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~*Sailor Moon and the Furby*~

It was a calm day at the Anime Hotel, and Sailormoon was practicing with her wand....


Sailormoon: Oopsy. Blew up another table...

......when a knock was heard at the door......

Sailormoon: *opens door* NO SOLICITO--oh, hi, Rini.

Rini: *looks around at blown-up room* Sailormoon, have you been singing again?

Sailormoon: 0_o I'm practicing with my wand.

Rini: *sweats*, can I ask a favor of you?

Sailormoon: Sure. *aims wand at window*

Rini: Can you baby sit my Furby? *BOOM*

Egad....not THAT furball.....

Sailormoon: *picks up broken glass from window* What's a--

Rini: OH! Thank-you! *shoves Furby into Sailormoon's arms and runs off*

So Sailormoon is stuck with a piece of fur-covered plastic, labeled E-V-I-L. No offense.

Furby: Lalalalalaa...


Sailormoon: THIS is a Furby? Why, it's nothing but a stuffed toy...

Little did SHE know......

Furby: FEED ME.

Sailormoon: GAH! *throws it at wall*

Furby: Owwy.

Sailormoon: I'll just...*scoots toward door*...go eat lunch...

Sailormoon goes to the Anime Cafe to eat her breakfast. The Furby is left ALONE in the room...


...okay. Anyway, Sailormoon is stuffing her face with crackers, when she is tapped on the shoulder...

Sailormoon: Rini? *spits out crackers*


Rini: Okay, I'm ready for my Furby!

Sailormoon: *blinik* Okay...I'll go get it....*scrambles to room*

Sailormoon ponders about the mysterious five minute errand Rini had, and runs to fetch the Furby, only...

Sailormoon: *GASP* WHERE IS IT??!! *tosses pillows aside, and digs in bed*

Kisusha: *pokes head in room* Hey, Sailormoon! I cleaned up your room! I threw away this funny looking hairball;

You should SERIOUSLY think about getting a bigger brush for your hair--*choke*

Sailormoon: WHERE IS THE FURBY! *squeeze* If you don't tell me, I will WRING YOUR NECK. In the name of love and justice, of course.

Kisusha: =0.0= ...garbage...KAACK...

Sailormoon: *drops Kisusha* THE GARBAGE!! *runs off*


Sailormoon: *digs* WHERE IS IT!! *tosses aside a banana peel*

Luna just happens to walk by...

Luna: SAILORMOON! What are you doing in the hotel dumpster? *blink*

HAA! Luna blinked! I won the staring con--never mind. *sweats*

Sailormoon: *sweatdroplet* I'm looking for.....the Negaverse.....



Sailormoon: THE DUMPSTER TRUCK, which leads to the DUMP!! *dives after it*

Luna: *blink* That girl has been shot by an evil ray one too many times......

After managing to cling onto the dumpster, (yuck), Sailormoon arrives at the dump...

Sailormoon: *gazes at heaps of garbage piled everywhere* Crud! I'll NEVER find Rini's Furby...


Sailormoon: *GASP* THE FURBY!! AND--


Sailormoon: --it got recycled...crud....

*fragments of fur float down*

Sailormoon: *sags* WHY does EVERYTHING get crushed when I'M around? I wish I could just....

...It seems that an idea is starting to get kicked into Sailormoon's brain...

Sailormoon: --YES!! *zooms off*


Rini: THANKS for baby sitting my Furby, Sailormoon! I thought that you'd probaly LOSE it, or something, so I came and got it early.

Sailormoon: *sweats* Yep.

Rini: Except, *glances at Furby*, I could've SWORN my Furby had black fur..not white..

Sailormoon: *sweats* Maybe it changes every season...