joey might be the guy, because exactly on the same day and the same time Joey was going on a date too. Doesn't that ring a bell?

"Yeah, well, I told you that already," joked Joey.

I smiled at him and studied him while he backed out of the driveway and drove to the movie theatre. I studied his face, his beautiful eyes, his perfect nose, his soft lips.. "I love you." Did I just say that out loud?

Joey suddenly turned to me and looked kind of shocked. I did say it out loud. Oh god, what if he doesn't say it back or doesn't feel the same. I looked back at Joey and we looked into each others eyes for a few seconds. Then Joey turned back to the road quickly.

Why doesn't he say anything? He's supposed to say 'I love you too' isn't he? I mean, that's how it always goes in movies and stories so why not now? He does love me right?

No, he doesn't feel the same, otherwise he would've said it back by now. He doesn’t love me the way I love him. I shouldn't have been this stupid to say 'I love you' to him only after two months. You can't love someone after two months, can you?

The rest of the ride to the movie theatre remained quiet and at the theatre it went basically the same way. We watch the movie and Joey put an arm around me like usual, but I tensed up when he did that. It was different in some strange way. He didn't love me.

After the movie he brought me home and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I know he did that because Justin could be watching and then we would blow our cover, but I felt rejected in a way. When I closed the door, after watching Joey drive of into the night, I leaned against the door and I started to sob softly.

"Jac, what's wrong?" asked Justin as soon as he saw me crying at the door. He walked over to me and wanted to pull me in for a hug.

"Nothing, I'm fine," I told him and pulled back from the hug and brushed the tears out of my face. "I'm fine, the movie was just sad." With that I walked up the stairs. As soon as I was in my room the tears came back.

I know a girl who's broken hearted

Over a boy who could not share his feelings

She really loved him

Joey leaned against the steering wheel of his car and sighed. He banged his head against the wheel and leaned his head against his chair. "Stupid, stupid!" he said to himself. "Why didn't I say it back? Why?" He ran a hand over his face and sighed again. "Why didn't I? I feel the same way, right?"

After setting me of he drove for a while, thinking why he didn't say it and then finally pulled over in his driveway. He had been there for the past 15 minutes, still thinking. "Of course I do. Of course I feel the same, I'm just..." God, I sound stupid talking to myself. "I am stupid. Stupid for letting Jaclyn doubt my feelings for her. Damnit!" He punched the steering wheel and finally got out of the car.

And I know a boy who could not say just

Three little words that would make her day

It hurt her, though he really loved her

"Jaclyn, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, Dani," I said, trying to sound convincing. "You can go home again. Justin didn't need to call you." Justin called Dani, after I ran up the stairs crying, because he was concerned about me.

"C'mon Jac, Justin didn't call me for nothing. As soon as you came back from the movie with Joey you ran up to your room, crying," said Dani. "There has to be something wrong. Can you let me in?"

I pulled myself up from the bed and unlocked the door for her. She came in and immediately saw the tear on my cheeks. "What's wrong, Jac? What happened?" She asked.

We sat down on my bed together and I wanted to tell her. I wanted to tell her so much, but I just burst out in tears again. Dani hushed me and pulled me in for a hug.

"Sshh, c'mon Jac, tell me what's wrong."

"He.. he didn't.. s-say it.. b-back," I stuttered through the sobs.

"Who's he, Jac? And what didn't he say back?"

"Joey, he didn't.. Say 'it' back. He didn't say it back and he doesn’t love me and.." I burst out crying again.

"Wait, wait, Jac. Hold up, your losing me here. Joey didn't say 'it' back? He doesn’t love you? What are you talking about?"

I looked up at her confused and then it striked me that she didn't know anything about Joey and me.

If there's lesson to be learn

It's a hard one to take

Wanting falls apart, it's so hard un break

So don't you ever make that mistake

I calmed down and told her the whole story. She listened without interrupting me once.

"I knew it!" She exclaimed after my story was finished. "Ow, Chris so owes me 20 bucks."

"What?" I asked her, becoming confused again. "You mean, you guys knew all along?"

"Well, not exactly, I had a feeling, but Chris didn't believe me."

"Well, Chris is right. It's not true. Well, it is to me, but probably not to Joey." I laid back down on my bed and pulled a pillow to me.

"Don't say that, Jac, maybe he was just a bit flustered by you suddenly telling him you love him. Chris was too at first."

"He was?"

"Yeah, but eventually he said it back." Dani gave me a reassuring smile and I smiled back. "You better get some sleep." I nodded and fell asleep almost the minute my eyes closed.

Tell her you love her

How much you love her

Don't turn away

Don't be afraid

Tell her you love her

"So, what's wrong?" asked Justin as soon as Dani stepped out of my room and closed the door softly behind her. "What did she tell you?"

"I'm not sure if I'm allowed to tell you," answered Dani, having difficulties in not telling him.

"Why not?" Asked Justin, getting more worried every second. "Did Joey do something? Did something happen between them tonight? I swear, I'm gonna kill him if he did anything to-"

Dani interrupted him "Justin, she's gonna be fine. She just needs little time." Justin looked confused and wanted to ask again what was wrong, but Dani hushed him. "I can't tell you what's wrong, you just have to trust me and Jaclyn. She'll be fine."

