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[~>]name~>jen. [~>]age~> 17. [~>]fave color~> emerald green. [~>]LoC~>626 area in kali. [~>]grade~>seNior at LoS AltOS High

[~>]stats~>taKen. [~>]i will fall for guys if they are what i want. [~>]it gets a real sweetie to make me like them [<~]and ross is all of the above

[~>]i have changed since this incident a loong time ago. [~>]he made me realize some things about myself. so i am changing. not for him. for myself. [~>]i also have a barrier around me and the rest of the world. i have not let many ppl thro that barrier. so don't try too hard if i push u away.

[~>]i am. stubborn~>but not singleminded

i am.
afraid of the dark~>but not a wimp
i am. a
perfectionalist~>but not perfect
i am. a
good friend~>but i pick my friends carefully
i am. picky~>but have exceptions
i am. a
control freak~>but don't expect someone to listen to me
i am. a
pessimist~>if someone is good to me, then they want something
i am.
complex~>don't try to decipher me
i am not.
a typical azn girl~>don't sterotype me
i am not. to be pushed around~>i'm
my own person
i have. a
stone cold heart~>but have feelings
i have. a bad temper~>don't piss me off
i have. a
barrier around me~>don't try to break through it
i don't. depend on others~>they will
fail you
i don't. trust~>people lie
i see. black and white~>no grays

[~>]musik~>all types of musik, as long as i like it. [~>]fave ones~>Trance/techno. ff musik. chynez pop. mostly coco lee and a·mei. [~>]fave song~> coco- "listen one more time" a·mei-"cinderella." H.O.T.- "outside castle" liked the musik video

[~>]ideal perfect guy
|funny|easy to talk to|makes me feel better wen i'm down|good listener|understanding|enjoy being with|trustable|~>personality
tall[alteast 1/2 taller than me]|nice features|strong|built|~>looks are the first things i look for
mad rantings|random bursts of violence|shifting moods|~>has to be able to put up w/ me
[exceptions will be made]
ex. cute from inside out

[~>]to chat..~>chinxswty

[~>]dislikes~>ppl that start and talk pisses me off. ~>ppl that WrItE CoNsTaNtLy LiKe ThIs. ~>ppl that think they're all that. ~>obsessive ppl. ~>ppl that freaken annoy me [i get annoyed easily] ~>and a number of other things...

[~>]likes~>chatting. phone. talking. going online. working on my site. reading. writing. going out. anime. video games. snowboarding.

[~>]fave quote~>"ignorance is not bliss. ignorance is death"

<[~>]fave anime~>Dragonball Z (trunks is soo cute~!) ~>Cardcaptors (yue, li, and tori are sooo cute too~!) ~>Kenshin (sanyo, kenshin, and sanyo's master is cute~!) ~>Yu-Gi-Oh! (yami is pretty cute~!) ~>Spirited Away ~>X (Kamui and Fuma are hot) ~>Trigun (Vash is hot too) ~>Evangelion ~> Full Metal Panic! (Sagra Soukeke is freaken cute) ~> Pia Carrot ~>Street Fighter II (Ryu is cute)

[~>]how i've changed~> i'm no longer the boy crazy manic gurl i've been since i was in kindergarden until 8th grade. that was the year that changed me. that turned my world upside down. in 9th grade, this friend told me my flaws, the crazy way i liked guys. that changed me. our views are so alike that i've changed myself to try to be like that friend. tried to be someone better. now, it takes a real sweetie from the inside to get me to like them. i don't go around liking anyone that i don't know anymore. i'm more picky about my friends too. i don't need people that's going to drag me down in life. i don't need a guy that's going to drown my studies. i don't want to be around liars. i only need a couple of close friends. i don't juz tell anyone anything about me. i don't care for that many things in life anymore. if i tell u the truth and u bitch about me behind my bak, u think i care? i don't care what ppl think about me. all i need is to feel good about myself. that's all.

[~>]YES. I KNOW. I AM VERY HIGH MAINTANENCE. and very picky. BUT once u get to know me...i don't seem as critical, as mean, or as bitchy xP

[~>]i DON'T like~>ppl that LIE. to me or my friends. or BITERS~>It makes THEM look STUPID b/c WE know that THEY LIE. ~>I don't tell them b/c THEY KNOW that THEY LIE. ~>THEY can GO ON LYING.~>but IT'S POINTLESS b/c i already DON'T LISTEN.~>THEY can be BLABBING, but I DON'T CARE.~>it's TOO BAD FOR THEM b/c they LOOK like ASSES.

my job is not to please or impress people, rather, be myself