Beautiful Mess | Chapter 1

::Chapter 1::

“It may happen sometimes that a long debate becomes the cause of a longer friendship. Commonly, those who dispute with one another at last agree.”

-- Saskya Pandita

“Look, it’s really not that difficult!” she cried, exasperatingly running her hand through her hair. “You just walk yourself in there and tell Dr. Wellington that I’m here to see him!”

“I’m sorry Ms. Stewart, but as I told you before, he is not taking any students at the moment,” said the secretary slowly. Mira let out an annoyed breath.

“But I don’t understand. I had an appointment with him scheduled since last week, and today in class I reminded him that I would stop by to discuss cellular electrochemistry!” she cried.

“I don’t know what to tell you except that he’s busy and won’t be able to see you today. I can make another appointment for you if you’d like,” said the secretary curtly. Mira opened her mouth to speak when a male voice appeared from behind her.

“That would be wonderful. Thank you,” he said, placing a hand on Mira’s shoulder and smiling charmingly at the secretary. Mira let out a frustrated breath and dropped her head on the tall countertop with a thump. The secretary quickly made an appointment for the following week and sent the two on their way.

“You know Mike, just because you’re seven minutes older than me doesn’t mean I need you always around to protect me,” sighed Mira.

“Who says I was protecting you?” scoffed Mike. “I’ve been on the wrong end of your temper before! I was simply trying to protect that poor, helpless secretary from your surges of rage,” he grinned. Mira rolled her eyes. “Besides, I also figured if you’re hoping for Dr. Wellington’s recommendation for application into the Ph.D. program in the future, it’d be best that he doesn’t hear that you harassed his secretary.”

“I wasn’t harassing her,” she muttered.

“Yes you were,” said Mike quickly. “Now kiddo, do you think you can keep yourself out of trouble while meet with Dr. Isham?” Mira glared at Mike murderously. “I’ll take that as a yes. See you around,” he said, quickly kissing her forehead and jogging off in the general direction of Barrows Hall.

Mira let out a sigh and plopped down on a stone bench nearby. She had been waiting all week to discuss the latest topics in her advanced biochemistry class with her professor. There she had been, waiting patiently in the chemistry office; her books piled high in her lap, waiting to be called into his office. When it was already half an hour past the time she was scheduled to meet with him, she asked the secretary how much longer it might be. It was then that she was informed that Dr. Wellington had suddenly changed his mind and wasn’t seeing students that afternoon, thus, the current source of distress in Mira’s life.

She let out a deep breath, letting go of all her frustrations. She reached back and pulled her wavy brown hair up into a messy bun and pulled the sleeves of her red sweater over her hands, shielding them from the January breeze. She pulled her water bottle out of her book bag and took a calming sip.

“Crap,” she heard suddenly. She spun around and spotted a man, clad in jeans, a leather jacket, and a baseball cap, standing in front of a sign that held a map of the campus. It was obvious he was lost as he scratched his head in thought, studying the map intently. Mira shrugged. UC Berkeley was a large campus, therefore easy to get lost in. Mira stood up, dusted herself off, hoisted her book bag over her shoulder, and approached the man.

“Excuse me? Are you lost?” she asked politely. The man turned his head and regarded Mira closely, saying nothing. Mira cleared her throat. “Um, I’m Mira,” she said, holding out her hand. He weakly shook it and remained silent. “So, do you need any help?” she asked hesitantly, seeing his reluctance.

“Listen Myra,” he began. Mira’s temper immediately flared.

“It’s not Myra. It’s Mira. M-ee-rah,” she said slowly, purposely being sarcastic.

“Whatever. I’m not lost. Can’t I just look at a damn map for a few minutes without someone assuming I’m lost?” he grumbled.

“A simple ‘no thanks’ would’ve sufficed. But fine. Forget it. Find your own damn way around campus. Forgive me for trying to help you,” she snapped, marching away.

JC ran a hand over his face. “Great,” he mumbled. He had only been on campus for twenty minutes and he’d already made an enemy. In truth, he was indeed lost, but wasn’t about to admit it to anyone. He was trying to find the Hass business school. His girlfriend was waiting for him there. “Only I would automatically assume I can find my way around a campus as big as this one,” he thought to himself begrudgingly. He looked over the map once more and directed himself in the direction of the business building.

He walked for about ten minutes when he came upon a huge building. “Must be it,” he decided, jogging up the front steps and through the double doors. He immediately realized that he wasn’t in the business building. He was, in fact, standing in the library. “Wonderful,” he muttered.

