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Episode 10


(Diego has just arrived in the pueblo and asks the Alcalde what is going on. He discovers two peons have been arrested, and Sergeant Garcia has been kicked out of the military.)

"He never put on the black banda for the whole episode." Claudia, 05/29/03

"I always loved the way that he looked. Nothing to break up that fine line." Janis W., 05/29/03

(He is disturbed to learn that all of this happened because Zorro had replaced the flag with one that had a Z on it.)

(Zorro then greased the pole so the soldiers could not take it down.)

(Sergeant Garcia is telling Diego that he wants to join forces with Zorro now that he is no longer a soldier.)

(Diego suspects that something is up, so he returns to the pueblo at night dressed as Zorro and tells the Sergeant to meet him in the morning.)

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