Beautiful Mess | Chapter 6

::Chapter 6::

“If you can’t answer a man’s arguments, all is not lost; you can still call him vile names.”

-Elbert Hubbard

“Come on! I’m not out here to simply look beautiful!” cried Chris, waving his baseball glove over his head.

“Don’t worry. You aren’t doing a very good job at that either!” cried Leanna from behind the fence protecting the dugout.

Chris’s jaw dropped and he placed his hands on his hips in offense. “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest. “Hey Lonnie… I’m beautiful, aren’t I?”

His friend and bodyguard who stood nearby rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the diamond. Mira stepped up to bat, swinging the bat in front of her. She turned her red 49ers baseball cap backwards, small curly wisps of her dark brown hair slipping from underneath.

“Alright guys, move it in!” cried Joey to his teammates, calling them closer to the diamond. Mira rolled her eyes.

“Just you see Joey… I’m going to hit this ball out of the park!” she shouted.

“Yeah right… I’ll believe it when I see it,” called Joey in return. Mira smiled a flirtatious yet knowing smile.

“Come on baby! I know you can do it,” called Justin from the dugout. Mira turned and smiled at him.

“I know I can,” she said, smiling confidently.

“So are you going to play or stand there all day, Princess?” called Mike, pounding his glove impatiently.

“Forget it, she won’t even hit it!” called JC.

Mira slowly stepped up to the mound, adjusting her large jersey. She quickly fixed her hat, still backwards, and leaned forward, holding the bat in the air. She stuck her tongue out between her lips in concentration.

JC, who stood on third base, let out a small quiet laugh. Mira was quite a sight, and she looked- could he say it? - adorable.

Joey swung his arm and pitched the ball. It flew off course and headed straight for Mira. Mira immediately dropped, watching as the ball whizzed past her head, hitting the backstop fiercely. Mira looked over at Joey skeptically. Joey shrugged innocently.

“It slipped,” he said. Mira rolled her eyes and jumped back on her feet.

“Learn to pitch, Joe,” she shouted, tossing him the ball. A moment later, Joey pitched the ball, this time in proper formation. The loud crack of the bat hitting the ball soon resounded through the park as the ball flew through the air to the far corner of the small park. Chris sighed as he turned to jog after it.

Mira easily ran the bases, jumping triumphantly on each base for good measure. She ran past second and to third, where she jumped on the base, smiling slyly at JC, who scowled in return. “Take that, pop star,” she smirked, running past him and home. His eyes unconsciously followed her as she reached home base. Justin came running out from behind the backstop, catching Mira in his arms.

“Yeah, baby, that’s what I’m talkin’ about!” cried Justin.

“How do you like them apples, Joey?” cried Mira, waving her baseball hat in the air, laughing.

“Beginner’s luck,” shrugged Joey, crossing his arms over his chest.

“You’re in denial, Joe,” called Mike, stepping out from behind the backstop. “This girl kicked major ass in softball in high school.”

“No fair!” cried Joey dramatically. “I sue on grounds of cheating,” he whined, pointing at Mira. Mira simply stuck her tongue out.

It was after he let out a small chuckle that JC realized that he’d been watching Mira the entire time. He purposefully turned his attention away from her, searching the dugout for Leanna. He found her, of course, sitting in the shade, sipping on a water bottle, fanning her face with her hand. She had remained in the same spot on the metal bench for practically the whole of the game, watching uninterestedly the game going on several feet ahead of her.

“Yo, Leanna,” said Mike. “You’re up.”

Leanna slowly looked up at Mike, hesitancy written all over her face. “Why don’t you take my turn, Mike? It’s really hot, and I want to relax a little.”

“Leanna, you’ve been sitting there the entire game,” deadpanned Mira. “Come on… it’s beautiful out here. Come play!”

Leanna let out a sigh and got up, slowly making her way out from behind the dugout. Lance looked down at his watch, noticing it took her a full three and a half minutes for her to make it to the base and pick up the bat, not to mention the time it was now taking for her to find the proper stance. She awkwardly held the bat out at her side, obviously uncomfortable.

“Lea, here,” said Mira, coming out from behind the backstop. She began adjusting Leanna’s stance to that of one that would actually succeed in hitting the ball without sending the bat along with it. JC watched interestedly, subconsciously contrasting his girlfriend to the girl who only succeeded in grating his nerves, to put a finer point on it. He couldn’t help but notice the look of admiration on Justin’s face as he watched Mira help her best friend; a look of admiration and… love.

“I can’t stand here all day, you know,” called Chris. “I have a barbecue over there with my name on it.”

“Ok, there you go,” said Mira, stepping back, away from Leanna. Joey slowly pitched the ball. Leanna swung the bat, nobly trying her hardest to hit the ball, but missing completely. Leanna put the bat down, looking down at her hands.

