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The Churros

Here's the ultimate recipe to make your own churros at home, just like they were at the churrería stands. Of course, the difference here is price. Here you can make a whole batch for what is cost for a few. Once you make the churros, you can make the authentic chocolate dip to dunk them in.


Ingredients: (Makes one platefull)

Vegetable or Olive Oil
1 cup water
1/2 cup margarine or butter
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup all-purpose flour
3 eggs
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon (optional)




Chocolate for Churro Dunking

4oz dark chocolate, chopped
2 cups milk
1 tbsp cornstarch (
4 tbsp sugar


Place the chocolate and half the milk in a pan and heat, stirring, until the chocolate has melted.

Dissolve the cornstarch in the remaining milk and whisk into the chocolate with the sugar.

Cook on low heat, whisking constantly, until the chocolate is thickened, about five minutes.

Add extra cornstarch if it doesn't start to thicken after 5 minutes.

Remove and whisk smooth.

Pour and server in cups or bowls for dunking churros.

Do not pour over churros, but use the mix for dunking churros after every bite.

Served warm.


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