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The wire running is a work of 2 men... no doubt with this sujet.Jarrodand SAM (our electricians) is young person, nimble andexpérimentérampement around in the attics without coming byplafondinopinément. In my book these types are of the heroes...because I aiété to the top from there and it is a hot irritatingplace laid.Pour to be added to their difficult work the temperaturetakes place dansles the Seventies raised today and the attic isprobablementau-top of 90 at midday. For this reason they chosedecommencer at any beginning of morning and to take turns inlegrenier.

The major part of our wire functions goes between the laboratory etlesrooms of media so that a good place to start. Soyezsûr to put acertain thought in the place of the pénétrationsde wire. In thelaboratory for example there will be a large package defils coming bythe ceiling and connecting up with far with the panneauxetc... Youneed the part for this and you want pouvoirgarder appearance of theorganization. In the box of médiasvous will need wiring to be to thevariation of your supportd' equipment (in the back) but stillaccessible. Moreover, sipossible it is a good idea to cut an accessclassified by hommeau attic very close... it will save a group of timeto long the etpeut to be connected later if need be.

As you can see in the photograph, we took care to leave unbon a numberlength of wire for the rough one in. The choseque last you want is tonote that your wire is too short a foisvous come to draw upreports/ratios. It is particularly vraià the end of box of mediawhere need fild' for being enough long to allow you to withdraw theequipment and dele to turn around when you must make the changes orlesadditions (photo right side). Moreover, the conduit that vousvoyezin the photograph is the admission for our ventilator of cinéma.Il isassembled in the attic and draws the air from the box oféquipementpour cooling. Do not forget this important point invotreinstallation. You cannot need the ventilator... maisvous need acertain form of ventilation to prevent lasurchauffe your validequipment.

Last updated 14 Jan 2007