“I quit,” declared Leanna.

“What?” called JC. “Baby, what’s wrong?” he said, jogging towards home base where she stood.

“I broke a nail,” she cried, waving her hand in the air.

Chris, in frustration, buried his head into his open glove, the muffled sounds of his complaining easily heard.

"Leanna, it'll grow back," said Mira.

"I don't want to sacrifice the rest of my nails," said Leanna with a pout.

"Ok, baby, you don't have to," said JC with a sigh.

"I'll take your turn, I guess," said Mira, taking the bat from Leanna's hand.

"I told you this was a bad idea," said Leanna as JC led her back to her lawn chair.

Justin jogged over to see what the commotion was about. "What'd I miss?" asked Justin with a grin.

"A) Leanna broke a nail so I'm taking her place, and B) JC admitted that I am the almighty queen of softball," said Mira nonchalantly.

Justin raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Somehow I'm not too sure about B, but A I believe," he said, stealing a glance over at Leanna, who now as contentedly seated in her seat, watching as JC jogged back to third base.

"She's my best friend and I love her more than anything," said Mira with a shake of her head. "But sometimes the woman is too girly."

"That's it," said Mira, pushing her paper plate away from her. "I can't eat with Joey's half chewed food in my face."

"What?" asked Joey innocently, waving his hamburger in his hand, his mouth full of food.

"Learn some manners, man," said Justin, tossing a crumpled paper napkin at Joey across the table.

"What the heck, man!" protested Joey. "What is this? Pick on Joey day?"

"When is it not 'pick on Joey day'?" offered Chris, taking a bite of his hamburger.

"Just when he bugs my baby it is," said Justin with a sly smile, wrapping an arm around Mira's shoulders and kissing her cheek. She rolled her eyes teasingly and took a sip of her soda.

"You're such a dork," she giggled, tossing a french fry at him.

Leanna giggled from the end of the table, where she sat with her fingers entwined with JC's. She pushed away her plate with her hamburger half eaten and fries still remaining on the plate.

"What's wrong?" asked Lance, pointing at Leanna's plate. "Were the hamburgers ok?"

"They were wonderful Lance, thank you," she said with a smile. "I'm just full."

"You barely ate anything, baby," said JC.

"I know, but I have to watch what I eat, you know," she said with a wink.

"I'll have it!" cried Mira, holding up her hand.

"Not if I get it first!" cried Joey, reaching across the table. Mira, however, was too quick for his hungry hands and grabbed the hamburger just out of his grasp. "Hey! No fair!" he cried. "You said you couldn't eat anymore!"

"Justin? Would you like some?" asked Mira sacchrine-sweetly, holding out the hamburger.

"No thanks, Mir," he said with a smile. "I've scarfed down more than my fair share."

"You're actually going to eat that?" scoffed JC from the end of the table. Mira's eyebrow rose at the sound of his voice. She slowly turned to face him.

"Do you have a problem with that?" she asked slowly.

"Of course," said JC with a sarcastic grin. "You already had two hamburgers and a plate full of fries."

"Do you have a point? Because this burger's getting cold, and I'd appreciate you making it soon," said Mira.

"Don't normal chicks eat less than that?" said JC bitterly.

Mira shrugged. "Some. I don't."

"That's right," said Justin, wrapping an arm around her. "My baby's got a healthy appetite."

Mira giggled and was about to take a bite out of the hamburger when she spotted Joey across the table from her, sticking his bottom lip out pitifully. Mira sighed, rolled her eyes, and tore the burger in half, handing a piece over to him. "Mi burger es su burger."

"Muchas gracias, señorita," said Joey with a grin.

"After all that fuss, you're gave him half?" asked Leanna in disbelief.

"Yeah," shrugged Mira, taking a bite of the burger. "He's hungry. The poor kid's starving."

"Oh, yeah," said Joey, his voice muffled by the hamburger stuffed in his mouth. "Starving."

"Hey Mir," said Justin softly, nudging her.

"Yes?" she said, looking at Justin.

"Will you come to the Jive Valentine's Day party with me?" he asked, staring at her pleadingly.

Mira's eyes widened in surprise. "You want me to go with you?"

"Yes," said Justin solemnly.

For a moment, Mira was overcome. "Are you sure? I mean, you do realize who you're talking to, right?"

"I'm talking to Mira Stewart and I'm asking her to come to the Jive Valentine's Day Party with me," said Justin with a small smile tugging at his lips. "I know I'll have a great time with you, Mira, just like I do whenever I'm with you."

Mira's breath caught in her chest. "You only met me just under two weeks ago."

"Yeah, and I took you out on a date last night, didn't I?" said Justin with a grin. "See, we've already got a ton of history behind us. Now come with me... please?"

