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Episode 19


We get to see the true depth of Diego's friendship and compassion. He knows that Ramon is grieving and not necessarily thinking clearly. He respects Ramon's need to be independent and not accept charity or even help from his friends.

It is only after Diego is convinced that Zorro alone can solve the problem that he turns to his alter ego. Some of the ensuing scenes are classic. It is wonderful how they can go from funny to deadly serious to funny again in a blink of the eye. Guy has perfect inflection and delivery when Zorro presses the pistol against Sergeant Garcia's belly and says, " I'm not sure what impression this little bullet will make on that huge stomach, Sergeant, but I'm willing to find out!" I laugh every time I hear him say it.

The minute Zorro turns his full attention back to Urista, however, he becomes menacing and completely serious. He is death stacking the deck. Urista has a strong enough self preservation instinct to realize that with him at least, Zorro is not making an idle threat when he promises Urista's that his life is on the line. There is no room for misunderstanding when Zorro warns Urista that if he is within five miles of Los Angeles two hours hence, he will be a dead man.

The viewer is left with the belief that Ramon will be successful and that Zorro will never regret having interceded on his behalf. After all that seriousness, the tone again changes to one of lighthearted fun. Zorro has such a good time "playing" with the soldiers. When he crashes the wine bottle over Garcia's head and says, "I warned you, Sergeant, to stay away from wine!" the mischief and affection in his voice are unmistakable. And, as Debbie Brown observed, the great escape - from leaping so gracefully over the bar to riding the ladder from one building to another - is priceless, classic Zorro fun.

Submitted by MaryAnn from the Archives, 1/15/01

I too love this episode, MaryAnn.

I also enjoy the song a lot. Henry has such a nice rich tone to his voice and the facial expressions of all concerned are priceless.

Submitted by Ronnie from the Archives, 1/15/01

I was noticing how Don Diamond had some very juicy lines in the episode. Yeah. He was great! "And I'm just a little sergeant" Reyes: "Big, fat sergeant"

Submitted by Janis Whitcomb,8/01/02

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