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Minimum: $10 USD
Maximum: $9,500 USD(Monthly- once you have reached this point you will have to wait until new month to spend again.)

Get Your Early Start Here. Spend to account 846962:
USD worth of e-gold



Your Hard Work Has Finally Paid Off!


Clearly above all of the rest!

Luck is on your side! Our plan is to pay you out everyday for a period of four days. When you make your spend you will receive back 50% of your initial investment within 24 hours of your initial spend. On DAY TWO you will receive 25%. On DAY THREE you will receive 25%. On DAY FOUR you will receive 25%. You can clearly see that this program is designed to return your investment back to you very rapid, plus a return of 25%.

Click here to see a sample payout chart The Sample Payout Chart


A Briefing on How We Payout

The way we return 25% on your investment is through the use of our VISA PLATINUM CARD. For month one we have pulled $2,000 off and put into e-gold. When we receive our bill from the card company all we do is:
1. Pay the money borrowed on credit, then withdraw it again. We will continue this routine.
2. After a few months we will ask for a larger credit limit and then increase our payout percent.

The most important thing is to pay the credit bill on time, then reuse the same amount again to keep the program going.

Our gain from all of this is the following :

  • Improved Credit Rating and Borrowing Ability

  • 10% off every spend into the Program. (Our Admin fee.)

We have used this method before offline to fund other small projects. Placing down payments on properties have been the most successful way we have used the Platinum Card Investing Method.

This time we would like to try with other e-gold members that understand what we are doing. We would like to help everyone get an early start on saving for this fall/winter. The time is now to
begin saving; not after summer. We will help you every step of the way.

Click below to go to our Message Board. We have started paying out already. Please join the others by posting paid once paid out. Our success lies in our member's support. Take a few minutes now to make your spend below, and to join our Message Board.


We welcome your inquiries:
Please e-mail us @
We are located:
PO Box N-8620, Nassau, The Bahamas

We will gladly set up a phone conference call with your investing group. Please email us the details along with your personal contact information.