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In Loving Memory of
Chrissie Carrigan
November 14, 1986 - December 6, 2001

Hello to all my classmates!
I know graduation's here,
And though I'm now in heaven,
To me you're all still dear.

I graduated early---
God wanted me above---
But my heart's still with my classmates
And I watch you all with love.

Though maybe your eyes won't see me
As you march across that floor,
Please know I'm marching proudly
With our Class of 2004!

Love Chrissie

Written by Saralyn McAfee Smith
Used with Permission
Chrissie's graduation graphic above is a loving gift
from Diane, Billy Kayser's Mom


We little knew that morning that
GOD was going to call your name.
In life we loved you dearly,
in death we do the same.

It broke our hearts to lose you,
you did not go alone;
for part of us went with you,
The day GOD called you home.

You left us peaceful memories,
your love is still our guide;
and though we cannot see you,
you are always at our side.

Our family chain is broken,
and nothing seems the same;
but as GOD calls us one by one,
THE CHAIN will link again.
~ Author unknown


Her name was Chrissie, but she wanted to be called Jade. A jade is a beautiful, mysterious, dark green gemstone, and the alias fit her perfectly. We met briefly through the Internet, two strangers seeking refuge and companionship in eating disorder support groups. Soon after we met,in December, Chrissie hung herself. She had turned fifteen only a few days earlier.

I didn't know Chrissie very well. Now, I wish I ad gotten to know her sooner. People hide behind masks to prevent others from discovering who they truly are, and Chrissie was no exception.

I have but few precious memories of her, locked away in my heart. She always seemed bubbly. Life was an adventure to be explored and conquered. Often, I think of how Chrissie's eyes must have sparkled and been full of mirth. How she may have laughed: a light, carefree giggle or a huge guffaw. Chrissie seemed to be filled with joy, and she spread smiles to all who met her online. She had the ability to make me laugh, when all I wanted to do was cry. She really loved her boyfriend and thought the world of him. Her heart must have been huge, for I think she genuinely loved everyone she met. I feel as if I carry a small bit of her with me at all times.

Chrissie's mother, Kathy, and I have been exchanging letters for several months. I cannot even fathom the pain Kathy must feel now. She has lost her precious baby angel and deeply misses her each day. Through our correspondence, I have discovered more of the beautiful person Chrissie was and seen how Chrissie's brief journey on this planet change others' lives. Chrissie learned to speak, write, and read Japanese in order to help a classmate who spoke only Japanese. She learned sign language as a young child. Chrissie was also quite mischievous and would untie her friends' shoelaces at school.

Chrissie's eating disorder took over her life and eventually pushed her to the point where she took her life. Chrissie realized anorexia was not a game to play; however, she did not realize it would control her and create chaos in her life, instead of allowing her to control it and create some form of structure out of chaos. In the end, Chrissie struggled to stay alive, but her eating disorder was too powerful and killed her.

If any good has come out of Chrissie's death, it has been that I have learned several valuable lessons from her. Chrissie's demise has given me the strength and courage to seek recovery for my eating disorder. I do not wish to inflict such pain on my friends and family. On days when I struggle with suicidal or anorexic tendencies, I remember Chrissie and weep. I weep for the beautiful girl whose acquaintance I was fortunate to gain before she passed away. I weep for the pain I feel inside, and I weep for the young woman that would not blossom if I chose to follow Chrissie's steps. I have learned to weep for Chrissie, and in doing so have learned to weep for myself.

My purpose now in life is to spread Chrissie's story, hoping to prevent others from following in her footsteps. I miss her so much. I cannot bring Chrissie back, no amount of wishing will change the fact that Chrissie is dead. The hole created in my heart by her passing will never be filled. I only hope others will not make the same choice she did, an if they have already done so will seek the help they desperately need.

