Georgia's Newest and Best Amusement Park
Rides at Arcardium
Arcadium provides some of the best roller coaster rides in the area.
Whether you're a thrill seeeker, looking for high g's, big plunges, and fast curves, or a person
enjoys a quiet ride, you're sure to find the right rides for you at Arcadium.
You can choose to purchase a gold ticket for any fifteen rides, a plantium ticket for twenty
rides, or for the best value, the full-day pass to ride as many times as you want.
Our roller coaster rides include ...
- The Dragon: Our double looping roller coaster, more
than 12 stories high, is a crowd favorite.
- The Skywheeel: Get a great view of the park from the
top of this 120 foot gondola - one of the tallest gondolas in the South!
- The Missouri Breaks: One of the South's classic roller
coasters with two huge dips and speeds over 55 mph and forces up to 2.8 g's.
- The Safari: For the younger kids (and their parents),
this ride provides a thrilling trip through a jungle filled with lions, tigers, and bears. Oh my!
- Arcadimania: Our top attraction, this roller coaster takes
you through the biggest loop in the South, with speeds exceeding 60 mph, and forces exceeding 3.2 g's.
- Dark Voyage: View the underside of Arcadium by riding
this exciting underground roller coaster.
... and many more!
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Arcadium • Hwy 12, Exit 491 • Derby, GA
20010 • 1 (800) 555-5431