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1. Rp's must be over 30 lines

2. No Racist or major swearing content in rp's Ifyou are going to swaer keep it to the minimal too much will cost you in you match .

3. If you have a question about your matches,or any ideas about storylines send me a message on aol messanger or MSN messanger. AIM: jamescandrews MSN: or CO Owner SN EFWjohncena

4. There is no roleplay limit this gives you a chance to roleplay freely

5. Rp's are due at 12 Midnight of the show, anything after that will not be excepted.

6. If you need help with rp's, or advice, feel free to talk to me, I gave u my aim and msn name.

7. Real and Fake wrestkers are accepted here in ECW but you can have as many as you like but YOU MUST ROLEPLAY FOR THEM!!!!!

8. Do not use other wrestler's characters in your rp without their or a memeber of staff's permission!

9. Have fun, and good luck in the ECW! And please no bitiching about you matches as this will not be tollerated