If you need to know how to use the emulators, then go to the bottom of the page
Snes Emulators
Snes9XW - This is my favourite Snes emulator, its simple enough to use
Zsnes - Im not a big fan of this emulator but it does run the games well
Genesis (mega drive) Emulators
dgen121 - This is one of the best genesis emulators i know of, its simple to use
dosgen34 - This emulator, in my opinion is totally useless, but if anyone wants to use it then here it is
wgens099a - This emulator seems to be the best i have saw, i think it is equally as good as the dgen121
How to use the emulators
First off you need a program to zip & unzip files, i suggest winzip, if you do not have it then go to winzip.com and download the free version
If you have not done so already, download the desired emulator, i recommend getting DAP (Download Accelerator Plus) to download the files faster, and even pause them. Go here to download DAP
When you have the emulator downloaded, right click on the zip file and extract the files
When you have extracted the files, double click on the exe file (usually the one with the character icon)
Then to play a ROM, click on file, then go down to load ROM and select your ROM to play