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Stardate 10.06.2000

« ~*~*Shoutouts*~*~ »

I just wanna say hey 2 everyone:(the names are underlined!)

LADIES FIRST! Diane:Mi mejor amiga siempre:Thanks for always being there and most importantly: thanks for being my best friend! I couldn't have asked for anyone better! I really apreciate you always bein there for me! I've enjoyed our"OFM" spotting and all the other crazy stuff...good timz fo shizzo!Leaving you will be one of the hardest things I do. In you, I have discovered a true and amazing friend. Luv ya babe!~MAS~ juntos siempre~ Bethany!!!: Man...I really really miss you! Spring break was fun,huh? Come back again soon! We've known each other for a long time now( about 5 years!) and I hope there will be many more to come. Thanx for always listening and making me laugh.(and for giving me great advice and always making me feel better..we have a very special bond)I always feel like I can tell you anything and you will understand.I wish I coulda seen you more over the summer, but more times will come!Weeeeeeee! Pieaunuts!Lol!BFF!LYLAS! Biscuits! Joey:You are so much fun! Thanx for bein a good friend! I luv your spontanuity..ooh big know you can alwayz call me for n/e thing..oh yeah..its 555-1234.Ha!I'm glad we are friends , it was especially helpful in freshman year. You made it a lot more fun! I heart ya! Kat:You are the craziest salamander I kno! Seriously! Just remember I am the best marbled one you kno!hehe! Anywayz...weve had the greatest times..from girl power(4th grade) to no names(6th grade) and everthing in between!lol! It's been great!You have taught me that everything can be an adventure, and along with Joey, you have helped me find my inner kid! I Luv ya so much! Amanda: Hey you! I wish u could be at Hills...but I kno ur doing great at Paschal. Keep up the good work smarty pants!I miss seeing you!I always have a lot of fun with you and always find something to laugh about!Look out for those raptors! LYLAS! Ana:Que Pasa carnalita? Te extrano!I am so! I hope things find you well in Dallas! I miss seeing ya. Dont forget your old best friend in Fort Worth! Sting like a bee!Crash monkeys forever! :) Gloria: Jump on it! There is something in ur hair! Errr! I swear! Get it out! Please go foul! Please go foul! I'm on it coach!A pimp is a very pretty girl! Wow....that just about says it all. We've had so many good times. I will miss you so much in sball next year.( and I will miss seeing your grandma dance and taquitos with ranch!) These past few years have been great...I wuv you Gia! Mattie: Hey gurl!I enjoy talkin to ya!...and hearing about all your weird our obcession with a certain musical group that will remain unnamed..haha. Always remember....saved by the bell is the best show! Luv ya! Stefan: Hey Hey Hey! Well, I'm so glad you moved here..but now I hafta move.:( You are the greatest guy friend ever! You're alwayz there to listen and give me advice or to just make me laugh. I really appreciate it! Luv ya! Marcus: Glad I got to kno u this year. You're real fun to be around and you make me laugh. Good luck next year.Peace Out...\/ Mike: Hey you losa! Aright well I hope sumday you find that special ear out. Hey and thanx for not warning me anymore. Trey: Hey! you're real sweet. I enjoy talkin to ya on IM. Oh and if Mike tells you to warn me again, just ignore him. He doesn't kno what he's saying. Super Sam!:Hey my fellow super hero! Well, just remember we always win becuz we are invincible!We like the sound of we..haha. Christian Hey! I'm glad I got to kno you a lil better this year! You're really sweet and very funny. Oh hey..and you're the coolest Mexican I kno..haha!I will miss u when I move. ~*~*~*~* Man! All you people are gonna make it so hard for me to move! I luv you guyses! Okay, now I kno I have left out sum people..It's kinda late so my brain is half functioning. So if I left you out..please tell me(IM me, email me, write it on the guestbook,sumthin like that) and I would be happy to add you.:)