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Good Friend. Best Friend

this poem is dedicated to everyone that i had drifted from. whether i still talk to you guys now, or not. i juz want u all to know that i have not forgotten about all you guys

Although you might or might not know it,
We're drifting apart.
I know we all change
So did our friendship.

We used to talk a lot,
But now, not as much, or never.
I've tried to keep the friendship alive,
But you did not seem to want to.

Good Friend. Best Friend.
Our friendship is over, for now
It might return to the same
It might never return.

Good Friend
We used to be close
We used to talk a lot
But now I find that
I can no longer talk to you.

I can no longer ask for your advice
I can no longer be myself around you.
I can no longer tell you about my days.
We can no longer share our friendship

Best Friend

It's been a while since we spent time
It's been a while since we've really talked.
You have your friends,
I have mine.

You were so innocent and little
When we first became friends.
We've had our problems in the past.
Problems that changed us, shaped us.

You are no longer that little innocent girl.
People ask me what happened to you.
They say you became corrupted
I say it's the people she calls friends.

And when you fall,
I'm the only one
That's going to be there.

Good Friend. Best Friend.
Time does not heal all wounds.
Time splits friends up.
Time drifts people away
That is how time heals wounds
That is how time opens wounds.

Good Friend. Best Friend.
We've been through so much things.
I'm glad I have known you
Even for a short time of my life.
It is sad how time separates us.
It is not the inevitable.
It is how our friendship ended.