In front of him stood a sign. “INFORMATION” with an arrow that pointed to the right. “Fine, I give in,” he mumbled, heading towards the information desk. As he approached it, he spotted a woman behind the counter; her back turned towards him. Her brown wavy hair ran down her back and stopped about half way. “Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the Hass business building?” he asked.

The woman spun around. Upon seeing him, her brown eyes widened in surprise and mischief. “Uh huh, so Mr. Too-Good-For-Help is now asking for directions?” she said dryly, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Oh, uh, Mira, right?” he asked. Mira arched an eyebrow and nodded slowly.

“Amazing. You got my name right this time,” she said in mock shock. “I’m surprised you can even speak using polysyllabic words,” she said, turning around and returning to the books she was currently checking in. “I thought my name was too complex for you.”

“Listen, I’m sorry about that, but I really need to get to the business building,” he said exasperatedly, looking down at his watch.

“Let me ask you a question,” she said, spinning around. “Did it hurt when you swallowed your pride?”

JC glared at her unappreciatively. “Who says I swallowed my pride? Maybe I just didn't want directions from you when you offered,” he stated.

“But you’re here now, and considering I’m the only person on duty at the desk right now, I’m what you get. Therefore, the only logical option you have is to ask me how to get there once again, by swallowing your pride. Or you could act like a complete idiot and try again to get there on your own. Which, by the way, I wouldn’t suggest,” she said, unfazed, checking in books.

“And why is that?” asked JC sarcastically.

“Because I’m guessing you tried to get the business building by yourself. By the way, Hass is on the other side of campus,” she said.

“Listen, I’d love to sit here and listen to your PMS-driven bitchiness, but I’ve got a girlfriend I was supposed to meet ten minutes ago waiting for me in the business building. So if you wouldn’t mind just giving me damn directions on how to get there, I’d really appreciate it,” he said dryly.

“Poor thing,” said Mira, shaking her head.

“Who?” asked JC.

“Your girlfriend,” she said simply, looking down at the books.

“Look, just tell me how to get to the damn business building!” he growled.

Mira gazed at him, unfazed. “Usually when asking for something, you’re supposed to ask for it nicely,” she said innocently.

JC muttered inaudible profanities under his breath and forced a smile. “Will you please tell me how to get to the business building?” he asked forcedly.

“Nope,” she grinned, scanning another book.

“What? You said that if I asked nicely you’d tell me!” he cried, throwing his hands in the air, only to be shushed by people nearby, working intently. “Sorry,” he whispered to them.

“I never said I’d tell you. I just pointed out that when asking for something you’re supposed to ask nicely,” she said, smiling spitefully. JC let out a growl.

“Aw, what’s wrong? You aren’t upset about something are you?” she asked, feigning concern. JC narrowed his eyes and glared at her.

“Hey Mira!” came a voice from behind JC. JC spun around to see a tall, dark haired man approaching the desk.

“Hello Mike,” she said, grinning happily. “I would introduce you to this guy standing in front of me, but I don’t know his name. That, and he’s bugging the hell out of me, so…” she said, still grinning. Mike arched an eyebrow and held out his hand.

“I’m Mike, Mira’s brother,” he said, shaking JC’s hand.

“I’m JC,” he said.

“Nice to meet you JC,” grinned Mike. “Ignore Mira. She likes to give people hell.”

“So I’ve noticed,” said JC begrudgingly.

“I don’t give hell to everyone, just to people I don’t like,” she said, glaring at JC. JC rolled his eyes and turned back to Mike.

“Listen Mike, could you do me a favor? Your sister here won’t help me so would you?” he asked.

“Yeah, sure. With what?” asked Mike.

“My girlfriend is waiting for me in the business building. I need to get there, and fast, but I don’t know how to get there,” he explained.

“Oh well, that's easy. When you leave here, make a left at the plaza, head straight until you hit Moses Hall, make another left, follow the path as it curves around until it hits Senior Hall. Right off to the left is Hass,” motioned Mike. Despite the confusing directions, JC smiled triumphantly.

“Thank you very much Mike,” he said, shaking Mike’s hand. “It was absolutely wretched meeting you Mira. I hope to never see you again,” he said through clenched teeth, faking a smile.

“Same here,” grinned Mira sarcastically. JC turned around and took off through the library doors. Mira let out a deep breath and rolled her eyes. “Finally. He’s gone,” she groaned. “He’s such a pain in the ass.”

“I thought he was a nice guy,” grinned Mike, shoving his hands in his pockets. Mira looked up at him, eyebrows arched.

“You’re not funny,” she deadpanned.

