Konichi wa everyone! This is Animako-chan here and I'm you journalist. Today I was hoping to interview of the mother of our beloved Marron-chan, Juuhachi-gou! I hope I can live through this! Luckily I'm part saiya-jin… *sigh* Well here goes nothing.

I knock on the door of the Kame house. An old man with a pair of black sunglasses and a tacky hawaiian shirt opened the door. ( Oh no I knew I shouldn't have worn this damn skirt! What a baka I am!)

" Hello Muten roshi, Is Juuhachi-gou here?" I ask politely.

"Yes she is. But why do you want to see her when you can talk to me come in and let's get alittle closer… hehe," He replies, his eyes not once moving up to look at my face.

" No thanks. I'm here to interview Juuhachi-gou for my website." I say alittle more irritated, "I called yesterday to make sure she'd be home. Now I wanta interview Juuhachi-gou and want interview, her NOW!" I yell blowing him over.

" Okay, okay, okay not need to fussy, little lady. Come on in she's in the kitchen I'll go get her," Muten Roshi said with a crooked smile. "Come on don't be shy, I won't bite……hehehe."

I flash him one of my patented evil glares and he seems to settle down a little. I walk into the kame house and shut the door behind me, then coutinue into the house behind the old pervert. Gazing at the walls I notice a whole bunch of pictures. There was one oh chibi Marron and her dad, another with chibi Marron and chibi Trunks who is blushing furiously, hugging. Awww.. how cute! Then a feel a small tap on my shoulder and I literally jump throught the roof.

" Hey!! Are you going to interview me or sit on my roof all day?" Juuhachi-gou says as I peek down into the beach house from the hole I burst throught.

"Oh Gomen Juuhachi -san." I say as I float down to where Juuhachi-gou was standing. "Gomen Nasai!!!! Gomen, gomen, gomen!" (Thinks: Please kill me someone I feel like such a baka) I yell histarically.

*SweatDrop* "It's okay I'll get the old man to fix it later, but anyway are you Animako?" Juuhachigou said.

"Yes that's me, call me Animako-chan, That's what everyone else does."

"Yes I remember your site is Marron's Little Cabin In The Forest right?"

"Yes….. How did you know???" I reply completely shocked that Juuhachigou knew about my little site to her daughter.

" What do you think I do on my spare time? Wash dishes and clean clothes??? No way! I make that pig Olong and the pig-headed hentai Roshi do all the work, but maybe we should sit down first so you can write this down or whatever you do." Juuhachigou said as she moshind for us to sit down in the living room. Me who was still dumbshurck just nodded my head and followed the female jinzouningen into the living room. I sat down on the couch and juuhachigou sat down in a chair.

"Now where were we?" She asked.

" We well how about we start with how do you know about my site and what do you think of it?" I ask with inquire.

" Well first things first I guess. I know about you site because when I'm not shopping or any of those mother things I'm suppose to do, I'm on my computer surfing the net. And about you site. Well I think it's quite good for just starting of I guess.."

"Arigatou juuhachigou-san. Well how about your Onii-san juunana-gou?"

"What about Niichan??" she replies alittle to snappy for my liking.

"Well um… *gulp* What do you think of where he lives? Do you think he should move into the kame house and live with you'se? Do you want him to be in Marron's life?" I ask neverously 'I hope this doesn't put me in the hospital.'

"Well first of all, I offered him a chance to live in the kame house but the ingratful bakayaro said no and went to live with the damn birds and bears. If he want to live with the F*%$ing bird then his own flesh and blood twin Nee-chan, then that's fine with me. (loses the evil killing look in her eyes) But I would like him to come and see Marron-chan, so that she knows she has some other family then her Tousan." She sighed.

'I think she sorta misses her Niichan. I don't think I should metion him again in this interview' I think to myself "Well anyway how do you like living here?"

"Well it's better than living in the damn woods!" she yells at no one in paticular.

"Oookay. Well… Oh here's a question I have alwayed wondered why did you marry Krillyn? I mean like he's a human, you're a jinzouningen. Was it like love at first sight?"

Juuhachigou crosses her legs and wispers to me to move my head to the lips so she can wisper something into my ear. She wispers something into my ear that makes the color drain from my face. 'Okay I didn't want to know that and I thought kamesennin was a hentai!' "Well anyway *cough* so what do you think of the relationship between Trunks and Marron?" I ask.

"What relationship?" She flash me her horrifying blue eye evil stare.

I unconfortable shift in my seat relizing, that I shouldn't have said that.

About half a blink later she's got me by the neck and I'm shoved agiast a wall. "What f*cking realtionship??!?!?! Tell Me NOW!!!" She yells at me.

"Well um..*cough* could you *cough* put me down?" I ask as sweetly as I can manage in this situation.

"Oh fine… But you damn tell me what going on." Juuhachi-gou let me go and I fell on my butt rubbing my neck in pain.

" Well," Relizing that I can't lie right at the moment I say, "Well I heard that Trunks and Marron have had a 'thing' going on and well.. umm."

"Is that all you know?" She grabs my tail and I cry out in pain.

"YES!! ….Please… let… me go….. the ….pain it…hurts…. Let.. go…of my..tail…" I beg as I cry in pain crouched up in a ball.

"Oh gomen.. *lets go of my tail* I'm going to have a long talk with that girl when she gets home, but I'm going to kill that boy!" she says as she powers up and brusts out of the house shattering splinters of wood and glass everywhere.

"Oh no! JUST DON"T TELL THEM I TOLD YOU!!!" I scream after juuhachigou. "Well I think this interview is over, drat I had more questions oh well I better leave before anything else happens," I power up and fly towards my appartment.


Well that's what happened with the little interview with juuhachigou. Oh and trunks he's healing in the hospital Because ofsome unknown attack by a blur with blond hair an seems, that seem to be a female and dressed in a fuzzy blue robe. I wonder who that could be? Well anyway I have one thing to say I have to make sure to keep my tail tightly rapt around stomach so no one can grab it. Well before I sign off lets see who I have to interview next. *filps throught the little book of people to interveiw* …. WHAT?? VEGETA???? NO!!! WHAT?? HOW CAN THIS BE!?!?! *note to self erect tombstone* Well this is Animako-Chan sighing off… (hopeful not for good *gulp*)

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