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Mama Musings
Tuesday, 14 November 2006
You know the sound that a dog makes when they just want to get your attention, its not really a yelp, not really a bark...well, mix that with the sound of a parrot screeching, a coyote howl, the first three seconds after a baby gets a shot and a few seconds of fingernails being scratched down a chalkboard... That's the sound I just made...oh add in a really big sigh! LOL...

Sam's in bed, is having a fever issue from his immunizations yesterday..."only" 102.6* before bed... that's "Nothin'" But he's pretty miserable. I've given him fever reducers & he's comfy again, but...oh, the whining...

We said goodbye to Jon's mom this evening. It was a whirlwind weekend for her and it was good to visit again.

We met Jon at the mall tonight to walk around & for dinner before he took her to the airport & after dinner & we said our goodbyes (Jonah with a firm handshake, a giggle, then a hug), the boys & I walked around for a bit & other than pictures with Santa (Which I will have on our regular website in the next day or two), I didn't buy anything...I'm losing my groove! Can you stand it?!?! At a huge mall & not buy a thing! I was ready for some Christams shopping & it just didn't happen... Sam was getting crabby (fever starting to creep back in) and I felt like I had just eaten a buffalo chicken sandwich (I had) we came home! Ha...

OK, not much else going on...I promised the twins a "sleepover" tonight, so they unfolded the family room hide-a-bed and guess where I'm sleeping tonight...Ha...So...its getting late...gotta go turn on a movie and get the can of redi-whip out...most families eat popcorn (did that yesterday with painfully normal...we prefer redi-whip, straight from the can.) OK...Good Night. Sleep Tight...I hope the shopping bug bites... otherwise I'm not getting any Christmas shopping done!

Posted by amiga2/jenniz at 9:52 PM CST
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