Doe Library                                                               Haas Business School

Mira and Leanna's House

“Leanna!” called Mira, taking her key out of the lock. “You home?”

“Yeah, yeah… I’m home,” muttered Leanna, walking down the stairs dressed in her pajamas, eating out of a pint of ice cream.

“What? Bad day?” asked Mira, taking off her jacket and hanging it up on the coat hook next to the door.

“You could say that,” muttered Leanna, blowing a wisp of blonde hair out of her face and taking another bite of ice cream.

“I’m sorry,” said Mira, stripping off her sweater there in the doorway. “Remind me to ask you about it later.”

“Um, Mira? What’s with the strip act?” asked Leanna, waving her spoon in the air, motioning at Mira.

Mira looked up and smiled sarcastically. “What? You don't like to strip in the doorway?” she said, clad in a T-shirt. She grabbed an old sweatshirt out of the nearby closet and slipped it on.

“I find it a bit drafty,” said Leanna flatly, licking at another spoonful of ice cream. “But really… why are you changing?”

“I’m gonna go out and do that yard work before I get too lazy to do it,” Mira quickly explained, running outside once more. “I’ll see you in a while,” she said, waving behind her. Leanna waved with her spoon and let out a discontented sigh. She walked over to the couch and plopped down on its comfortable cushions and reached for the remote, turning on a soap opera.

Mira was a hurricane outside. Within forty-five minutes she had raked up the leaves, pulled the weeds, trimmed the trees and bushes, and mowed the lawn. Nothing could really explain this burst of energy, except for perhaps the many frustrations of the day. Might as well direct the energy into something useful, like working on the yard of the house she shared with her best friend Leanna.

She blew a sweaty strand of hair out of her face and began dragging the heavy, ancient lawnmower to the backyard, via the side gate. As she had made it into the yard, she suddenly heard a voice.

“Leanna?” called a male voice.

“She’s in the house,” yelled Mira.

“Thanks,” returned the voice. Mira shrugged and returned to her work, putting away the rest of the yard equipment. It seemed like it was forever until she finally finished with the last details. At last, however, she finished and was able to drag herself inside. She slipped off her tennis shoes next to the front door and padded into the kitchen to wash her hands.

“Hey Leanna,” called Mira, wandering into the den wiping sweat off her brow. On the couch sat Leanna who was currently leaning backwards on the couch, kissing an unidentified man. Mira gasped and immediately spun back around and started creeping back into the kitchen.

“Mira!” said Leanna suddenly out of surprise. Mira hesitantly turned around, embarrassed to have interrupted such an intimate moment. With who, she didn’t know. All she knew was it was definitely intimate. Leanna’s cheeks were bright red with embarrassment. “Sorry Mira,” she said softly. “You remember me talking about Josh, right?” she asked, motioning to the man next to her.

Mira looked at the man and gasped. JC looked at her, slightly embarrassed. “We’ve met,” Mira muttered.

“You have?” asked Leanna out of confusion.

“Yeah,” said JC, looking down at the ground. “Today on campus,” he muttered.

“Yeah, you’ve got yourself quite the gentleman here Lea,” said Mira dryly.

“Huh?” asked Leanna in confusion, fully catching the sarcastic tone of Mira’s voice.

“Yeah, well, if someone’s gonna be as bitchy as Mira here is, then no one’s good enough to please her,” said JC.

“What?” asked Leanna.

“It’s not that there’s no one who’ll please me. It’s just people like you, who bug the hell out of me,” said Mira, crossing her arms over her chest. “That’s it.”

“Maybe I’m the only person who won’t take your crap,” said JC through clenched teeth.

“Maybe you’re the only person who deserves my crap,” growled Mira. “And, if you would recall, I was the one who was nice to you in the first place. You were the one who acted like a total bastard!”

“I apologized! Then you started acting like a total bitch to me!” cried JC.

“GUYS!” cried Leanna, standing up. “Enough!”

JC and Mira stopped arguing and glared at each other furiously. “I’m sorry Leanna, but Mira here doesn’t know how to let an argument end,” said JC. Mira breathed in deeply to control her anger.

“Lea, I’m sorry about this. I’m sorry you’re dating an asshole. And I’m sorry I can’t stand even the thought of him,” said Mira through clenched teeth. “I’m gonna take a shower then go out. I’ll see you later Lea,” she said before marching off up the stairs.

JC stared at the ground, it’s vision blurring from the anger building up inside of him. Leanna plopped back down on the couch beside JC and stared ahead numbly. “Well that went well,” she muttered.

get this gear!

Chapter 2