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1. What type of connection do you have to the Internet? Who supplies the Internet services? What are the charges for Internet access and who pays them?

I have a cable modem connection, and it is provided by Cox Cable Communication. The charge for my Internet Service is approximatley $40, and it is paid by my wife or myself.

2. When you’re connected to the Internet, what IP address is assigned to your computer? What’s its domain name? You may have to ask your ISP or someone in network support for help in answering this question.

The IP address assigned to my computer is, and the domain name is

3. Visit the Web site with the URL

a. Describe what you find at the Web site.

I find codes and standards concerning International E-mail Accessibility.

b. What is the Internet domain name for the Web server that hosts this site?

The domain name is

c. Using the domain name as a guide, state the type of network that hosts this server.

This is an organization server on the World Wide Web

4. Suppose you were to retrieve the Web page with the URL In what country is the network registered that hosts that Web site?

The network that hosts that Web site is registered in Czech Republic

5. nslookup is an Internet utility that you can use to find the IP address of a domain name or to find the domain name (if there is one) that corresponds to an IP address. Some sites that make this service available on the Web can be accessed by using these URLS:

a. Use any of these URLs to find the IP addresses of the following:,,, and the Web server of your company or school.

b. Use any of the Web services to find the domain name associated with each of these IP addresses:,,, and the IP address of the Web server for your company or school.

6. If you use an email client, find the name or IP address of the incoming email server and the outgoing email server. If you don’t use an email client then describe the email program or service you use for email.

Incoming email server address-(

Outgoing email server address-(

7. Go to the Web page with the URL View the source of the Web page.

a. What is in the Head section? (That’s the section marked with the HTML tags <HEAD> and </HEAD>.)

The Head section is the information between the opening head tag "<HEAD>" and the closing "</HEAD>" In this case it is the words, "Advantages and Limitations of Email" and it's attributes are between the tags.

b. Look at the source for the first occurrence of the HTML tag <UL>. You’ll notice that from there until </UL> several items begin with the tag <LI>. How are those items displayed on the Web page?

Those items are displayed in an unordered list that is marked by bullets

8. The Web site, or Webopedia, is sometimes useful when you need to know about technical terms. What is its definition of

a. modem?

Short for modulator-demodulator. A modem is a device or program that enables a computer to transmit data over, for example, telephone or cable lines. Computer information is stored digitally, whereas information transmitted over telephone lines is transmitted in the form of analog waves. A modem converts between these two forms. (source:

b. router?

A device that forwards data packets along networks. A router is connected to at least two networks, commonly two LANs or WANs or a LAN and its ISP’s network. Routers are located at gateways, the places where two or more networks connect. (source:

c. protocol?

An agreed-upon format for transmitting data between two devices. The protocol determines the following:
the type of error checking to be used
data compression method, if any
how the sending device will indicate that it has finished sending a message
how the receiving device will indicate that it has received a message(source:

d. IP address?

An identifier for a computer or device on a TCP/IP network. Networks using the TCP/IP protocol route messages based on the IP address of the destination. The format of an IP address is a 32-bit numeric address written as four numbers separated by periods. Each number can be zero to 255. For example, could be an IP address.

9. Read through "Finding an ISP,"

a. What does that article say is the difference between AOL and a smaller ISP?

America Online serves a wide area and is hard to access due to the large traffic. Smaller ISP serve local areas and are easily accessed, because there is less traffic.

b. The article lists 10 questions to ask before selecting an ISP. Select three of the questions that in your opinion are the most important. Why are they the most important?

(1) National or Local -This is important because a local ISP is limited to a certain area while a national ISP cover the entire country. Also, the access number could be long distance, so make sure its a local number.

(2)Cost-There is a lot of ISP to choose from. Some are paid by the hour and others a flat rate. If you are a frequent user of the Internet, then you may want to go with the flat rate, because an hourly rate could be more expensive.

(3)Technical support- Configuring your ISP can be technical, and the cost for tech support can be very expensive. Therefore, it's good to go with a company that offers tech support for free.

10. Retrieve a copy of "Learn the Net: Getting Connected,"

a. Outline the steps given in that article for connecting a modem.

-obtain a serial modem cable
-plug in your modem
-sign up for Internet service
-run setup software
-Choose an available Comport 1 or 2
-connect the modem to your phone line

b. What does that article suggest you do if you’re using a modem and have call waiting on your phone line?

The article suggest that you disable call waiting before connecting to the Internet.

c. Follow the hyperlink to the related article "About Modems." According to that article how long would it take to download a 20-second video clip if you were using a modem rated at 57.6Kbps? How long would it take to download a 30-second audio clip with the same modem? Why is there is such a difference between the two times?

20 Second video-3minutes

30 Second audio-2minutes

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