Justin nodded and walked with Dani to the door.

Time marches on and the boy grew older

Every day wondering if he told her something

Would it be different

Six days passed and Joey didn't call me once in those six days. He didn't come by, he didn't even call Justin, which he usually did.

Justin was worried and watch my every move. It annoyed me and I stayed in my room most of the time, sometimes going to the pool or playing around in the studio. That's where I was now, just messing around with some music Justin recorded with JC the day before, when Justin came in.

"Hi," he said an I looked up. I simply smiled ad went back to pushing buttons, not even knowing what they did. "So, what's up?"

I shrugged. "Not much."

"Not much, huh?"

"No, just messing around a bit. You don't mind, do you?"

Justin shook his head. "Nah, of course not." It was quiet for a few seconds. "You know, Joey called today." Justin studied my reaction, but I showed non.

I simply shrugged. "So?"

"Well," started Justin. "I thought you might wanted to know.." Again he studied my reaction, seeing non he continued. "Since he asked for you."

This time I looked up. "He did?" Immediately I blushed. Justin grinned.

"Yeah, he did. He wanted to know how you were."

"Well, euhm, that's nice of him to.. ask," I said slowly, looking back at the buttons again. "Did he ask anything, euh, else?"

"Nah," said Justin, nonchalantly. "Just something about if I wanted to help him set up a date for you and persuade you to go."

Again I looked up, smiling. "He's setting up a date?"

"Uh-huh, so you're going then?" Without waiting for my reaction he got up. "Okay, great, I'll go call Joey and tell him you'll be ready at 7." He walked out of the studio and amazingly I didn't make a move to stop him.

I smiled to myself. He was setting up a date. Did that mean that he does love me? Maybe Dani was right after all.

If there's lesson to be learn

It's a hard one to take

Wanting falls apart, it's so hard un break

So don't you ever make that mistake

That night at 7 I was ready to go and fiddling with the hem of my summer dress. It was a red dress, not to casual and not to dressy.

There was a knock on the door and Justin went to open it. I heard him mumbling with the person at the door for a few minutes and then he called for me. "Jac, your ride is here."

I stood up and straightened out my dress, expecting Joey to stand in the doorway, but instead a man in a two piece suit stood in the doorway. I was a bit disappointed but still curious as to why he was my ride.

"Have fun," said Justin, giving me my jacket and purse and pushing me softly out of the door. The man escorted me to the end of the driveway and there stood a carriage with two horses in front of it.

"M'am," said the man, taking my hand and helping me into the carriage. I sat down on the soft cushions and let the soft breeze flow through my hair. The man got on the front seat and ordered the horses to walk.

The ride, to where ever, was silent and I became more nervous with the second. What was Joey up to?

Tell her you lover her

How much you love her

Don't turn away

Don't be afraid

Tell her you love her

How much you love her

After a 15 minute ride we stopped at a private beach. A beach? What would Joey want to do on a beach? Swim? In the dark?

The man helped out of the carriage and told me to walk along the concrete path. I did and soon I could see small lights appearing in the distance. I took of my high heels and walked through the sand towards the lights.

There was a big blanket spread out onto the sand and four gas lamps set up around it. On the blanket lied two plates, two glasses and a picnic basket. He planned a picnic? On the beach? How romantic.

I looked around, but saw no Joey or anyone else. I looked back at the blanket and saw that there was a folded paper on one of the plates. I picked it up and read:

I you will remember me, I will remember you.

We will be lovers and friends, no matter what we do.

If I stay in your heart, you will be in mine.

No matter what happens, you will be fine.

I smiled and suddenly felt two hands on my hips. I turned around and came face to face with Joey.

Don't turn away don't be afraid

If there's lesson to be learn

It's a hard one to take

Wanting falls apart, it's so hard un break

So don't you ever make that mistake

Tell her you love her

"I'm glad you came," said Joey, grabbing my hand and pulling me down with him on the blanket.

"Did I have a chose?" I asked grinning slightly. Justin didn't give me a chose.

Joey chuckled. "True, Justin would've dragged you out here if you said no."

I smiled and Joey filled the two glasses up with champagne, handing me one. We clinked our glasses against each other, not really toasting. I took a sip and studied Joey. I could see he was thinking of what to say, just like me.

Oh tell her you love her How much you love her

Don't turn away

Don't be afraid

Tell her you love her

How much you love, ooh

Don't turn away don't be afraid

Just tell her you love her

"Look Jaclyn.." Started Joey, "I'm really sorry if I hurt your feelings and I didn't mean to, really I didn't. I just.. When you said I love you I was shocked and didn't know what to do. I guess, I was just scared of confessing my feelings for you and.." He looked into my eyes, seeming to look for help or something. "I do tough.. I love you, Jaclyn."

We stared into each others eyes for what seemed like an eternity and we drifted closer to each other slowly until his lips brushed over min. "I love you too, Joey," I whispered before crashing my lips on top of his.

Lyrics: "Tell Her”- Jim Bakkum

Chapter 9

get this gear!