Beautiful Mess | Chapter 4

::Chapter 4::

“The affections are like lightning: you cannot tell where they will strike till they have fallen.”

-Jean Baptiste Lacordaire

“For the last time, I’m not asking for directions,” muttered JC, running a hand through his hair. “That’s how I met Mira,” he muttered.

Justin rolled his eyes and looked around again. “He’s got to be around here somewhere. He promised,” he mumbled under his breath. “Aha! There he is!” cried Justin, waving wildly at an approaching figure. Mike adjusted the strap of the book bag slung across his chest and waved, joining them.

“Hey guys, what’s up?” grinned Mike.

“Nothing much man,” said JC, shaking Mike’s hand.

“So were you doing something important when I called?” asked Justin.

“Nah, don’t worry about it,” shrugged Mike. “I was in the library getting some research for my thesis.”

“Thesis, huh?” asked JC.

“Yeah. I’m working on my master’s in political science,” explained Mike. “That and I was getting some research for Mira.”

“Mira?” asked Justin, his ears perking up. “What were you getting research for?”

“All I know is she’s been asked to participate in some trials for some medication that a pharmaceutical company’s putting out,” said Mike. “I was supposed to look up something on ‘2-B-napthylamine'. Not like I know what that means,” he shrugged. “I’m not good at the science stuff like Princess is.”

“Hey, well, I don’t think I could begin to understand the stuff that she knows,” shrugged Justin.

“I’m sure it’s really not that hard,” said JC. “I mean, it’s all a bunch of text books and pouring water into test tubes and stuff, right?”

Mike smirked knowingly. “I was gonna take these books to her now. Why don’t you come along?”

Justin nodded eagerly. “Sure!”

“I don’t-“ began JC.

“Come on J, you’re coming,” said Justin, yanking on JC’s arm. JC let out a sigh and followed reluctantly.

Mike led the pair to the science building and up the stairs, where he took them into a quiet corridor. The three stepped up to a large metal door, with “Chemistry Lab” printed in large, bold letters on the front. “Come on,” whispered Mike, motioning with his hand.

Mike quietly opened the door and snuck in, motioning for the other two to be quiet. Mira stood on the other side of the room, her back to the three. She wore a long white lab coat and latex gloves. Her long hair was brought up into a messy ponytail, covered slightly by the elastic of her goggles.

She was currently in the process of pouring one chemical into another from a test tube into a large beaker. As soon as she placed the beaker onto the countertop, Mike smirked.


Mira jumped about a foot in the air. She spun around and glared at Mike evilly. “You- you half-wit!” she cried.

“Half-wit, huh?” chuckled Mike. “Are you turning British on us Mira?” Mira lifted her goggles and placed them on her head.

“I guess I’ve been spending too much time with Dr. Cohen,” she shrugged.

“What is it you’ve got there?” said Justin. Mira jolted slightly, previously unaware that Mike had people with him.

“Oh hi Justin,” she smiled. “JC,” she said flatly. “I’m running some tests here for the presence of certain harmful trace elements,” she explained.

“Sounds interesting,” said Justin, peering over her shoulder at the beakers of liquids, Bunsen burners, and test tubes. Mira giggled at looked at Justin, arching an eyebrow.

“You don’t have to lie Justin. I know you think this is boring,” she giggled.

“It is,” deadpanned JC. Mira glared at him.

“Did I ask you?” she snapped. JC shrugged.

“Just thought I’d tell you my opinion,” he deadpanned.

“I didn’t ask for it,” she snapped.

“Whoa! Cool it you two,” said Justin, dodging between the two. “I don’t need any bloodshed. This is a new shirt.”

“You don’t? What about my experiment?” cried Mira dramatically. JC rolled his eyes unappreciatively.

“How about you leave this junk for now and come and have lunch with us?” asked Mike. Mira paused for a moment in thought.

“Give me ten more minutes,” she said, turning back to her experiment.

“What do you have to do?” asked Mike.

“I need to finish this, and I need it quiet, so sit over there and shush,” she said playfully, motioning to the side of the room. Mike, Justin, and JC did as she requested and sat on the opposite side of the room in silence as Mira rushed around the lab bench, collecting data and mixing solutions.

JC watched in amazement. Sure, he had a basic understanding of chemistry, but had no idea of what Mira was doing. One could even say he admired her knowledge of such a complicated subject. JC let out a sigh. It was as if she’d beaten him again, and all without saying a word.

“And then she says,” laughed Mike, gasping for breath. “’Where’s the car?’” The table burst out in furious laughter. Joey nudged Mira in the side.

“I’ll bet you learned never to leave the keys lying around, huh?” he laughed. Mira stuck out her bottom lip in a pout.

“I had my keys hanging up on the key rack, LIKE THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BE,” she annunciated, glaring at Joey. “ And this good old brother of mine decided it’d be great to paint my windows with ‘Just Married’ all over the place,” she said, shooting a death glare at Mike.

“And, of course, since she was running late, as usual,” giggled Leanna. “She didn’t have time to wash the car, so she came to school with everyone staring at her, thinking she just got married,” she howled, laughing loudly. Chris, Lance, Joey, JC, and Mike joined in the laughter.

“Ha ha ha,” said Mira sarcastically. “I’m so glad you all find this so funny.” Suddenly an arm wrapped itself around Mira’s shoulder.

“It’s alright,” said Justin protectively, pulling Mira to his chest. “Hey, I’m not laughing,” he pointed out, pointing at his face with his finger. Mira grinned.

“You want to though, don’t you?” she smirked. A smile tugged at the corners of Justin’s mouth, but he remained steadfast.

“I’m not going to,” he said decidedly. Mira arched an eyebrow playfully.

“Oh really?” she smirked. She suddenly reached up and tugged on his ear. Justin arched an eyebrow curiously and a smile spread across his face. “Got you,” she smirked.

“Well lookie here,” said Chris. “Looks like Justin here’s got a little crush on your baby sister, Mikey old boy.”

Mira and Justin turned their attention to the rest of the table. Six pairs of eyes were locked on them curiously, wondering what was underneath their exchange.

“So Princess, is there something you want to tell us?” asked Mike, leaning forward onto the table. Mira rolled her eyes.

“Stop being stupid Mike. I mean honestly, when are you going to grow out of this stage?”

“As soon as you tell me the truth,” he said, smirking knowingly. Mira rolled her eyes. The tips of Justin’s ears were bright red as if he’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

“Oh, how cute! My best friend and my boyfriend’s best friend,” said Leanna, clapping her hands excitedly.

“Whoa there!” said Mira suddenly. “We aren’t together, alright guys? We’re not. So quit making stuff up,” she said.

The table went momentarily silent. Suddenly the entire group broke out in song.

“Justin and Mira sittin’ in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” they sang amidst laughter. Mira glared at her friends, making a mental note to kill each and every single one of them in their sleep. Justin watched, amusedly, wondering if he was really that easy to read. Everyone around the table sang loudly, making fun of their friends. JC was the only one person who remained silent.

get this gear!

Chapter 5