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undefined tFz

(noun) -
To Establish a Colony
Where Human Life Was Once Non-existent..
Taking Risk'z to The Silence of Planet'z Unknown,
Sacrificing Self In Readiness For Untold Danger, & Making These Dorment Plane'z Hospitable Again.

OCT. 2000
    The NTSC release of Q3A for the Dreamcast saw the emergence of a small but tight knit online community, a 1st for console gaming, & an untapped wealth of talent was suddenly exposed. It was at this time, the 1st Australian DC clan formed... aptly dubbed the Wombat KillaZ. The group started very tentatively, only 4 players.. & even worse, only 2 of which played. One of the guys that didn't play (BLACKROBE) was an established tribes player on PC awaiting his PAL copy of DC Q3/DC mouse/good ISP, which sadly never happened. Myself & Jaunty were the clan at this stage, at the time we were newbie'z, and we sucked (hitting 15 was incredible). I started the clan, as i knew there had to be more ppl like me, wanting to be as good as/better than those guys that served me my ass by 30/40 frags... having no idea it would become what it is today.

NOV. 2000
    A name change took effect, as we realised a name more professional than
Wombat KillaZ needed to be in place... a name that reflected our attitude & rapidly rising skill level'z. The switch to DiGiTAL ASSASiNS was made, with the number of active members now at 5. The [DA] website was a (now)lame little expage, with no message board to speak of(still learning html then). This was at a time when the now infamous US clan EG*A were just EG, having not merged with the Angel'z yet.

DEC. 2000

    There arose a problem with clan names, the main one being that there had been a sudden influx of [DA] clans on seganet not long after our'z was shown. Not content with sharing our tag with other'z, another more concrete choice was made. Being a fan of the Alien films, it wasn't hard to get inspiration to think of a name, but one struck as being so well suited for the job, plus it had a double-meaning. It was decided, and the days of the
tERRAFORMERZ had begun. Now 10 members strong by NYE, the ~tF was gaining the interest of many players from a variety of countries, & we were being noticed for our high performances on such terrible pings.

JAN. - MAR. 2001

    Now with a broader scope of talent to play along side, we were improving every week,.. gaining a rep for being down to earth & a great bunch to play against, skill & respect-wise. Through early 2001, ~tF comprised of players from Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, & the US. Being a sole Australian clan to begin with, it rapidly became apparent that to move upward, we had to open the door'z to international talent. We never looked back, now active members peaking at 16. 'KiNETiK' appointed co-Leader.

APR. - JUN. 2001

    Due to a few members expanding to PC, ~tF beginz to represent on both DC & PC servers for the 1st time. To celebrate this large step, a new tag was introduced as a token of respect to the original root'z of [ tFz ] , the
Wombat KillaZ, and it's a firm reminder of how far we'd come in those few short months. 'SYiTHE' appointed co-Leader for PC.

JUL. 2001

    8 Months later, stronger than ever, a few changes in the clan brought everybody closer even more, as we worked together to form a new leadership system. the #tFz irc chatroom was born, giving members a place to meet weekly, besides the clan forum. '001' appointed as co-Leader, joining 'SYiTHE' & 'KiNETiK' , to lead the squad during 'eD209''s absence.