Welcome to Shalimar and Millenia's Useless information! We have alot of......well......Useless Information! We've got the hang of Website making, but we still have a lot to do.But, the info we have is fun! And please feel free to email us your suggestions, fanfic and fanart once we get those parts running! And, once we do, don't take it personally if we don't put your stories or pictures up! We'll even try to email you with what we think they need! Make sure to return often because things are always changing!
Here is our beautiful, brand new tag board. Given time I'll make it prettier! Millenia's picture isn't here because I made it, ME! I am actually getting the hang of this .html stuff.
~~~~~~/Updates/~~~~~~~ Oct 19th: Well, really all I did was change the main pic to Bankotsu, my bishi from Inuyasha! And yes, I did discover him on my 114 episodes! I love him so much! He's so positivly evil! Anyways, that's it. I felt a need for a change. Also, check out my account on fanfiction.net. I've writted one story that I've posted and Shalimars written one. I put them on the same account cuz Shalimar doesn't have one. Anyway, the URL is: http://www.fanfiction.net/profile.php?userid=460065
Our Escaflowne Page! Show And Movie!
Our Inu-Yasha page!
People we think should die, not exist, etc.
Please sign our guest book
Our fan fic Page!
Our favorite sites. Check 'em out!
Our Poll. Yup. That's this page.
About Us, the webmistress'!
Email: shalimarandmillenia@hotmail.com