Chapter 11: Beautiful Mess | Chapter 11

::Chapter 11::

"If we are to live together in peace, we must come to know each other better."

-Lyndon Baines Johnson

Saturday Afternoon

"They're late."

"Thanks, Sherlock," said Mira, glancing down at her watch.

"Maybe they got a late plane?" offered JC.

"I don't know..." said Mira uncertainly. "Leanna's usually pretty good about calling if there's a problem with the plane. Besides, Mike's the one I'm worried about."

"And what about Justin?" asked JC.

"He's arriving in an hour," said Mira. "Lucky for me I get to spend the day here, huh?" she said with a sardonic grin.

"Hey," said JC. "Are you hungry?"

Mira paused for a moment, contemplating the question. "Yes, actually, I am. What have you got in mind?"

JC simply motioned to the small airport cafe sitting a few hundred feet away. "You game?"

An hour and a half later...

"It's really hard," said JC. "Not being able to see my family as often as I'd like… that’s why this break has been so welcome."

"I know how that is," said Mira with a weak smile, turning the straw in her glass. "My dad's in the military, so he was always gone, stationed somewhere else, from Japan to Georgia to Germany."

"You, Mike, and your mom didn't go with him?" asked JC.

"Well, we did until about fifth grade," said Mira. "But that's when Mike and I started getting into trouble at school, so our parents decided that my mom should stay in one place with us kids."

"Trouble?" asked JC, his brow creasing.

"Well, actually, we didn't get into much trouble," said Mira, taking a bite of her hamburger. "It was a one time thing."

"What happened, if you don't mind me asking?" asked JC, taking a bite of his food.

"Well, Mike and I had just moved to a new school, right? Here in San Francisco," she said. "And, of course, me being me, I immediately wanted to go out for the boys' baseball team."

JC nearly choked on his food. "The boys' baseball team?"

"Yes," said Mira with a nod. "Is there a problem?"

"Oh no, none at all. By all means, please continue," said JC, fighting the smirk tugging at his lips.

"Anyway," said Mira. "Of course, a girl on the boys' team? Impossible, right? So a bunch of the guys from the team started teasing me, harassing me, trying to discourage me from trying out."

"That's pretty messed up," said JC, leaning forward.

"Tell me about it," she said. "They'd even sunk so low as to throw things at me when I'd walk by."

"Man," said JC softly, running his hand through his hair.

"So one day, after school, Mike and I are walking home when a group of about five guys from the baseball team stop me and ask me if I'm still planning on trying out. I said yes," said Mira with a nod.

"Even after all they did?" asked JC.

"Even after all they did," she affirmed. "Well, as you can imagine, they didn't like that too much," she said with a teasing smirk. "So they decided 'hey, let's jump her'. And they did."

"They what?" asked JC, his jaw dropping.

Mira took a sip of her soda. "Oh, don't you worry... having a father in the military taught Mike and I a few fighting moves," she said with a grin. "I ended up with a black eye, Mike had a bloody lip, but those guys had it a lot worse."

JC laughed appreciatively. "Oh man... that would've been hilarious to see!"

"And it was," said Mira, nodding. "Only my parents didn't see the humor in it. And my mom, being a psychologist, was already worried about the effect of moving on us, so that was the confirmation she needed."

"So you guys stayed?" asked JC.

"Yup," said Mira. She leaned across the table, grinning. "And I was voted MVP of the baseball team that year."

JC began laughing. A moment later, Mira joined in, giggling.

"Oh. My. God."

Mira and JC looked up to see Justin, Leanna, and Mike, wide eyed and staring at the pair as though they had ducks sitting on their heads or something.

"They're talking!" said Justin in amazement.

"And not killing each other," said Mike.

Mira, feeling slightly uncomfortable under the scrutiny, smiled. "When did you guys get it?"

"About twenty minutes ago," said Justin, sliding into the booth beside Mira.

"Yeah," said Leanna, sitting beside JC. "We ran into Justin at the airport down in LA."

Mike pulled up a chair from a neighboring table. "He had a layover or something, and we decided to all fly back together," said Mike, seating himself at the head of the table.

"And then we waited around the baggage claim for about fifteen minutes, and decided to come get something to eat," said Justin. "And lo and behold, imagine our surprise when we see our friends, two sworn enemies, eating hamburgers and talking about who-knows what," he said with a small smile.

Mira began blushing lightly, uncomfortable under the attention. "Don't ask," said Leanna, shaking her head. "Just don't ask. Just go with it," she finished with a smile.

"So did you miss me?" said Justin, kissing the back of Mira's hand.

"Of course I did," said Mira with a smile. "How's your family?"

"They're good," said Justin, taking a sip of his wine. "I don't get to see them nearly enough."

"I can imagine," said Mira, her finger tracing the condensation on her wineglass.

"But enough about family," said Justin, leaning across the table and taking her hands. "I want to talk about you."

"Ok," said Mira with a smile. "What specifically?"

"What'd you do while I was gone?" asked Justin.

"Nothing, really," said Mira with a shrug. "Dr. Cohen started up a new research project and invited me to join him," she said, her grin growing.

"That's great!" said Justin.

"I know!" giggled Mira. "This may end up being my first published work.”

"That's wonderful!" said Justin. "I'm happy for you."

"Well thank you," she said, taking a sip of her wine.

"Um... Mir?" asked Justin a moment later, staring intently at his girlfriend.

"Yes?" asked Mira, looking up from her plate of food.

"I have a question to ask you, and I want you to be perfectly honest with me," he said slowly.

Mira's brow creased. "Um, okay?"

Justin took a deep breath and stared intently into her eyes. "Are you cheating on me?"

Mira's jaw dropped. "What? No!"