Mira smiled. "I'd love to go with you, Justin."

The grin on Justin's face grew. He leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. "Thank you."

"Well thank you for inviting me," said Mira with a smile.

"It's a black tie event," said Justin. "Meaning I have to wear a tux, and you..."

"I have to wear a dress?" gasped Mira dramatically. "Me? Wear a dress?"

"Hey, too bad, you already said yes," said Justin with a grin.

Mira rolled her eyes. "Cheater."

"Aren't they cute?" whispered Leanna into JC's ear.

"What?" asked JC, his previous attentions on Chris showing Lance how to skin a pickle torn away by her insistent tapping on his leg. "Oh... yeah," he said, pausing and watching Mira and Justin kiss briefly as Joey threw bread at the couple. They ended the kiss and proceeded to throw food at Joey in retaliation.

"Isn't that just perfect?" said Leanna with a grin. "Your best friend... my best friend..." she said with a giggle. "And they look really happy, don't they?"

"Yeah..." said JC, watching the expression on Mira's face. "They do."

“I can’t believe I’m watching this,” muttered Leanna.

“Shh...” shushed Joey, his eyes glued to the screen.

“Show Big Momma’s House the reverence it deserves,” said Chris solemnly. Leanna giggled and rolled her eyes, snuggling closer to JC.

“Man, granny’s a baller!” cried Justin, laughing appreciatively at the movie. He patted Mira’s leg, that lay sprawled out across his lap. “You having a good time?” he asked softly.

Mira smiled. “You know it, Justin,” she said with a smirk. “How could I not have a good time with Joey throwing popcorn at my head every two minutes?” she asked innocently.

“You’ll get used to it,” said Justin with a shrug. “Are you cool with watching this?” he asked with a nod. “We can watch whatever you want.”

Mira’s smile grew. “That’s sweet, Justin, but completely unnecessary. I love Big Momma’s House,” she said.

“Yeah, she’s got a copy of it at home,” said Leanna from her position across the room beside JC on the couch.

“Do you really?” said JC, raising an eyebrow skeptically.

“Yes I do,” said Mira defiantly. She leaned back into Justin and crossed her arms over her chest in a silent protest against JC. Ten minutes later, while Chris, Lance, and Joey were bashing each other over basketball skills, Mira stood up, pausing as Justin grabbed her hand.

“Where are you going?”

“To the kitchen to get a drink,” said Mira with a shrug. “Providing I remember where it is,” she said with a wink. “Would you like anything?”

“Nah, I’m good,” said Justin with a smile. “Do you want any help?”

“No thanks,” she said, disappearing into the corridor. She wandered down the long hallway until she spotted the kitchen. Seeing her destination, she quickened her steps and wandered into the kitchen, quickly opening the fridge. Just as she was about to close it, it closed by itself. It was then that she realized that she wasn’t alone.

“Need something?” asked Mira with a definite bitter twist to her voice.

“I want you to stay away from him,” said JC slowly and authoritatively. Mira’s eyebrows raised, partly in amusement and partially from confusion.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me,” said JC. “He doesn’t need someone like you leading him on. He’s been hurt before, and he falls hard.”

“What the hell? I come in here for a soda and I get a lecture?” said Mira turning away from him.

“Listen to me,” hissed JC. “I may not like you, but for some reason Justin does, and I don’t want to see my best friend getting hurt.”

“Look who’s talking,” said Mira sharply.


“I said look who’s talking,” said Mira, taking a step towards him. “You’re dating my best friend, if you haven’t noticed, and being how a few people buy your record when they have nothing better to waste money on, that makes you famous. It makes you some little pop star, and don’t think I don’t know what comes with it.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about the teenyboppers, the groupies… all the women who would kill to get in your pants, and I know you’re not as innocent as Leanna likes to think you are,” said Mira, her face inches from his.

“You think you know, but you have no idea,” said JC lowly. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Like hell I don’t!” cried Mira. “I swear to you, Chasez, if you hurt Leanna-“

“Is that a threat, Stewart?” challenged JC.

“Sounds like it, doesn't it?” hissed Mira.

“Guys!” cried a new voice, recognized as Lance. Mira and JC paused, but maintained eye contact, their unadulterated hatred dripping from their glare.

Lance stared helplessly between the two, feeling like if he got involved, he would be the one ripped to shreds, rather than each other.

“Can’t you two go get a soda without getting in a fight?” sighed Leanna, walking into the kitchen.

“No bloodshed on my floor,” said Justin as he approached. He immediately wrapped an arm around Mira’s waist and pulled her backwards against him.

JC glared at Mira, his gaze reminding her of his warning. Remembering this, she smiled. “Come on Justin… let’s go finish watching the movie.”

get this gear!

Chapter 7