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The Old Shepherd

Olga compiled this list of the Old Shepherd (OS) for Faves. It keeps growing as more GWF fans discover more actions the OS MUST have done in order for the Zorro episode to make sense!!


How it all began. . . .
Hello Carolynn.
I've searched through my mails, trying to get all of the messages concerning the activities of the Old Shepard and make them into one long message.
We had a lot of fun with it!



In the first episode, when Diego introduces Tornado to Bernardo, he says that an old shepherd kept the horse for him.


Olga and Mary
The shepherd must have taken care of Tornado when everyone went to Monterey, too.

"Zorro's Secret Passage"
I really like the secret passages that Diego uses beneath the hacienda to get from his room to the cave where he keeps his Zorro costume and Tornado.

Does anyone have any theories on how the passages were dug way back then, and where all the dirt was put?? That would have been a LOT of dirt to 'hide' where no one would see it and ask Alejandro's father were it came from.

Ms. Randi Scott

My first thought was that "an old shepherd" built the tunnels and hid the dirt!


Hi Mary,
That was one busy old shepherd - guarding Tornado and digging the tunnels. He probably sewed Zorro's costumes too!!!



I wonder if that skull Bernardo finds in the passage belonged to one of the builders, who could have been killed after the passage was done, to keep the existence of it secret.


I always though the bones were from the old shepherd. . .never mind.


Hi Mary,
That's a good theory for the skull, but then where did the rest of the bones go??

The Old Shepherd took them? LOL - Just my comments.

I always worried that the cat become road pizza!
Janis Whitcomb

The Old Shepherd took the cat. Please, someone, stop me.

I bet you are right about the cat!!!
Since this is a VILOSA (Very Important List of the Old Shepherd's Activities) it should be added to Faves, giving credit to each GWF member who submitted one of the Old Shepherd's jobs.

Yes, he seems to have been very busy. Makes you wonder why there weren't sheep wandering all over the pueblo! But I'll bet that cat was his!
Oh, and Randi, I wondered about that old shepherd too. Unless he was a hermit who never went into town and never heard of Zorro, there's no way he wouldn't figure it out. I always thought maybe he was someone Diego really trusted to keep his mouth shut.

Maybe that was *his* skull in the secret passage? - LOL! Just kidding. . .I have another question. . .Padre Felipe appears only in two episodes and his appearence brings much to the series, but where does he disappear afterwards? Now, don't say "the old shepherd took him!". Take care

Olga, you just added ANOTHER deed of the Old Shepherd for our list! The Old Shepherd 'took Padre Felipe' after a few episodes. I'm sure glad you started this VERY IMPORTANT list of all the behind-the-scences jobs the Old Shepherd did on the Zorro set!!

Monastario shows his cowardice when he tries to attack the wounded Alejandro. Then Zorro shows up. (How and when did Tornado get back to the cave? Did the Old Shepherd direct him?)
Mary Sheeran.

The elderly alcalde shows up again in this episode. Did anyone else notice he disappeared for good after Monastario left town in episode 13?
Maybe he retired to the countryside and went to live with the old shepherd.

And what about Don Alejandro's jacket? It fell down, soldiers found it, and then what? They brought it back to the hacienda? Or Zorro went in search of his father's jacket afterwards? LOL How did it come back?

I doubt if that nice Capitan Monastario had the bloodstains cleaned and then delivered it to the de la Vega hacienda. So, Olga is right - the old shepherd must have found it. Besides taking care of the sheep and horses, he has a cleaning service too!

In episode 6 (I think), who bound and gagged Diego and Bernardo in the cellar? There are only three people who could have done that.
1. Elena Torres;
2. her mother;
3. the old shepherd
Now, take your controls and let's vote {BWG}

A possible Zooper: When Diego pops up from behind the bar wearing a ruffled shirt, where did he get the clothes? He was brought to the tavern dressed in the Zorro disguise Monastario provided, presumably leaving his own clothes in the comandante's living quarters in the cuartel. This is all the way across the plaza, and Monastario was standing in front of the tavern the whole time. A lancer put on the Zorro outfit to fool Monastario, but it's a mystery where Diego got regular clothes to put on at that time. I always wondered about this.
(Randi, I wonder if the Old Shepherd was waiting at the back door of the tavern with a change of clothes for Diego. Then he took the alcalde home at the end of the evening, and they had a nice retirement together.)

The Old Shepherd certainly got around. Maybe he's the one who told Bernardo what happened to Diego, and then gave him a change of clothes since Bernardo didn't have time to do it.!

I found the Old Shepherd on the GWF Faves site. How does Bernardo get the couch into the cave? Of course, for this, the old shepherd shouldn't be really old.

Bernardo must have used some of his magic to help the Old Shepherd move the couch!

While I was watching a couple of the shows, thinking about the Old Shepherd and all the stuff he "does", I got to thinking, he surely must have had a wife that did seamstress work. How in the world did all these other people keep coming up with all these "extra" Zorro costumes that were used by Monastario and some of the others. (Especially the one in Garcia's size!)
In the show I was watching, the guy that stole the crown of jewels off of the Madonna at the mission and killed the indian guy had a Zorro costume that Monastario had provided for him. So where did Monastario obtain the exact duplicate?
Had to be the Old Shepherds's wife that was a seamstress and sewed it for them?! What do you think??

I've always wondered who the arm showing so blatantly in the scene belonged to.
I'm sure SOMEONE must have seen that arm when the show was aired, but why wasn't something done to edit out the arm or reshoot that scene? I wonder who it belonged to?
Pat Gregson

That's easy, the person is a part of the cast. The Old Shepherd, to be precise.

(To read why the Arm wasn't edited out of the film, see Sue Schuck's answer in "The Arm" in Faves)

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