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   Grand Theft Ummagine Game!

Grand Theft Ummagine

In this game you play Stan the Kyrii, a wily thief sneaking his way around the city of Sakhmet trying to steal some food to eat. Unfortunately, life is not that simple - there are scary Elephante guards who will do their best to catch you and throw you in the castle dungeons!

The object of the game is to pass through the levels of mazes, while picking up fruit and magic items along the way, and avoiding the guards.

Broken Stone - Step on this and you'll fall through!

Magic Potion - Changes you into a guard so they don't bother you. Lasts a couple of seconds

Ring of Invisibility - Makes you invisible, but not completely. Try not to get too close to the guards. Lasts a couple of seconds.

Levels 1-3:

Fairly straight forward. Collect the fruit while avoiding the guards. It's always a plus to get the guard "stuck" behind an obstactle so you have more freedom to move around. This takes a bit of practice.

The Gardener's Revenge (Level 4):

The goal here is to get through the garden labyrinth and pick up the fruit to advance. There are no guards here. The maze is random, but the fruit is always in the same place: at the top right of the entire square labyrinth. You have to find your way there, letting the location arrows guide you.

Level 5:

This is where you will pick up your first potion. Get the guard stuck behind the well/obelisk and grab the fruit.

Level 6:

This level gives you your first ring. Cross the bridge, watch the cracked ground, and retrieve the ring. Use the ring to get past the guard and pick up the fruit.

The Royal Gardens Of Sakhmet (Level 7):

You must pick up ALL the items on this level to enter the castle. Leave the first potion and guard for later, and go south.

On the right, you'll see an entrance guarded by black obelisks. Go in and pick up all the fruit.

Next, head for the stone bridge (watch out for the cracked stone). There is a guard, so you will need to use your potion to get past him.

Head for the middle bridge. (The first bridge has a crack in it and you will fall). Pick up the fruit on the bridge and go around. When you get back to the guard, make him follow you back, and trap him on the bridge, while going back around. Now you've exited the bridge and the guard shouldn't be there.

Now you have to head back to the first part of the map (where you entered the level). Pick up any fruit left along the way.

To get the last potion, using your ring won't help because you won't get away in time. You have to get the guard to follow you south and trap him behind the palm tree surrounded by four rock blocks. Make sure you trap him well enough, so that he won't follow you when you head back to get the potion. (Stick to the outer part of the map.)

Now you can go pick up the potion. The reason this is left until now, is if you pick it up in the beginning and already are carrying a potion, it won't be counted as having an extra one. You used your potion to get across the stone bridge, you should now have it back along with the ring.

You can't enter in the castle using the first door, so now go back to the bridges. Below the three bridges is a shoreline (different shade of blue than the water). Follow it to land. (Watch out for the waterhole)

Head straight for the ring and pick it up(there is a guard to the left of you, careful of the crack on the bridge). Now, trap the guard behind the pillar, (to the left of the pillar is the best)and enter the castle.

The Tree Halls of Insanity (Level 8):

At the top left of the screen is a secret room.

Level 9:

There are a lot of guards here. Trap the first guard in the boxed off space to the left of the screen.

The next two guards should be trapped together behind the first boxes on the right. Do this by going back and forth on the top of the screen until they follow you and get trapped. Now you're free to get the potion and fruit and exit.

Level 10:

The guards swarm you here too. Get the first guard at the bottom to follow you and trap him behind the "table" in the top corner. Pick up the fruit at the bottom. Now get as close you can to the ring and use your potion to get past the guards and pick up the fruit. Then run back for the potion and exit.

Level 11:

This level reeks of guards. Head south towards the toilet room to the left. The guard at the top will follow you. Quickly, you have to round the bend and go behind the toilet to keep the guard from entering behind you. Behind the toilet is a secret room. Pick up all your ummagines!

Back by the toilet, head down so that you have the wall between you and the guard. A second guard will now join. Keeping them together, trap them in the entrance space of the room.

Now head further down and pick up the fruit in the room. Careful not to go too far down or you will release the next guard.

Now head back and to the right. Go around the benches and into the next room with the toilet to pick the fruit. You will see a baguss, but don't pick it up just yet, or you will release another guard.

Now out of the room, head north towards the table and trap the guard that follows you at the top of the table. Now go get the sphinx links. Head up the steps and grab the potion. This is tricky, you have to grab it just barely, so you don't release the guard at the table.

Head back down and step one step over to the left and keep going. You will trap the next guard behind the wall, go pick up the bagguss.

Now be ready to use your potion, and head down again, past the guard, pick up the fruit, and exit on the orange tile.

The Dungeons of Madness(Level 12):

Basically the same type of labyrinth as Gardener's Revenge, but bigger. Find your way to the fruit located in the top right of the map.

That's it! You've passed! Now you'll get your standard score of 750 points.

UPDATE: Unfortunately, this guide is incomplete. Neopets has added new levels to the game, and I still have to review them.

By: near_dark