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Episode 24


Toledano by MaryAn ep 24

Toledano remains one of the best characters the writer's created. He is also, apparently, one of the few married men the writer's ever created. (The other is Nacho Torres.) However, his marriage to Raquel stands in stark conflict to the marriage of the Torres.'

The fact that Capitan Toledano is married is relevant to the early impressions the viewer gets of him. He is deeply influenced by his wife's opinion of him, and that causes him many problems early in his command of the Los Angeles garrison.

(Diego is at the tavern and sees someone pass a note to a another man, making it look like it came from the Commandante's wife.)

Our first view of him is falling into a mud puddle because Raquel is unhappy about the delay and asks him to hurry things along. Her laughter at his accident and muddy appearance immediately makes his mood sour. When Raquel admires the handsome Diego a moment later, Toledano's annoyance deepens. The capitan's mood does not improve when Raquel complains about the size of the commandante's quarters. He doesn't want her to live at the inn while he is forced to remain at the cuartel. He takes his annoyance and anger out on Sergeant Garcia and the prisoners.

Finally calmed down, Toledano has a chance to reflect on the day's events. An honest man, he admits that he acted wrongly out of anger and intends to release the prisoners. At that moment, however, he notices his wife flirting with another man, and again she influences his decision. He must remain and keep an eye on her rather than doing what he knows in his heart is the right thing.

(Zorro has chased away the man who was to serenade the Commandante's wife, and has sent a note to Sergeant Garcia to do the serenading.)

It is interesting that Diego/Zorro realize this influence almost immediately and take quick steps to protect the marriage. Whether it is tricking Garcia into being the singer or telling a small lie to protect Raquel from arrest, Zorro does everything he can to protect the sanctity of marriage. He does no less for the Toledanos than he did for the Torres. In coming episodes we see more evidence of how influential Raquel is, but never again does Toledano behave so badly. By the end of tonight's episode, he has already gone a long way towards redeeming himself. He blithely agrees that he has let Zorro escape and remarks with a broad smile, "Now I am beginning to understand why they write songs about him!" MaryAnn

They did it on purpose. They did it so fanfic writers forty years in the future would try their hands at creating the perfect woman for Zorro..... I agree, though, that this is a wonderful arc and Toledano was a great character. As to the women... the heroes of that day and time, especially the western ones, never kissed a gal. (or got involved with one.) What's the old joke, they only kissed their horses. Sue K., 01/19/03

(Zorro enjoys listening to the Sergeant's song.)

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