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Episode 7


(Diego tries to persuade the landowners that their actions are foolish.)

(Diego tries to dissuade his father from his plans to ambush the soldiers at cuartel. Alejandro is greatly disappointed in his son.)

"You can feel the pain of both men as one man aches with the hope of seeing a spark of fire in his son and as the other man aches from having to contain the very fire his father seeks in order to be free to act."

Submitted by Karla.

(Diego is deeply hurt and frustrated by his father's remarks. But he knows he must keep his identity as Zorro a secret in order to protect his father.)

"I liked these two lines in the story most of all.
Don Alejandro saw his answer in Diego's eyes, but chose to ignore anything else that might have been mirrored there. . . .Gaining mastery of himself once more, he looked up into the mirror and saw Bernardo reflected there."

Submitted by Karla.

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