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A little bit about me!

Aright...My name is Lindsey Brook Hill . My birthday is 12/23/87.I went to Western Hills High School last year( my freshman year) I am moving around August 22 to Waxahachie. I'll be going to Waxahachie High School.I started this site around Spring break cuz I got really bored and wanted to learn how to do some of this HTML stuff. N/e wayz...Stuff I'm into...hmm....Well lemme start off by saying Softball is the best sport eva! I have played since kindergarden.I can play just about n/e position I guess, but my main and favorite ones are pitching and first base.Oh, and guys that play baseball*very cool*...I mean...who couldn't love guys in tight pants playing such a wonderful sport.Lol...Also, I love to sing and write songs. I'm TRYING teach myself to play this used acoustic guitar I bought so I can hopefully put my lyrics to music! I used to play the piano, but I had only had a couple of years of I'm not really that good at reading notes. I just play by ear mostly...I teach myself to play songs I hear or I make up my own.I like all kinds of music...rap, rock , pop, oldies, Jazz...I mean everything! Don't even ask who my favorite singers are! I have lots!I like to hang out with my friends( going to the mall, bowling..whatever).Oh...and my favorite class is Spanish. It's pretty much the only class that truly amuses me at school.Well...I cant think of n/ething else rite now!