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Episode 68


In "Exposing the Tyrant" we get to see a side of Sergeant Garcia we have never seen before and never see again. We see the real courage and measure of the man. Sergeant Garcia knows that Basilio is quite capable of carrying out his threat to have the sergeant hanged.

Garcia walks up to testify, fearful for his life and threatened from all sides. If he does as Basilio demands, Zorro will carve him up. If he does as Zorro wants, Basilio will have him hanged.

Then, somewhere deep inside, Sergeant Garcia finds his true courage. If he is going to die regardless of what he says, then he will die an honorable death with the truth on his lips. If he cannot save his own life, then at least he can save the Esperones. He throws back his head, squares his shoulders, and speaks the truth with defiant conviction. Sergeant Garcia doesn't know that Zorro is going to drop in to humiliate Basilio and force a not guilty verdict.

For Garcia it is a defining moment in which he knows he is defending the Esperones at great cost to himself. It is Sergeant Garcia's finest moment. He is no longer the bumbling 'baboso' or the brunt of everyone's jokes. In that moment Garcia is the King's own soldier and a very brave man.

by MaryAnn

This is a wonderful one for Garcia's character. He is tempted and trapped into realizing a dream of his, but his good nature, and the reason that he admires Zorro so much, his sense of justice, come forth and despite the promise of bodily harm, does the right thing. And two, that wonderful scene in the tavern. Alejandro and Diego sitting by the door so calmly, Diego disappearing to transform himself into Zorro, Alejandro covering and then the father's pride in enjoying Zorro's antics with Basilio. And then those antics, from the entrance leap down to the bar, the relaxed seated pose on top of the bar, and the total embarassment of Basilio. Priceless! And the fight scene in the end, where even Bernardo gets in some licks.

Submitted by Julia, 9/01/02

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