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The Grin and The Laugh

As I watched tonight's episode, I laughed along with Zorro yet again. His laughter is so innocent and pure. He laughs with Bernardo. He chuckles over Sergeant Garcia's confession about Zorro showing up. He teases the tax collector. He chortles at the guards chasing Bernardo. He laughs with appreciation when the peons grab the bad guys. Faced with dangerous, life and death situations, he laughs. He uses humor as one of the weapons in his arsenal of sanity. He uses his well honed sense of humor to keep everything in perspective. His ability to laugh keeps him clear-sighted, and so he does it often and with great relish.

It is such a contagious sound, that laugh, and it says so many things. That laugh says that there is not a mean or malicious bone in his body. He is having a fabulous time not hurting anyone, making fools of his opponents, and righting an injustice all at the same time. He is a merry rogue, this Zorro of ours, and that is the secret to much of his appeal. . Zorro's work is serious and urgent, and still he maintains a light hearted gaiety that makes him lovable and approachable, human and real. . Guy's Zorro was never anything but skilled and graceful. His wit was a result of a quick and clever mind. Slap stick is funny, and it was well incorporated into the bumbling lancers and Sergeant Garcia. Guy's Zorro was left with the task of making the audience laugh with him rather than at him. He did it so well that we feel brought into his secret delight, and once there made a co-conspirator of this merry rogue.

Submitted by MaryAnn, 12/22/00

Guy looks so cute and he laughs his wonderful, great-hearted laugh in "Slaves".

Submitted by Jill P. 12/03/01

My favorite scene/shot is as he stands on the wall, looking back over his shoulder toward the courtyard as he is tying the cape. I love his laugher throughout this and the merry way he deals with all comers.

Submitted by Keliana, 11/10/01

In "Presenting Seņor Zorro" Guy grins that marvelous grin of his and with a slight salute wheels Tornado and rides off.

Submitted by SueQ 11/10/01

Guy's laugh was rather incredible. When someone tried to relieve the tension by telling him a joke or pulling a practical joke on him (Britt), he would throw his head back and laugh from his heart. It was like a total release of stress for him. Everyone would hear it and smile.

I have one picture of him with Johnston McCulley and he is wearing the Zorro costume and has his head back in the process of this wonderful laugh.

Submitted by Sue Shuck, 11/30/01

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