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Episode 66 (cont)

I just love the way Zorro walks into the plaza and addresses Basilio who is standing by Sgt Garcia in the stocks. There is just something about the way he just moves so confidently into view that I really, really like. The swordfight was also wonderful, with a lot of action.

Submitted by Karla, from the Archives, 9/28/00

(Zorro has, of course, defeated Basillio and Capitan Mendoza, and tells Basilio to release Sgt. Garcia.)

(After releasing Sergeant Garcia from the stocks, Seņor Basillio threatens the Sgt. with a court martial. Zorro then puts Basillio in the stocks.)

(Zorro enjoys teaching Seņor Basillio a lesson. He makes Basillio sing a birthday song so everyone can hear.)

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