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Ain't Gonna Be

Look at that boy that just walked past.
He’s got the looks,
And is labeled Mr. FOINE.
But he’s also one of the
Greatest friends I have.

He’s sweet,
He’s nice,
He’s caring,
And he’s got good morals too.

But can’t he see how much I care?
Can’t he see that I want to be more than just friends?
Can’t he see that I know what he’s saying to other people?
Can’t he see that he should stop leading me on?
Cuz one of us is gonna end up hurt.
And it ain’t gonna be him.

All I want is someone that I care.
Someone with a heart.
Someone to call my own.
All I want is him.

But he’s out of my league.
Why would someone that perfect
Wanna be with someone like me?

He’s gonna like so many other girls.
And one of them,
Ain’t gonna be me.

I guess there’s nothing else to it.
I ain’t ever gonna be with him.
Maybe if he ever opens his eyes,
And finds me missing,
It’s cuz I ain’t gonna be there anymore.

Ain’t gonna be there…
No more, no less
Then just as a friend.

© 2000·02 AzN1x6FlAmE