"Then explain the what’s on your neck, Mira," he said flatly.

Mira's hand immediately reached up to her throat, where she touched the sore bruising from the night before. "Justin, it isn't what you think it is," she said softly.

"Like I've never heard that one before, Mir," said Justin flatly.

"No, Justin, you really don't understand," said Mira, shaking her head. "They aren't hickeys. They're bruises."

"Bruises?" asked Justin, his brow creasing. "From what?"

"I don't think we should discuss that here," whispered Mira, looking around at the crowded restaurant surrounding them.

"Mira, please," said Justin pleadingly. "Tell me what happened. Where are those bruises from?"

Mira sighed, running her hand through her hair. "I..." she began hesitantly. Meeting Justin’s curious and intense gaze, she gave in with a sigh. "I was assaulted last night, Justin."

Justin's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "What?" he cried.

"Last night... I was leaving campus and I had some car trouble, and this guy came to help me and... and he started choking me," said Mira, her voice trembling.

"Why did you let him help you, Mira?" cried Justin. "He could've killed you!"

"I know that now," said Mira softly, staring down at her hands in her lap.

"How could you do something so stupid?" cried Justin. Suddenly Mira stood up and slammed her napkin down on the table.

"I already feel stupid enough, Justin, and I don't need you to remind me!" she cried. She picked up her purse and stormed out of the restaurant, fresh tears streaming down her cheeks.

Justin groaned and held his head in his hands. With the image of Mira's tear stained face fresh in his mind, he ran out of the restaurant, signaling to his nearby bodyguard to take care of the bill.

Mira burst into her home fifteen minutes later, sobbing. Leanna and JC sat on the couch, his arm casually wrapped around Leanna’s shoulders. They both looked up at the sound of the slamming of the door.

“Mira? Honey? What’s wrong?” asked Leanna.

"Nothing," said Mira, roughly wiping away the tears sliding down her cheeks.

Leanna and JC stood up and walked over to Mira. "Leanna, honey? Why don't you get Mira something to drink?" said JC, silently motioning to Leanna that he'd take care of the situation. Leanna looked hesitantly at Mira, then back at JC. She nodded in understanding and disappeared into the kitchen, leaving JC cautiously approaching Mira. "Mir? What happened?"

"Justin blames me," she cried.

"What? Blames you for what?" asked JC, putting a hand on her arm to steady her trembling form.

"For being attacked," sobbed Mira, looking up woefully at JC. She leaned into his arms, holding on tightly to his shirt.

"Oh Mir," he said softly. "I'm sure he didn't mean it like that."

"I didn't."

Mira turned around in surprise. In the doorway stood Justin. His gaze was locked on Mira; pure regret swimming in his eyes. His eyes flickered in confusion and jealousy as he saw JC's arms wrapped around Mira, but that wasn't the moment to bring something like that up, he decided. "I'm sorry Mir."

JC let go of Mira and stepped back. "I'll let you two take care of this," he said softly, taking one last glance at Mira before turning and walking into the kitchen.

Mira stared down at her feet. Justin shifted nervously. "Mir, I didn't mean it. I was worried, hearing that some creep hurt you...I just got angry. Not at you, but at him."

"So that justified calling me stupid?" asked Mira, crossing her arms across her chest.

"No," said Justin solemnly, stepping towards Mira and placing his hands on her shoulders. "I'm so sorry, Mira. Do you forgive me?" he asked, protruding his bottom lip in a pout.

"I guess," said Mira, faking resentment.

"Thank you," said Justin. He paused, a small grin growing on his face. "So... are you up for dessert?"

Mira nodded. "Definitely... but could you do me a favor and go buy some and bring it back? I kind of don't feel like going out."

"Your wish is my command," said Justin, bowing dramatically.

Mira rolled her eyes. "Well, my wish is for some Ben and Jerry's New York super fudge chunk."

"I'll find some," said Justin, kissing Mira quickly on the lips. "Even if I have to go to New York to get it," he said with a grin.

Just then, Leanna and JC wandered back into the room. "Is it safe?"

"It's safe," said Mira with a nod. "Justin's on his way out."

Leanna did a double take. "I thought you said it was safe!"

Mira giggled. "It is. He's just going to get me some ice cream."

"Oh! I'll come along!" said Leanna, immediately grabbing her coat off the coat hanger. "I have a few questions to ask you, Justin, about business dealings and all that fun stuff that goes along with the recording industry."

"Sure," said Justin with a shrug. "Let's go."

"Bye you two," said Leanna, waving shortly as she walked out the door. "See you in a bit."

The door slammed heavily, leaving JC and Mira standing alone in the room. "So... all better now?" asked JC.

"Yeah, I guess," said Mira with a shrug.

"You guess?" asked JC, his brow creasing.

"Yeah," said Mira, moving over to the couch. "I just..." she paused.

"You just what?" asked JC, sitting down beside her.

"It just kind of worries me that he'd react like that," said Mira, looking down at her fidgeting hands.

"He was just upset, is all," said JC, reaching over and tucking a strand of Mira's dark hair behind her ear.

"I know, but..." Mira paused. She curled her legs and pulled her knees to her chest.

"But what?" urged JC.

"He didn't even ask me if I was okay," said Mira softly.

JC smiled weakly and reached over, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pulled her into his arms. Mira laid her head against his chest and sighed. JC ran a hand over her head comfortingly, trying to soothe her worries, but was silently intoxicated and drawn in by the fresh, vanilla scent of her hair.

Mira kept her head against his chest, listening to his breathing and the faint sound of his heartbeat against her ear. She knew she should be thinking about Justin, but all she could think about was JC and his first words to her when he rescued her the night before.

"Are you okay?"

get this gear!

Chapter 12