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Episode 18


(Diego and Sergeant Garcia are enjoying some refreshments together in the tavern before the commotion breaks out in the plaza. Don Alejandro and some of the other landowners have brought in a peon for what they think is a trap to capture Zorro.)

(The peons are upset with the high taxes. One of the Eagle's men throws a rock through the Magistrado's window. The other dons want to punish the peons, but Don Alejandro wants reasonable action.)

(Diego to Magistrado): "I have no quarrel with history. But I am frequently appalled by the people who make it."

From the Archives by Marian, 6/1/00

Also submitted by Sue K, Mary S., and Sue P.

(Diego looks very intense in his conversation with his father. "I can assure you, Father, my feelings could not possibly be stronger.")

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