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Name: Amanda Jeanne Marie Drapalski

Age: 17

Birthday: October 8, 1986

Nicknames: Superman, Lupe, Mandy, Mandalina, Tender heart, Cookie Monster, Boss

siblings: Dawn, Kris, Mike, Joe, Katie, and Jess

Favorite Sport: Basketball

Favorite Superhero: Superman and Spiderman

Favorite TV Show: Friends :*(

Favorite Baseball Team: Yankees

Favorite Football Team: Ravens!

Favorite Actor: Adam Sandler

Favorite Books: anything by Mary Higgins Clark

Favorite Type of Movies: Chick Flicks, comedy, suspense (but not gorey flicks) and action

Favorite Flowers: Roses

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

Favorite Restaurant: Fuddruckers (What's better then burgers?)

CD in your CD player right now: Avril Lavigne "Under My Skin"

Hottest person of the opposite sex: George Stults (7th heaven)

Where would I like to travel to: Spain and Hawaii

Future Profession: Who knows?

When I'm sad: I cry

When I'm Mad: I get really quiet