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In Loving Memory of Shane Edward Jackson
August 2, 1977 - July 5, 2002

Look at this pic of Shane. It is the last one taken of him but it's not the best.
When I look at this picture he seems to be saying goodbye to me...

This letter is to my son Shane Edward Jackson. born August 3, 1977
and died July 5th 2002 of a drug overdose taking morphine patchs orally.

Shane I remember when you came into this world and I held you in my arms
and looked at your tiny face, my heart was full of love for you.
I looked down at you laying in that casket at your handsome face
and my heart was still full of love for you.
No words could ever describe the pain I feel at losing you
but God in his infinite wisdom must have needed you more than I.
Until I see you in heaven seems like an eternity to me,
everyday wondering how to make it until then.
You were never the smartest guy in the world, always impulsive,
but you were the most kindhearted and generous person.
I always thought you should have been in a different job
besides selling Kirby sweepers. But in the last couple years
I came to realize how much you loved it.
You could really talk the talk, charm the pants off most of them.
I want to tell you how proud I am of you now and always.
When your boss gave you the gold K pin from kirby
for selling 5000 sweepers at the funeral,
it was the most touching moment of my life.
Do they have kirby sweeper's in heaven?
Bet if they did you are selling like crazy.

Kelsey your daughter misses you as much as I do.
She started school this year but she really doesn't like it that much,
I don't think they have enough recess for her, sound familiar?
She drew me a picture of you with angel wings
and I put it in my scrapbook, it was so sweet.
I try to talk to her often to but nothing could ever fill
the void you left in her life.
Your sisters are doing fine they also miss you, everyone misses you here.
I didn't understand when they told me you had died
and I still don't understand, never will.
I am trying to cope with not having you in my life I miss you so much.
I miss your voice, your laugh, the very site of you
and touching you as I gave you a hug or kiss.

Mom and Shane in Florida.

I know that you have no worries or cares
where you are at now, but I'm still stuck here
on earth you know. I still worry about you the same way I did
when you were a little boy, I guess that will never stop.
Speaking of where you are, did you meet Jerry Garcia up there?
I can hear you now saying awesome!
I miss some of the stuff you used to say.
It seems like a dream to me that your gone,
and I just can't wake up. I don't know
when reality will hit me.
If you get time Shane give me a sign that your ok will you?
I met a nice woman that helped make this web site and
I wish you could see it. I am trying to do something in your memory
and I hope everyone will see it.
That's all for now Shane except I miss you! I love you!

P.S. Remember when you were little and I used to ask you
how much you loved me and you would say ten, ten, ten!
And you would hold up your fingers and wiggle them?
Well Shane I love you ten, ten, ten... Forever...

Most of the time I was the picture taker,
but here my fav pic is the one above,
where Shane is asleep on me.

He's Gone
Lyrics: Robert Hunter, Music: Jerry Garcia

Rat in a drain ditch
Caught on a limb
You know better, but I know him

Like I told you
Like I said
Steal your face right off your head

And now he's gone
Now he's gone, Lord he's gone
He's gone
Like a steam locomotive
Rolling down the track
He's gone, gone, and nothing's gonna bring him back
He's gone

Nine mile skid
On a ten mile ride
Hot as a pistol but cool inside

Cat on a tin roof
Dogs in a pile
Nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile

And now he's gone
Now he's gone, Lord he's gone
He's gone
Like a steam locomotive
Rolling down the track
He's gone, gone, and nothing's gonna bring him back
He's gone

Going where the wind don't blow so strange
Maybe off on some high cold mountain range
Lost one round but the price wasn't anything
A knife in the back and more of the same

Same old
Rat in a drain ditch
Caught on a limb
You know better, but I know him

Like I told you
Like I said
Steal your face right off your head

And now he's gone
Now he's gone, Lord he's gone
He's gone
Like a steam locomotive
Rolling down the track
He's gone, gone, and nothing's gonna bring him back
He's gone

Ooh, nothing's gonna bring him back
Ooh, nothing's gonna bring him back
Ooh, nothing's gonna bring him back

Another pic of Shane and mom from when he was little.

"He's gone," as originally written,
referred to the disappearance
of Mickey Hart's father, Lenny Hart,
who was acting as the band's manager,
with a good deal of money. Since then, the song has become
riddled with meaning, played often quite tenderly
when someone close to the band dies."
When I read this I knew this was the song... Missy (Shane's Mom)

Although Shane wasn't ever close to the band The Grateful Dead in body
he was close to them in heart.

Shane's mom made the image above as part of her scrapbook for Shane.
Thank you to Jackie for adding the text to this for Shane's web page.

Shane's Page

Shane's Family Album Page

Please click the button below if you wish to email Shane's mom ~

Remembering is a dream that comes in waves. - Helga Sandburg

Thank you to my bestest buddy, Rosemary,for help with the music,
some graphics and re-sizing some photos for Shane's pages.

Andrew... Our Miracle, Our Angel

A friend can hear a tear drop.

This webpage is created
In Loving Memory of Shane Edward Jackson
on October 1, 2002
Last updated: July 25, 2006
© 2000 - 2006

Visit Maria's pages for her little Christopher at
Maria's Tribute to Christopher
Angel Christopher
My Tribute to a Very Special Boy