~Fluta Jai~
- Name: Fluta Jai
- Birthday: classified
- Place of origin:n/a, raised by Dr.J in L1
- Likes: singing, fighting, peace, swimming, making stuff, talking to Duo, and Angelwings(her Gundam)oops, and erm..kissing Duo!
- Dislikes: HILDE!!!, Oz, Mina, anyone she knows being hurt, screwy computers, and war.
- Fave Color: All but pink...
- Gundam's statz: 06 White, with blue winglets, a thermal energy glaive, and guns on the shoulders.
- Alias: The Goddess of love and destruction, and ShinigamiKoi
~Nahana Towani~
- Name: Nahana Towani
- Birthday: classified
- Place of origin:n/a
- Likes: Heero...heh heh...flying Gundam LightHawk, trying to get psycho spandex boy to say something other than, "Omae o korosu..."
- Dislikes: Relena, Oz, pink, screwy computers, and LACK OF EMOTION!!
- Fave Color: Baby blue
- Gundam's statz: 07 Yellow and Red with a white beamsaber and a small beam cannon...
- Alias: She won't tell me. *pout* Bet it's 'Wing07 girl' or something..
~Anja Ramon~
- Name: Anja Ramon
- Birthday: classified
- Place of origin:n/a
- Likes: fighting, and teasing Wu-chan, I mean, Wu-wu, AAAH, I mean, Wufei.
- Dislikes: HILDE!!!, Relena, Oz, weakness, Mina and lots more, but it would take ages to explain...
- Fave Color: n/a
- Gundam's statz: 08 Black, thermal energy triton, many guns...hee hee hee
- Alias: n/a
..go back home..