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   Star Points Rewards!

Star Points Rewards

Star Points:

Star Points work as follows. For every 500 NP worth of items or NP you donate to the guild (poptarget account), you will receive 1 star point.

An updated list of star points accumulated by members is located in the guild's Donation Shop blog.

Please remember, you donate out of your own free will. This rewards program is just a little something to thank you for your contributions.

You can only earn star points through donating.

Redeem your star points for a reward by neomailing poptarget

Current Rewards:

Rank Increase: 100 star points

You can ask for an automatic rank increase in the guild by 1 postition. You cannot, however, ask for council postitions.

Adopt Special: 100 star points

Adopt one of the pets labeled "Special" in the guild's Adoption Agency. Please remember to read all the adoption procedures carefully before deciding to adopt. Also please note, there must be "Special" pets in the adoption center when you request to adopt. You cannot request to adopt a pet that isn't in the guild adoption center at that time.

Choose-Your-Own Hierarchy: 80 star points

Pick your own set of Guild Hierarchy labels for guild members for 1 week! Your choices have to accepted by poptarget first, that means no obscenity, crudeness, or anything suggestive.

Mystery Item: 50 star points

Feeling lucky? Exchange 50 star points for a random Mystery Item. Could be anything, ranging from a simple Berry to a Map piece, or a Nerkmid. You never know.