Written In Loving Memory of Chrissie by Valerie

"This June 27th will mark My Angel, My Sweet Lil Man's 18th Birthday. I Want to Give You all a little something In His Memory. I Know That He is With Each of Your Angels, celebrating with them the heavenly birthday's and angel dates that come and go. So With That In Mind My Dear Family and Friends, I Give You these gifts in his memory to use how you choose... From My Heart To Yours,
Pammi, 4 Ever Benjimans Momma"
Benjamin's Memorial Pages

This image above is a beautiful gift from Robbie Smith Memorial

This "touch of love" award is from Angels Are With Us

"Please accept these awards the first being the special angel award for your precious and beautiful daughter the second award is my mother to an angel award. The last being an award for your awesome site. You did not apply for this award but I feel that your site deserves it. What a special and loving site you have in tribute to your beautiful angel."

Rainbow Pixels Angel Wall

This beautiful image above is from Billie at Teddy Bear Treasures

"I visited Chrissie's website and it was beautiful, as she was. > > I would like to give you 2 awards, attached. > > I just know our beautiful angels have met in heaven..."

My Angel Chantel

Children's Christmas Angel

"I have created an award in Christopher's memory, and I would like you to have it for your site: From My Angel To Yours! I would be honored if you put it on your website. If you want to link the award back to Christopher's site, I would of course love that too.

It is my hope, and the prayer in my heart, that people will visit our memorial sites and see how suicide touches the lives of SO many people...leaving us heartbroken:("
Precious Memories of Christopher

Thank you to Theresa for this wonderful gift for Angel Chrissie's 17th birthday!

And these two images above are Christmas gifts for Chrissie from Theresa as well.

This gift above is from Carol in Texas.

These two gifts above are from Angel Skylier's mommy.
My Diamond in the Skye

This is a gift to Chrissie from Beth.

Our Angel Michael

"I wanted you to know after seeing your site, I feel it deserves some special awards.
I am honored to present them to you."


"Please accept my heartfelt sympathies at the loss of your beautiful daughter and this gift for her site. It's a beautiful tribute to a lovely girl. Blessings, Sharron."
My Home Page

Chrissie ~
Your life has not only touched my heart, but so many hearts.
Even though you suffered with so much illness in your young life,
you somehow managed to touch so many lives with love.
May you rest well in God's beautiful Kingdom
and share all of your love with those in Heaven
and those on earth.
Ann, Laurasmom

"The graphics were so beautiful on Your Angel's website
and I just had to give you My Beautiful Graphics Award
for such beautiful design and photographs.
May God always be with you and may Chrissie be waiting
for the day when you will once again be reunited.
May you all find God's peace
and may Heaven's light shine upon you always.
With Much Love and Prayers
Ann, Laurasmom"

In Loving Memory of Laura Ann Kimble

A friend can hear a tear drop.

This webpage is created
In Loving Memory of Chrissie Carrigan
on June 16, 2003
Last updated: December 11, 2006
© 2000 - 2006

Click on the Sailor Moon button below to send email to Chrissie's mom...

Click on the "Home" button to read more about Chrissie ~

Click on the "Back" button below to visit Gifts for Chrissie, Page Two ~

Please also visit Gifts for Chrissie, Page Three

Click on the "Next" button below to visit the special page
dedicated to Chrissie by her sister Trevia ~

Click on the butterfly below to visit the special page
made by Chrissie herself, to promote her poetry ~

And click on the button below to visit the wonderful quilt page for Chrissie ~

A big thank you to Rose Mary for creating the wonderful
angel bear background for Chrissie's page!

And thank you to my Bestest Buddy for fixing the photos
and some of the graphics for Chrissie's page!

Thank you also to Pammi for so beautifully framing Chrissie's photos, and to Karen for the wonderful "angel wings" image of Chrissie.

Andrew... Our Miracle, Our Angel

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Visit Maria's pages for her little Christopher at
Maria's Tribute to Christopher
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Angel Christopher
My Tribute to a Very Special Boy

This award is for ALL your lovely pages for Christopher and others.
Love: Marlene
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