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Important Information About Heather

Heather and Daikiri hanging out in our apartment at college...we're such good neighbors :P

WizBee, Heather, and Cassy caught relaxing in the "nook" last year at Parallel Program.

College life is so thrilling...

Wooooo...look at Heather! All dressed up after one of her Alpha Sigma Alpha events.

Heather showing off her then brand-new belly button piercing.

Heather has so many aminals! This is her horse, Dinasty.

And then there's always her psycho dog, Mattie.

She cleans up nice, doesn't she? Heather looking like a princess for the ST Prom in 2000.

Hehe. Daikiri decided to share the contents of Heather's shopping cart with us!

Heather and Daikiri cheesin for the camera ;)

Baby Pics!!!