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Fantasy/Medevil RP

Fairika(Fair-ri-ka)She is a half Fairy, half Human. She has brown hair with blonde highlights, with icy blue eyes and sky blue fairy wings. She usually carries a magical staff around which can change into a sword. She knows very powerful magic spells and is also a skilled fighter. Fairika also has the ability to read people's minds. However she likes peace and doesnt enjoy fighting. Fairika is usually very friendly but don't get her mad, she can be very scary when she gets mad. But when she does fight she is a whole different person. Fairika wears a necklace with two rings on it and a braclet on her left rist, they seemed very special to her, given to someone that is special to her. She also has a pet named Fairishu its a small puppy fairy dog, hes very friendly, and likes to meet new peoples

( picture..but still messed and that's Yami Kaira on the want to find out more about her?...too bad...u'll have to RP with me)

Kaira(Kai-ra) has long blonde hair with cold blue eyes .She is a Fairy, but unlike other fairies she has black feathered angel wings. Kaira is usually wearing a black cloak hiding her apprence to others. She is one cold blooded fighter and her heart is only opened to those she trusts. Kaira has a few close friends Fairika is one of them, and Mokoto(keziahneotrainer) her feelings for him are more than just friends....She is a very skilled fighter and is very good with machines. She carries a long black sword on her back all the time, and is very skilled at using it. She never talks about her past and not alot of people know about her past except for those who are close to her and she never likes to talk about it. Kaira also hates Fairy Hunters and lost most of her trust for humans. To some peoples Kaira is very dangerous to be around. But to some she is a very kind and caring friend. Kaira has a pet dragon named Shadow. Its a medium sized black dragon with glowing Red eyes. He is really loyal to Kaira. And like Kaira he is very quiet.

(new picture of Slash!! heehee i like how i colored his demon wings! XD)

Slash is a friendly type. He's a shapeshifter, with silver spiked up hair with deep dark green eyes. In his human form he is clad in a light green tank top with black pants. Slash likes to help others, his only weakness is that he can be too kind sometimes. He is very protective with his friends, when his own life or his friends' life is threaten, Slash can either transform into a strong species(like dragons) or he would use his sword, he is pretty skilled at it. However, Slash does not enjoy fighting so he would not hurt anyone unless he is forced to. One of Slash's closest friend is Kaira. So therefore he knows all about Kaira's past. Slash usually stays either in his human form or his wolf form, in his wolf form he has silver fur and light green eyes.

Beyblade RP

Fairan (Fair-ran)has long dark brown hair with blue highlights, with skyblue eyes. She wears a light blue sweater with black jeans. Fairan is quiet, she usually keeps everything to herself. However, sometimes she can be quite friendly depending on her mood. Her Bit Beast is called Dragoleon(Dra-go-li-on), it's a dragon that glows dark blue with glowing red eyes. The attack ring of her blade is white with a dark blue outline, the weight disk is dark blue and the base can be switched to defence and attack and its white.

Final Fantasy VII

(A really rought sketch i did in 15min of Kiari..^^;...And she's suppose to be holding a materia!!)

Kiari (Ki-a-ri) long blonde hair with azure color eyes. Depending on how you treat her, she might be nice or really cold to you. Kiari's past is unknown, still she searches for her past. Kiari hates anyone to do with Shinra and she hates the Turks. Because of what they have done to her family. Having Jenova cells running through her blood, it is difficult for her to make friends. She trys her best to be friendly. She wears all black, a black tank top with black leather pants and she wears a black long coat over it. She usually wears light blue sunglasses to hide the color of her eyes. Kiari appears to be 18, she uses a sword(pitch black) as a weapon and her favourite materia to use is the Lightning materia. Kiari has a blue chocobo named Kumo.

Resident Evil

(Heh...I drew Riako!!! XD like her guns?...heehee blood everywhere! yay!!!)

Riako has long light brown hair, usually put in pigtails. She has dark green eyes. Riako wears light blue tank top with black jeans and a white trentcoat. Riako used to work for Umbrella Company under the command of wesker, but when she found out what umbrella was using the T-virus and G-Virus for, she stole them. And when threatening Riako to get back the Viruses, Wesker killed her family. So now Riako seeks revenge on umbrella company. Riako uses two hand guns as weapon, after her family got killed Riako worked for the S.T.A.R.S. so her aim is not that bad.

Chobits RP

Shizuki is a 16 year old teenager, she's in highschool. She has shoulder length brown hair and dark green eyes. She usually is clad in a light blue tank top and navy blue flare jeans. She is very friendly, but it's not wise to get her mad. Shizuki has a small(Sumomo's size) persocon. Her name is Ayaki. This persocon is very intellegent and learns very quickly. Ayaki is extremely friendly and loves to talk to other persocons. She has dark brown hair and is usually in pigtails with a dark brown hat over it, she has dark blue pesocon eyes. Ayaki is clad in a light green tank top and navy blue skirt, with black long boots.