The fall of the white super star is a very sad one. Vanilla Ice
Was sued by more popular bands like David Bowie and Queen because
Vanilla stole the backround music of their song pressure for Ice, Ice, Baby.
Though Vanilla got off clean he was never the same. His days with being
on top started to end..............................................................................

Vanilla Latter made a appearence in Ninja Turtles 2 though without
corey feldman's voice on Donotello Nobody really cared. He latter released
a movie Cool As Ice which seemed to be as good sale wise as Gigli..
The movie was a flop and they have stoped produceing copies of the movie
it became the most wanted item on ebay. Then Vanilla tried releasing his own
toy series but kids didn't spend a buck on playing with the rap star.
After this vanilla's Ice, Ice, Baby Fame ended.......

Vanilla tired a comeback once with dreds but noone ever noticed.
Fastforward to 1998 Vanilla made a rock remix of Ice, Ice, Baby
throwing out vanilla Ice for a crapy rock band,

Records on the sale sucked and thats the end of vanilla Ice:(