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Episode 21 (cont)


It is funny. I love the lines that Reyes and Garcia had to work off each other. Sometimes I wonder if there was any impromptu with that pair as they got to know each other and their characters better?
Submitted by Sue K

Let me say how much I love the repartees between Sgt. Garcia and Cpl. Reyes
Submitted by Sue P.

Garcia is selling Tornado and wants Reyes to bid on the stallion for him.
Garcia:"What am I bid on this animal? Will somebody start the bidding, please?
Do I hear 100 pesos?"
Reyes: "101 pesos."
Garcia: "I have a bid of 101 pesos. Are there any other bids? I have 101 pesos. Do I hear 200 pesos?"
Reyes: "201 pesos."
Garcia: "I am offered 201 pesos. Are there other offers? I have 201 pesos. Do I hear three....Do I hear 202 pesos?"
Reyes: "203 pesos."
Garcia: "I am bid 203 pesos."
Reyes: "204 pesos."

Garcia: "Wouldn't any other of you fine gentlemen like to bid on this animal? Or are you afraid that Zorro will come and take him away from you? If there are no more bids, I will sell the horse to the lancer for 204 pesos."
Reyes: "205 pesos."
Garcia: "Since there are no more bids, I will sell the horse to the lancer for two hundred and . . . . I will sell the horse to the lancer for what he has already bid. Going,....going.....gone!"
Submitted by Ms. Randi Scott, 11/16/01

I think the horse auction reminded me of favorite lines. My son and I howl over this one. "Two hunnerd and two pesos" (sweat sweat sweat)
Submitted by Carolynn, 12/12/01

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